This is awesome... Just awesome

This is awesome... Just awesome... rockpapershotgun/steam (Rock, Paper, Shotgun: Steam RSS)

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You mad, OP? Stop reading RPS.


No worries, neighbor! I was lucky enough to see this article crop up on my very own Steam game screen!



Jesus christ

you deserve to have to read that shit


Give THIS post a (You) if this image is always used at the wrong times and never the right

Why do we care
Let them do their own thing
They're not hurting people

My 12 year old sister just came home from her third day of class in a new school (she transferred) and said that some people from Planned Parenthood came by and taught the kids that gender is a spectrum and completely separate from biological sex

I mean I'm actually a supporter of PP and I do believe that the best way to help mtf/ftm trans people is to accept them as they'd like to be (we don't have any other viable solutions we've found) but jesus fucking christ, these are young children with no critical thinking skills being told by people who they will automatically trust that biological sex and gender have nothing to do with each other.

I mean I poke fun at people who blow this stuff out of proportion but that's actually spooky. They can't even wait until they hit puberty to start forcing this singular theory as a truth on these kids. Fuckin hell, boys

>Hannah took it upon themselves
even the writer of the article is confused about how to use their special pronouns

There are only 2 genders.

Everything else is a disease.


What people don't seem to understand is that when these genderqueer teens talk about what their definition of gender is, it's completely synonymous with gender expression, and gender expression is just the way you act. It is okay to act feminine. It is okay to act masculine. But none of them would be necessitating an alteration in the grammar used in reference to them if they weren't exposed to this nonsense and convinced that it's legitimate


Here is your complimentary (You).

Actually there is only 1 gender, male. Females should just be classed as sex objects or property

Is there a version of this where that's his actual face instead of just a mask?


>claim: the response from other players was overwhelming
>backup: two random ass tumblr comments

the mod shit doesnt bother me, but this blatant misrepresentation and abysmal reporting quality does. journalists are fucking cancer.

What is it with these people and indentfying with characters?
I'm perfectly able to disregard this shit and so should everyone else.

This. I've never met anyone who didn't identify as either male or female or just not really care either way and just went with one for convenience. This includes trannies.

Sometimes I wonder if these tumblrite retards are even real.

And now you are sharing it around, giving it more views. Nice job retard. You just got baited.

Bay Area native here

You have no fucking idea my friend

>MLP font

Also why am i needed to participate in others gender identity?
Stop forcing that on me for fucks sake

>Not linking archive
Totally not someone from RPS shilling for ad revenue here....

You are right. But this pronouns shit and going as far as to remove female and male when it's, infact, BIOLOGY? Not okay with this gender expression bullshit.
You are either a male, or a female, nothing else nothing more excepted if you got a genetics problem.

>there people on this website right now who don't have adblock up and running

its getting out of hand.
i can understand the pov of gays and lesbians, and all the other spectrums.
But as always they dont understand that people will not give a fuck as long as they arent confronted with it.
But instead they are shoving it in our face all the time, and thats the problem.
Just let it sink in slow, not force it down.


>Modded Stardew Valley

Wow I sure am mad about that, I don't think I can sleep tonight I am so mad. Yep, I sure am outraged.

I can't imagine the amount of extensive modding that must have gone into altering the game in such a significant way such as this. I'm glad someone had the balls to write an article detailing this triumph of human will.

Cycles son. Only this time progressivism has replaced religion. Tactics are still the same though, get the kids early so by the time they hit their late teens they will refuse to believe anyone or anything else. Throw in the work of the devil/racist/sexist plus the threat of being tied to the stake for uttering the words of them/spreading their curse to the rest of the village and job done.

user, I-I'm sorry...

Why does Sup Forums keep posting these shitty articles? Who the fuck cares? Are you faggots SJWs?

Whenever a new person moves into town, I know I always address them by their profession


Fags can't resist getting click baited with this shit
Ironically enough, it's precisely because of reactions like these that the faggots have more incentive to write those articles.

Grew up with 2 trannies in High school. One NEEDED to be referred to as him and changed their name. The other came out after we started going to the same college, and was a walking representation of tumblr. CONSTANTLY correcting people, making everything about HIM and being a compelte and utter douche nozzle. I wouldn't have minded him so much if he had been quiet about it and let people transition to calling him a her slowly, but no, he was a fucking twit about it, so fuck that asshat.

also a bay area fag, attending university.
Everyday is like a Tumblr post when passing by the humanities department.

That's it? So they basically just did a Ctrl + F and searched for pronouns? Why did this merit an entire article?



Why did this shit article merit an entire thread shilling it?

Remember the good ol days when degenerated were put in asylums and lobotomized?

>needing an excuse to shitpost on Sup Forums

You should know better by now.

This fills me with hope. Maybe one day Elder Scrolls modders will get the recognition they deserve for making games more sex-positive, and addressing feminist themes such as rape and objectification.

So I can finally play as an attack helicopter?


>There are only 2 genders.

In modern society people born because In vitro fertilisation, this make humans dont are defined by genitals anymore, since everybody are created in labs.
Studies say millennials are having less sex than previous generations did at their age, because they reject sex for reproductive proposes. "Two genders" is a obsolete idea of religious fundamentalists.

I know "man" and "woman" but add:

Oh boy, really?

This why english language need neutral pronouns.

>not knowing what impact font is

I fucking hate having a quick look for any updates or dlc and instead finding some bullshit cuck paper shotgun article sometimes only tangentially related to the game.

How do I make this stop?

The concepts of male and female are social constructs :^)

Only for grammatical reasons

I wasn't diagnosed with aspergers til I was thirty, when I was also diagnosed with depression which looking back i've had since my early teens. I try very hard to be a productive member of society, to relate to other humans, and to find a compromise between my perspective and the general sense of reality most other people seem to share.

I've played vidya my entire life and never once felt the desire for characters reflecting my experiences or personality. If these faggots really give a shit about that crap, they're even more divorced from reality than I am. Also I've never heard them standing up for people like me, not that I want them to, so they're ignorant hypocrites too.

Fuck them and fuck the media for giving them a platform.

How much representation do non-binary people have in real life? About 0.3%? Yeah that's about as much representation that they should get in games

>stardew valley only offered male and female gender identities

No, those are sexes.

There is no gender selection because gender as a concept separate from sex has no place on a farm. A farm is where clear and distinct sexes are an essential part of every day life and where gender is a term without any applicable meaning.

the world is made of ones and zeroes, yet everyone wants to be two

They are certainly number twos.

Theirs and its already cover it

I hope you felt immense embarassment after posting that.

One (you) for (you)

What games let you actually control attack helicopters?

>Instead of rallying against a developer to do something they do it for themselves

I'm curious about this too.


>they wrote an article on someone's modded in fetish

downvoting this

I'm happy they did something productive.

I'm (constantly, for many years now) sad at the state of vidya 'journalism.'


This is true.
I think I see less of it on KotakuInAction
But, Sup Forums exists soley to shitpost and vent into nowadays. After TOR people realized acting like a retard was more fun than actually discussing video games.


>having any shame
>on Sup Forums

nuclear strike and Soviet strike for the ps1

>people make mods to play the game they want
>I install and make mods to play the game I want to
So what's up here?

Learn how to formulate a sentence, you bumbling retard.


You could probably mod a weebshit VN to feature attack helicopters.


Except the problem here is that such an insignificant mod is getting media attention as a way for shitty outlets like RPS to virtue signal to everyone how progressive the modder is AND how progressive they are for praising said modder. Not to mention what said where "overwhelming" is contorted to mean two nobody usernames, thus being blatant misrepresentation.

Meanwhile, within the first week of Stellaris a mod that made the human race show mostly white portraits instead of being such a randomized grab bag of skin colors (which doesn't even make sense depending on your government type) was banned from several sites for being "racist". Now, why are fucking MODDERS being policed on what/how they can modify their games again?

nigga you don't remember those days because you're probably 15

>Sup Forums

in case you can't read, we're on Sup Forums - shitposting, not Sup Forums

you can cry about the boogeyman all you like tho, don't make it real

anyway here's the (you) since I only ever heard sjw shit from an actual dev, once

psychology student here, that's 100% true.

Why exactly are people getting angry at a mod?

She did that and it makes her and some other people happy. Great. End of story.


There are 2 sexes.

There are 4 genders, Cis and Trans versions of the 2 sexes.

Anything else is quite stupid though, agreed.

>Sup Forums - Transgender Discussion

What was it about stardew valley that got her hopes up? Was it marketed as a progressive inclusive game or something?

>have to pick cat or dog person
What if I don't identify to a mammalian pet?

Thanks doc

I had this happen with Rimworld and that hit-piece saying it enforced gender roles. It took a few weeks for the developer to release enough updates to kick it off of the news feed

Yeah, but no

Make your own damn mod.

If you make the pets trannies you'll even get media praise. Everybody wins.

>you can cry about the boogeyman all you like tho, don't make it real
You just keep telling yourself that.

What the fuck does "gender" mean
It seems to now be whatever made up bullshit special snowflakes want it to mean
I identify as a ubunto and my pronoun is reeee

>Girl name
>Doesn't want to be called a girl

Then change your name to Spatula or some gender neutral inanimate object, you dumb shit.

Yeah, this seems about right.
