Any video games that let me be a MOTHERFUCKING STARBOY?
Any video games that let me be a MOTHERFUCKING STARBOY?
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I Feel It Coming > Starboy
this x100000
i made a gm midi of it if uw ant to hear
Party Monster>Feel It Coming>Star Boy
I don't know what that means but post it
what does that even mean?
OVO and XO album fucking when? Take care v2 fucking when?
feel it coming is garbage, fuck you
Is this some Sup Forums meme?
Drake and Weeknd don't fuck with each other like that anymore because Weeknd didn't sign to his lable. Hope you like PARTYNEXTDOOR's garbage
I don't know man. Didn't drake bring out the weeknd to one of his concert few weeks back? He also made a shout out to the weeknd on more life.
Any video games that simulate the feeling of being a faggot mobileposter who makes non-vidya threads?
Are Daft Punk doing Alive 2017 or not?
they better fucking do it, i'd love to hear their tron and ram shit remixed along with their older stuff
>Dolphin porn.
Not this shit again.
Sup Forums Sup Forums simulator
>Liking rap music unironically
Thank you so fucking much for making me YouTube an absolutely dog shit song.
Why do these kids nowadays like monkey kong music?
Neck yourself cunt
party monster is TRASH
Sidewalks > Starboy
Trilogy > Starboy
>monkey kong music
ID like to see them before they retire. They seem like the type of people to do it early too.
Trilogy>any of this shit you bandwagon riding faggots are naming right now. Pop weeknd is his worst shit and youre faggots for liking it
Seems like he put you in the worse mood ah
Same reason they liked disco, rock and roll, punk, gangster rap and every other genre that becomes a phenomenon for a generation.
A better question is why you'd ask a stupid fucking question you clearly should know the answer to?
Go be hipster somewhere else
I don't think Starboy is bad but Trilogy is def his best work.
I'm not even being a hipster. His newest album is like a watered down poppy version of his old shit to allow for radio play
House of Ballons>Kiss Land>Echoes of Silence>Thursday>Starboy>BBTM
This is the first thread where I finally knew that Reddit has taken over Sup Forums. Sad to see this happen.
>The best song using the Trilogy sound is on BBtM
was actually gonna repost to say I changed my mind, people underrate kiss land heavily, that album is consistently really good and despite how amazing parts of trilogy are, kissland consistently stays at a better level imo.
it took you 7 years to realize congrats youre a fucking retard
The hills is the perfect blend between old weeknd and new pop weeknd too.