I really like castlevania. Used to be my favourite franchise. Hope it dosen't kick the bucket like megaman
Is it just another scam?
Well, fuck.
>formerly from large company
>nostalgia bait game
It has the signs.
yeah things aren't looking too bright.
I'm still mad they ditched sprites.
Sprites gave the CV games an aesthetic appeal that I have quite frankly yet to see replicated. Using 3 models just made everything look bland and mesh together.
Dawn of sorrow was honestly the last castlevania done right. Hoped they'd take cues from that game.
At the very worst it will be as good as the DS Metroidvanias.
Sounds like you're setting yourself up for dissapointment user.
>shitposting Sup Forumstard tells you exactly what you want to hear
The visuals are already inferior to the handheld metroidvanias.
>I'm still mad they ditched sprites.
They never promised sprites, you fucking imbecile.
You are being incredibly melodramatic if you sincerely believe at all that the visuals are worse than Circle of the Moon or Harmony of Dissonance.
And dosen't change the fact that the game looks very bland, sprites are better suited for castlevania.
>There was a time when we couldn't have a Bloodstained thread without legions of Yooka-Laylee fans insulting everyone and telling us how Yooka-Laylee was the ultimate game to end all games and that donors should refund their Bloodstained donations and give them to Playtronic instead
Funny how times change.
Like Yooka Laylee, it's going to have all the same flaws the original did. It would be a modern re-imagining of the series, it will be the same goddamn thing.
Expect featureless hallways filled with copy pasted enemies. Expect 90% of the equipment you find to be gimmicky useless shit. Expect Iga to somehow continue reusing SotN assets.
CotM looks fantastic, what don't you like about it?
Spritework only worked thanks to screens as a whole having small resolutions.
I'll rather have 3D models than overstretched pixels. Especially given how the times of SNK-tier spritework are long gone.
I personally don't mind. I just want another Metroidvania-like game, flaws and all.
When has this EVER happened, aside from extremely blatant falseflagging?
Even then, not like it's any better now that we have a whole legion of TORtanic doomsayers who want this game to fail more than anything just so they can laugh about the entire trifecta of big Kickstarter games all doing poorly. We'll probably never be able to discuss this game properly ever again, unless the game releases and actually turns out fantastic.
Circle of the Moon only has artstyle going for it. Its actual sprites and animations are extremely primitive and clunky. Compare Nathan's animations to Soma's in Aria of Sorrow, there is an absolute world of difference.
Mighty Number 9 failed
Banjo reboot failed
rule of three
>When has this EVER happened
It happened on every single thread.
I eventually stopped browsing the Bloodstained threads until YL was released so we could have something resembling an actual discussion.
Especially given how the times of SNK-tier spritework are long gone.
It still hurts
Show me a single example.
Igarashi will deliver a little better than Inafune. If nothing else, he at least understands that whatever relevance he has as an ex-Konami alumni is tied into his ability to deliver on a spiritual successor to the franchise which made him a brand name... Unlike Inafune.
Plus, the games he's produced and written for have all been pretty good, quality-wise. Not the greatest, but he's been consistent.
If all we get out of Bloodstained is a decent Metroidvania, that's money well spent.
Circle of the Moon looks like dogshit with repetitive, bland, and altogether uninspired backgrounds. I liked the game,
Everyone keeps bitching about "my sprites", when we wouldn't get anything as beautiful as the image you posted. Instead it would be shit like Undertale (not saying the game itself is shit, but the spritework is even more elemental than the one from a NES game).
Does Sup Forums even have an archive anymore?
Sprites would be tough to swing when you've got to prove your budget - the DS castlevanias were cheap sprite wise due to rampant re-use of prior assets, while nowadays the skillset to make good sprites is rare, and would definitely cost more than an equal amount of 3D stuff - 3D also has the added benefit of being easy to animate and add more poses to.
3D is just cheaper and scaleable, they're making an 'HD' game, sprites would be too expensive, or would only look good on mobile versions.
The first 4 Metal Slug games, the ones that Sup Forums tends to collectively cream themselves over in terms of Spritework, had no development put in from SNK themselves. They were created by a ragtag group of Japanese devs from Irem that called themselves the Nazca Corporation. Metal Slug was a huge outlier even in its own time. Of course there will never be "SNK-tier spritework" again, that level of spritework didn't exist even then outside of the few games made by extremely dedicated small teams working on labors of love like Metal Slug.
tl;dr, Judging all spritework by Metal Slug's standards is like judging all diners and restaurants by The Fat Duck's standards, since Sup Forums loves food analogies so much.
This shit was literally only possible because they paid artists peanuts.
Same goes for super-detailed shading in 80's anime that everybody fucking pisses themselves over.
They got away with it because the people that did it loved to do it and did it for the art, while being able to scrape enough to make it. Those times are over.
Fireden still exists, fagtron.
Sorry, I only work in burger analogies. Can you rephrase that?
to get SNK spritework again you need to find someone stupid enough to want to make SNK spritework and get paid almost nothing for it
I wish projects as great and well done as AM2R existed for other series like Castlevania.
For Bloodstained, I'll be satisfied if it's as good as the worst Castlevania Iga made. Not expecting too much here.
>Banjo reboot failed
Other than (((review sites))), I think it worked perfectly.
Imagine judging stone-cold sober McDonald's by the standards of Harold and Kumar-high you having Whataburger for the first time.
That's what comparing realistic spritework to Metal Slug spritework is.
Still looks better than shitty 2.5D.
No it fucking doesn't, cunt.
Not really.
2.5D doesn't look bad.
There's a few Castlevania fangames that are pretty good
Look into the Touhouvanias and Serio's Castlevania Fighter.
Wouldn't mind the 3D render if they had some effect to make it look like it was more sprite-like.
Can't be fucked to keep up with developments for kickstarters, I wish they would leave a bulletpoint tl;dr at the top of their emails.
Don't worry my friend, because the best Metroidvania of the year is already out.
Already seen those. Pretty cool, but not in the same exact category of "full game you could confuse for being an official game". Like, imagine if we got another Castlevania that looks, plays, and follows the story of the other recent 2D Castlevanias, but it wasn't made by Konami, and it was free.
Is it that good?
from what ive seen it looks great
The gameplay for that one seems great, but unfortunately for me, I have shit taste. For some reason, I can't get over the art style. Something about it makes me not take the game seriously. Like maybe it's too cartoony or something, not sure.
I wouldn't consider the touhouvanias all that good.
They have good production quality, but they're pretty lacking outside of the boss battles(not unlike touhou itself though, so that's probably fair.)
I haven't played it, but I'm not a fan of the main character. The typical "big-headed kid" archetype doesn't seem like a good fit for a game that looks like it's going for a Soulslike atmosphere.
It's an artfag indie style that tends to grate after you see it so many times.
It also has an issue in that most games with this kind of style are very careless about color and light/shadow contrast.
play the demo and find out
Yeah it definitely feels like the atmosphere is a bit confused. I mean, I think I could probably come to like "cartoony grimdark" styles, but something about how they did it here doesn't jive with me.
That might be.
IGA seems on point, at least. The devs he's working with are pretty trash though.
I'm expecting it to be the best out of the 3 revivals, but a bit disappointing all the same