Things you can say about your favorite game but not to your girlfriend

>things you can say about your favorite game but not to your girlfriend

>You exist

It exists

It will never cheat on me.

Literally same reply every thread

inb4 /thread fbpb

I'm glad I got it for 5$

I'm happy when I'm with it

The replayability is high.

Whose Line has been my job for years now!

I'm sad more people don't enjoy it

Well what the fuck do you expect?

>to your girlfriend

Can you fucking morons read, to and about do not mean the same fucking thing, we get it, youre kissless fucking virgins but that joke stopped being funny years ago

It gets better every time you play!

Now where were we, let's try a new one

> about your favorite game

OP just fucked up

>Stop being funny years ago
h-haha, yeah that joke is really getting old now haha

if it wasnt for drew carey we wouldnt have the greatest sitcom OF ALL TIME

>tfw i thought mimi was drew carey in a drag

You've aged well.

It's time to end this


it was more fun when i was a kid

Never get tired of it.

great replay value

wew lad

I've have it

the game actually pays back what it's worth

I love renting it, beating it, then returning it

>This was totally worth $60
>If only I could spend more time with you
>I can't wait to share this with my bros
>no way a nigger would be able to play this
>this is totally fap material
>I've diddled with this so much I'm getting hand cramps
>fuck this, I'm quitting