Does hollywood just not understand fucking source material?
Or do they just not give a fuck thinking they can make a quick buck off of nostalgia?

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Maybe he wants to adapt the protomen storyline.

I'd be okay with that.

Dredd was pretty excellent

>hearing cartoony protoman saying fuck every 2 scenes expecting to be taken seriously
do you really want this?

>Doroctu Rightto we need save the world fom wrywree
>u rite my nigga u rite. Strap up.

Is this real?

Dredd was dope but this guy needs to fucking kill himself if he's serious.

What a fucking moron. Remind me not to take this guy seriously ever again.

Wheres the "JUST DO IT" Gif with Shia Le Bouf when you need it ?

But what if it's loosely based off of the Protomen albums? I mean, Mega Man is an IP that is surprisingly flexible with how you can lay out the origin stories, so an R rated movie could end up being a sleeper hit if it's handled with care.


>re-imagined WHAT... WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOR scene with more blood and gore
I kind of want to see it but I wouldn't pay for it.

Megas > Protomen

Closer to the source material and they don't take themselves as seriously. History Repeating Red is top tier.

Protomen, not Protoman

80s Arnold-style action movie with Bad Box Art Man?

>thinking they can make a quick buck off of nostalgia?
Going for the R means limiting the box office before the movie is even finished being made. Ignoring source material and trying to bank on nostalgia would be like making a PG-13 DOOM movie. This is the opposite of that. this is taking the source material and trying to make something different out of it. If you want a straight adaption of Mega Man, just watch that awesome cartoon from the 90's.

Mature content doesn't have to mean tits and saying fuck over and over again. that's usually what it ends up being, but it doesn't have to be necessarily.






Quick, someone repaint every frame of Dredd so Dredd is wearing blue instead of red.

And maybe a giant Wily mustache over Ma-ma.

Given the line up of what movie interpretations of video games have been up to this point, you can understand why exactly I'm not super enthused about what they're trying to do here.

we are the deaaaaaaaaaaaaad


I'd watch it.

Do you really expect these fucks to have an idea what that is? Can't be helped.

>literally who shitty news site inflates some minor statement and every retard explodes

then you would probably really enjoy Running Man.

>Robocop but Mega Man instead
can't end up worse than GitS

Why can't they just do it like the Speed Racer movie?

Sadly, the recent success of R-rated superhero movies has motivated idiot suits to think, "If we make ____ IP into an ultra-violent flick, it'll sell as well as that Deadpoolman the kids are talking about." The wrong people are trying to twist the wrong properties into cash cows for the wrong reasons, but nobody will stop them because these are people who surround themselves with Yes Men and kiss assess.

Megaman does have some pretty dark lore
it could work

Is anyone fucking sick of Classic Megaman?
You have X, Zero AND ZX to make a "Hard-R" 2dark4u Megaman movie, but nooo, every thing has to be about Rock, his shitty siblings, Santa Claus and Dr Wawee

X, maybe, but not classic. Darkest it got was with Super Adventure Rockman and it was tame enough to most likely receive an E rating had it reached the west.

i hope everything turns into capeshit

So a guy wants to make a R-rated Mega Man movie. You know it's never going to happen, so why get mad about it?

Everything revolving around Protoman's melodrama and Mega Man's questioning of his own programming is pretty rich for man vs machine type storytelling.

You could easily make an R rated film off Mega Man X.

Not regular Rockman tho. I can't even think of an interesting way to even make a Rockman movie that isn't more capeshit

I'd rather have a protomen rock opera on stage.

Make it based on the between time of the classic and x series.

Adi Shankar is a fucking joke, outside of the Punisher short film he's done nothing good.

>Is anyone fucking sick of Classic Megaman?

No because Classic has a much more consistent quality than the X games, which dropped off hard after the first fucking title. Some of the character arcs like are also vastly more interesting than ZERO NO DON'T DO THIS WE'RE FRIENDS, SIGMA'S THE ENEMY LET'S KILL HIM AGAIN you stupid faggot.

>gritty super mario bros gets made
>shitty resident evil movies get made
>shitty doom
I got pages of these, i can go on if you want.

Did you not fucking play the MMX series? People died, were decapitated, there was commentary about war and mental heath, and Zero ripped about numerous reploids/androids with his bare fucking hands.

MMX was brutal as fuck

The only good thing to come from a video game movie.

Theoretically it COULD be done. It'd be difficult and would have to be very delicate work, but it could be done.

the thing is though they are re-interpreting the classic megaman story arc, not the X series.

Enward Hard-R

>MMX Story
>X4 has Zero remembering his awakening, mauling Reploids left right and with his hands covered with their remains

So this... is the writing power... of a business man... sugoi

So, the point being made is that the source material is being ignored in favor of a gritty reimagining. that applies to SMB, but RE and DOOM were themselves already adult oriented properties. If you have more actual examples of simple, kid friendly games getting made into gritty/realistic R movies I'd be interested in seeing what they are.

>take a childhood memory
>turn it into Mature because fans are now grown ups
Because when I was a kid I always wanted Megaman to be too mature for my taste

I don't have a source so I don't know if he means the original Megaman or just the Megaman franchise


Protomen Game:

First half of the game. Beat some robot masters then you fight and beat Protoman.

Second half you beat the rest of the robotmasters then Wily.

First half you get flashback levels to Protoman fighting MM1 robot masters

Second half you get flashbacks where you play as Light avoiding Wily's grasp and working with joe.

Game would play like Vanquish.

You got MMX4

>MMX was brutal as fuck

No the fuck it wasn't. To put it into this guy's words: It was a soft PG-13 at its darkest.

People entertaining the notion of grimdark themes in the MM franchise need to realize that they want a different franchise.

it's literally an offhand quote, he just says megaman

>take mega man name just to make Dredd movie because they cant use the Dredd character anymore.


>is a "director ignores source material in order to make edgy mature version of childhood cartoon/videogame just so they can say FUCK" episode

enough to be an R-rated?

They're pretty okay, but damn it, there's something off about the lead singer's voice. It's too flat.

I would be open to watching this more than a pure Megaman movie. MM fans are autistic.

That'd be great. Dredd was a great film.

I'd be game for a Mega Man film like it. Imagine a Zero movie that's like Rogue Trooper, where he wanders the wastes and helps out soldiers occasionally.
Or yeah, he could do Protomen. It'd be good.

What film

R-rated doesn't mean grimdark at all
If a live action Zero mauled some guys to death it would be R-rated

Why is it so hard to adapt a fucking video game to movie? Fucking Clue has had a movie, TV series and fucking books!

>dark reimagining
i hate that word

if that picture is actually real, i would assume it was from the king of fighters movie.

directors like adapting setpieces instead of concepts

I don't know where these people are coming from. do they not remember when Zero got chopped in half and blood came from his mouth? Or when he sliced "robots" apart and blood burst out? Or the storylines of X and Zero? Mega Man's a massive franchise. It's not just wacky 8bit man (though some people prefer him that way), he shouldn't be restricted to a singular interpretation from the first six games.

I'm not gonna lie, Mega Man would not be the worst choice for an 'edgy' re-imagining. The Protomen and Megas show you can do stuff with the premise.

I thought Tomb Raider was a pretty decent adaption.

it will be glorious

i am sonyg th hedhogs
fuck robbutnuk

ok this doest look to ba-
>live action and cgi
dead on fucking arrival.

Ariga Kitamura always thought of the character as having some pathos, what with the killing his brothers and all. The Megas and Protomen merely mine what's already in the games. People going nuts over the idea of an R-Rated Megaman should remember that there's six different series with different tones and stories; they're not trying to pull a Pac Man. It's closer to Batman or Godzilla really; plenty of different interpretations that people pick from. I say they should go ahead.

>Sony's 'Sonic the Hedgehog' Movie

What the fuck is going on with Sony's movie division? It's like they're at the track and exclusively betting on broken leg horses being taken out back to be shot. The one smart choice they made was partnering with Disney for the Spider-Man/MCU crossover but I was just reading they're thinking of pulling out of that deal after just a handful of movies as well.

I think youre missing the "hard-R" part.

the killings you mentioned can easily be in a pg-13 movie though. unless for whatever reason you think a person showing some blood means it has to be R rated.

did you know the walking dead is pretty much considered PG-13?

It sounds like an amazing idea fuck you faggots. Imagine a Robocop style take on Mega Man. A man who gets gunned down in the line of duty and comes back to defeat Dr. Wily and the Robo Masters. It can be a heroic battle of the elements seeing him take out a new set of enemies in multiple environments.

>People think an adaption of an interactive medium with low standards into a non-interactive medium with high standards is going to be good.
Literal retards with zero critical thinking skills.

Sony's movie division is creatively bankrupt, it's been known for years. Reminds me of the e-mail leaks where some guys where discussing how to approach the new Spiderman movie before the Disney deal, they wanted Peter to be more hip and make a lot of pop culture refereces and memes.

Underrated post.

A violent MM movie wouldn't help the franchise, since the last few Mega Man games that featured Mega Man (9, 10, Powered Up!) were all retro or cutesy. I agree with another user that Mega Man X would make more sense for an R-rated film. Hell, even Mega Man Zero. Capcom doesn't seem to care about MM, though, so any money they can wring out of him must smell like good money to them.

This is why we need copyright laws reworked. Large corporations hold too many IPs hostage.

>I literally want Robocop

This basically sums up every post in support of this awful idea.

You. Don't. Want. Mega Man.

Doesn't help that Sony's movie division is creatively bankrupt

>Mature content doesn't have to mean tits and saying fuck over and over again. that's usually what it ends up being, but it doesn't have to be necessarily.

That literally is what constitutes an R-rated movie you dumbo. What the fuck do you consider an R-rated movie then?? Blood doesn't even do it any more and can be found in my PG-13 movies, case in point Ghost in the Shell.

You couldn't get away with the reploid gore in X4, or the massive blood spatter in the Zero games in a PG-13 rating.
Walking Dead is definitely not PG-13, though. The MPAA is restrictive about what can be PG-13.

back to redddit with you, fedora.

I want Mega Man like Robocop, fuck you. Robocop can't take his enemies abilities.

>soundtrack is Act 3

Megas have been gettin gprogressively darker with each album too.
History Repeating ends with Dr. Light basically three inches from building a Light Machine and taking a go at trying to kill Wily himself

I don't think you guys really understand what happened with the R ratings for superhero movies. Deadpool was a risk. Fox took the risk because they could make the movie a lot cheaper than the standard super flicks. Most people working on the movie took much less that they usually do because it was a passion project. Fox made a low risk/high reward decision. This payed off in a big way and that same studio, wanting to mirror that previous success and seeing the opportunity to keep it within that same established universe, signed off on the R rating for Logan. It's easy to over simply it and make up these aw shucks executive yes men, but there's a clear genesis of this particular phenomenon.

Sorry pal but The protomen are more interesting even if they suck Bruce Springsteen and Queen's cock.

I still like the Megas hell I even own Megatainment and Get Equipped on disc but they don't make anything new other than lyrics and im not sure literally talking about Metal Man dancing with blades is the best way to write lyrics for a lack of fantastic example.

So then you'll get a robocop that can take his enemies abilities.
I bet you kickstarted mighty no.9, didnt you?

Not him, but an example R-rated movie would be Don't Breathe where it had little nudity or swearing, but still got it anyways. Or Babadook. I don't know why people think an R Rating suddenly lowers a movie's dignity.

The latter.

I did actually

No, I still got Mega Man. You are beyond saving child.

>Oh no, R rating means it will be all fuck and tits!

Did no one see Dredd?

yes but Deadpool and the X-men series, especially with logan, could go to those darker places and come out with a good story and thus, a good movie. This movie is just going to be a shameless cashgrab to try and capitalize on nostalgia and edgy 13 year olds thinking they're gonna get a good movie. its literally the transformers formula except with megaman instead of optimus prime.

You don't give them enough credit. Both of their MM3 albums blew it out of the park with their covers of the in-game tracks and while some of them are still silly in true Megas fashion, other tracks are GOAT.


there's no R in Merrgr Mern.

Case in point then.