What do people mean when they say MMOs are "dead?"

What do people mean when they say MMOs are "dead?"

they are the realm of the dead, where damned souls go to consign themselves to pissbottling and Guild drama for eternity.

Mmos were a growing pain the multiplayer genre and aren't actually fun

The only good part was the social aspect which has since been replaced by a million different things

not alive

MMOs are shit, give me 5 reasons why anyone should care about MMOs or why they should still be around

kanye lives!

Anything with less than 8 billion currently playing is a colossal failure

Means devs are just copying things that used to work but don't work anymore.

WoW copied games and became popular and now everyone copies WoW. Action MMORPGs have been a step into the right direction and are doing alright but there's still a long way to go.

The genre has also yet to adapt to the current times when it comes to what the Chinks, botters, and RMTfaggots do to the economy in those games.

lel, molymeme is the first thing I think of when I see that image too.

because there's only like two of them.

MMO's are no longer fun because:
-every secret gets put into a guide/video
-need for ranked/PVP/competitive play
-everyone just wants to max everything as soon as possible
-community jacks up the prices of everything in auctioning markets
-Youtubers that only enter the community with the sole purpose of mocking players for Youtube views
-Everyone has an ulterior motive, people no longer play just to explore, help each other out, and socialize

los population

Wow and RuneScape right?

It's getting harder to make a good looking game with great gameplay on a tight budget for free.

Because people who still play them are dead inside.

Here's what I don't get though:

MMO's started out as Sandboxes, stuff like UO and SWG... where you're dropped into the world, you're not a hero, or anyone important, and you basically get your ass handed to you.

Then Themeparks came along, made you the hero of a "story", held your hand, and because of other players (ironically) took out all the interaction with them (why be an MMO then?) so they failed.

Then Survival shit cropped up with DayZ and the billions of clones that were flavor of the month top games on Twitch. BUT Survival shit is basically just the one distilled aspect that the original sandbox MMOs had.

So why not just... make a Sandbox MMO again? Like, a good one. Isn't it obvious that's the

fuck, I hit submit accidentally like a retard.

...Isn't it obvious that's the direction MMOs need to go?

Instead we've got Funcom making shit like Conan Exiles... crappy little servers with 40 people on them doing simplified versions of what we used to do in MMOs decades ago in stuff like Shadowbane and even Funcom's own old MMO Anarchy Online had some base building/attack thing in one of its expansions.

What the fuck is going on?! Why are both players and devs taking so many steps backwards?

This will probably just end in shitposting but I do recommend Elder Scrolls Online. It's one of the few MMORPGss that does MMO right. You have huge PvP battles, lots of players in the world's environments, reasons to travel between many cities and locations and everything is filled with stuff to do. Took them a while to get it that far though, on release it was dogshit and I came back this year to get pleasantly surprised. Kinda rediscovered the genre this way after thinking MMOs are dead to me after years of suffering through all that creatively bankrupt EverQuest themepark style trash that makes 90% of the market.

Back then graphics were a lot simpler so it was easier to implement good gameplay. Now the standards for graphics is a lot higher so good gameplay has be to sacrificed.

Shit's stale

This isn't a problem with eve.

I never understood the appeal of MMOS anyway.

>a bare bones single player game you can "play" with others