Playing through MGS5 for the first time

Playing through MGS5 for the first time.

I killed Quiet, because I think hypersexualized design in video games is immature and uninspired, and holds us back as an artistic medium. Probably the first time I made a decision in a video game based on personal politics.


>holds us back as an artistic medium

Bullshit. We all know that there is no vidya on Sup Forums

So you're gay, cool


You fags ready to admit it's easily in the top 3 yet?

No? Ok.

Murdering women because they're pretty is your personal politics?
I like it.

>and holds us back as an artistic medium
Isn't the point of art to be able to express yourself, however you may be? Art doesn't need or have to validate your thoughts or ideologies, and it's not less art than works that does.
But I know you're baiting here, so I don't know why I bother.

Don't forget to neck yourself later.

Sure, whatever?

Did anyone find the option to kill Quiet a bit arbitrary? For one it's literally the only moral choice in the game and it doesn't even make much of a difference other than locking you out of some content later on.

I think it's more arbitrary that the games removes her from your staff by the end without your consent.
It's good that we can have her back now, but it's kinda non canon, and that rustles my jimmies.

You have a poiny but.. this is bait

i kept her alive because of her big titties

i didn't have any regrets about said titties

>Isn't the point of art to be able to express yourself

Not in modern Western society. The point of art is to fucking think like we tell you to. ONE OF US.

>killing Quiet
Enjoy your gimped, non-canon story and not being able to unlock the final chapter of the game.

>locking you out of some content later on
You mean the fucking ending of the game?

If you found out why she dresses as she does, I'm betting you will be ashamed.

And people think that SJWs aren't authoritarian

>the ending of the game
user, that was cut entirely.

>Game where you play as a literal war criminal
>Get offended by attractive female character

op just confirmed he is a homosexual

congrats on the coming out op.

honestly i don't even think you need to be a SJW to think quiet was a stupid character with awful design.

>Enjoy your gimped, non-canon story and not being able to unlock the final chapter of the game.
but i didn't kill quiet and this still was the case

but that happens either way

>Did anyone find the option to kill Quiet a bit arbitrary?

If you don't kill her an attack jet from Cipher tries to shoot your helicopter down over the ocean. The only way Big Boss survived the encounter was because Quiet there to shoot it down.

If you DO kill her the attack never occurs. What the fuck Kojima? Literally two pointless scenes - the shooting her scene and the jet attack scene. In a game that is already missing important things to have two cutscenes that are obviously a waste of development time is just absurd.

>hypersexualized design in video games is immature and uninspired, and holds us back as an artistic medium.
No, politics hold the medium back from an artistic point of view. Art is freedom of expression, even if said impression offends you.
Now get lost with your bait.

>politics hold the medium back
>unless your game is redpilled :) then that's ok

Haven't played MGS5 but I've seen enough videos to comment.

I'm from /k/ and find her design absolutely ridiculous and stupid.

That being said, I'm a guy and she's fucking hot; I've had 3 good faps to her. I'd probably keep her around to fap to.

Fuck off retard.

you are not good at reading comprehension, are you?

Of course not. The design is beyond retarded. Getting your jimmies rustled over it is another thing.

racist nazi

Metal gear designs were never normal. Also hyper sexualized designs make a lot of people happy so fuck off.

>Metal gear designs were never normal

But they weren't fucking retarded.

It made sense that sniper wolfs mom was a pretty girl tho

quiet turned me ghey

depending on your pov, yes, they've always been fucking retarded. in the same way, they're still not retarded now.

Name three (3) designs that were as stupid as Quiet.

belts belts belts

I hate how you have to carry a hip weapon, fucking bullshit.

>Killing a woman because of what she wears
Uh, sexist much?

Quiet is a cute! CUTE!

>you're not allowed to design characters I don't like!
If anything is holding /VIDEO GAMES/ back as an artistic medium, it's this attitude.

What's destroying the medium is the massive and looming influence of politics in the art form. Constantly imposing constraints on art from a political influence is inherently bad. Being political in a game isn't inherently bad, nor is being apolitical. But when the cultures surrounding art begin imposing artificial rulings on acceptability in the medium it's bound to turn it into a pile of steaming shit by gentrifying and formalizing it until it's nothing more than an indistinguishable calcified heap that has no value to the whole of culture.

it's not better than any of the original trilogy though... you want to argue it's not as bad as it is? sure, but it'snot touching the trilogy.

If she was barefoot it would've made more sense, but the boots ruined it, I say this retrospectively, as frankly I'm partial to her design. Really I still am, but the boots make her "Loud".

I killed her expecting a different ending or at least some changes in story.
What a fucking letdown.

jokes on you sjw, she's legitimely strong and independent.

>Also hyper sexualized designs make a lot of people happy so fuck off

what is your point here? lots of weird/deranged/unacceptable shit makes people happy

>unironically playing msgv in 2017
Nice bait

well it's your money so do what you want with it. Hope you enjoy the game.

so my only choices are:
-stunted manchild who is sexually attracted to video game characters


The attack can be justified as being precipitated by capturing Quiet.

She's a serious liability captured alive.

Alternatively, depending on your thoughts on rewrites, It's possible the attack was an setup to ingratiate Venom to Quiet.

At this point however, it strictly doesn't matter: A half finished story rarely makes sense.

>quiet is a plant
>needs to expose skin
>quiet is also a fem fatal that's trying to seduce and kill big boss


not even to the thread but how the fuck were people so assblasted about this.
Even so called "fans" of the series hated it.

Oh and seriously if you have any "artistic" integrity you would be for quiet. People should be able to do whatever they want in an art medium. otherwise you're saying art should be silenced if the current politics are against it.

>hypersexualized design in video games is immature and uninspired, and holds us back as an artistic medium
Yeah, but it's totally OK when real women "hypersexualized" themselves in real world, right? Did you fuck any prostitutes or sluts lately? Do you like feminazi or porn, faggot?

Also pic related.

At what point was there any explicit sexual contact with Quiet? At what point was Quiet in any way sexual?

>But they weren't fucking retarded.

they were always retarded with a "oh but it also does X thing that's really useful to the plot" like the metal gears themselves. It's a fucking retarded mech that's only useful because it launches silent nukes.

You're a stunted manchild if you don't find video game characters or the archetypes they embody attractive, and drawing some arbitrary border on that basis is precisely representative of a regressive sexual complex.

i know which of the 2 types you are


Let me get it straight, ((you)) killed a woman simply because she's sexy and pretty in video game? What kind of psychotic "personally politic" is this? Are you a degenerate SJW or misogynist? You woman-hating faggot!

MGS doesn't really improve on any gameplay from MG2. The story stuff is better but that's about it. Unless you really really can't stand old games. I mean, they literally copy pasted events and even parts of the map from MG2


>The End was also a plant
>He was dressed from neck to toes
>Somehow, it didn't matter as much


>Make up lame excuse to have a character lightly dressed
>Forget you made that plot device before with a character dressed from head to toes

Quiet design is stupid. I'm all up for T&A, but that doesn't mean I am a gullible faggot looking for excuses to make my fap sessions 2deep4u

One missing mission isn't half finished man. Kojima was saying before release that he was going for a more visual and world building type of storytelling. Blame Sup Forums & Reddit for whining about Cutscenes so much back in 2008
He even mentions that Skull Face & Quiet leaveing/dying so soon was intentional to give the player some phantom pain

The End didn't move much.
The end also didn't need to breath through his plant thing

and not only that if quiet is a trained cold blooded assassin do you really think shes going to care about modesty?
like this is just normal kojima writing and everyone seems to forget about that.
"it's a super weapon that's really stupid, but it does this one thing so that's why we designed it like that"

The helicopter she literally shoves her pussy in your face everytime she's hanging out there.
It doesn't matter anyway because Metal Gear has been sexualized since forever. People act like Eva & Meryl never existed. Or in Peace Walker, only the girls have viewable models. It's Japan, they're gonna be pervs and I'm allowed to like it

>being in favor of freedom of expression - the most important human right in western society - means you're redpilled and therefore the enemy of the left

Y'all niggas need to realize that Metal Gear was never not anime. It's not meant for over thinking. Also, the End does have more stamina drain than normal, although at the time of MGS3 that was because of his age.
This is also how we know that /v. Doesn't play games, because the first thing that happens after the Helicopter Crash is Quiet trying to kill the boss at the hospital and getting burned alive in a chemical fire which as you know is nastier than a normal fire if any of you actually went to college. Her skin is literally fake skin grafted on. The End never needed a full body skin transplant.

>"it's a super weapon that's really stupid, but it does this one thing so that's why we designed it like that"
Except they actually said we'll be ashamed of our words and deeds, which never happened.
If Kojimbo went and say "I wanted tiddies on my game" I wouldn't have much of a problem with it, but he tried to sell is as a dramatic big deal, which it wasn't, and drones willing to defend it angers me to no end.
In the very same game, Paz wears even less, and it doesn't bother me because they try to sell it the way they did with Quiet.

I don't want to get too political but why does the left always seem to stray away from things they used to be fighting for.

Like I always thought they were for art being free but now they've been into censoring the fuck out of it.

Then you had this huge spiel where they defended gays, but now that gays have rights they're defending muslims and attacking gays that hate muslims.

Like I'm really REALLY trying not to make this political, I'm just wondering why they just turn this shit around immediately when they get there way.

I don't have any problems with hypersexualized, but i still kill Quiet every playtrough, because i hate her character so much.

mgs took mg2 and brought it to 3d with controls that were just as tight and gameplay that was just as fun, added a better story, better bosses, and was twice the length with voice acting, better music, better sound.

I don't get how youre discrediting it

>I killed Quiet, because I think hypersexualized design in video games is immature and uninspired
You killed a fictional video game character because personal politics and Kojima is the immature one?
Wew lad

it's more than like a translation error.

that and why do people get so uppity about this.
I thought that shit was funny as hell.
and when you think about the way people were acting about it they looked like a bunch of idiots.

feminists have won

>played 100 hours of it
>still think its a bad game

So disappointed by it. A lot of the game felt empty as fuck, and that "ending". God-awful.

nah most guys and girls I meet are pretty normal.
we all see a hot girl walking by and the entire team watches her and turns back smiling at each other.

Is the online on PS4 alive?

I much preferred the "goodbye sausage" theory.

That would have been an amazing "fuck you" to so many over sensitive people.

That's because you're falling for the Sup Forums propaganda that labels neoliberals as Leftists when they're actually centrists. All that SJW shit is Designed to benefit capitalism, hence why SJW are always whining about stuff related to products like Vidya, Movies, Comics, etc instead of any of the shit that really matters. They were the government disinfo OP designed to strike break OWS and it worked beautifully because OWS became retarded in a matter of days. It's not just right wing militias that the government infiltrates with spies.
Believe it or not /leftypol/ is actually against SJWs & identity politics, they hate that shit

OP, OP never changes.

Oh & they also like Guns, and have Metal Gear banners. I'm not even a commie but at least they don't scream Shill at me when I disagree with the smallest thing

I'm not discrediting it tho. I love MGS1. Im not from this board so im not into negativity. I'm just saying that certain stealth mechanics didn't transfer to 3D quite so well particularly in terms of enemy AI. It took them a couple more games to work out those kinks and thats why everyone loves Snake Eater

I like how Metal Gear is the only series where Sup Forums takes the marketing at face value. Just because Kojima directs some trailers doesn't mean the Konami PR/Marketing/Ad guys didn't have any say. It was probably them that pick all the words on the screen. Its only their entire job

Calm down Elliot Rogers jesus fucking christ.

>I killed Quiet, because I think hypersexualized design in video games is immature and uninspired, and holds us back as an artistic medium. Probably the first time I made a decision in a video game based on personal politics.

good thing you didn't like someone else's artistic vision, God forbid someone makes something they want instead of a piece of art that was cooked up in a board room, cleared by a focus group, made sure that it can reach as many wallets as possible.

You people don't want art or creativity, you want a product that adhears to your personal beliefs that doesn't make you think, that pats you on the back and doesn't challenge your way of thinking.

Fuck, people like you make me sick.

Good job op! You will miss a bit of game but i regret not getting rid of her at the beginning. The dumbest example of fanservice that i experienced so far. The game is still a piece of shit of course.
But at least you dont get her rectum shoved in your face and experience her "tragic story".

I still wonder what the devs thought when they implemented her. 10/10 girl? standard. Try to implement a "touching" and "tragic" story to explain her lewd clothes, her showering in an open cell every five minutes and her behavior? fuck every one of them.
Either go all the way (no clothes at all) or get rid of the bullshit explanation. She could have been a femme fatale like eva.
Everything would have been better than what they did.

In hindsight, I don't think something like that would be even possible, but I admit I would have liked it more that way too.

Dont be a nigger.

its is setup for DS
game behaves purposely bad sometimes

things like
light flares only appeaser when machines are introduced (which in trailer were made to look like they appear when character is introduced )

in DS machines have organs and and re controlling humans
and sky is inverted

You're missing a great companion.

She is 100% the product of high level conferences and whiteboard "mindmaps".

She is bullshit in every way. Everything which would give her some form of uniqueness or reason to be in the story is not existing.
her whole background and explanation is a collcetion of mediocre ideas which they didnt have the balls to follow through.

And people who think there is some form of artistic vision left in this piece of garbae are either baiting or fucking idiots.

>and holds us back as an artistic medium
>video games

>killing Quiet makes you skip few missions. thats all

>The End was also a plant
But had working lungs.

Quiet didn't.

>baitthread has 90+ replies
At least sage you fucking retards

>I think hypersexualized design in video games is immature and uninspired, and holds us back as an artistic medium
that's pretty dumb

>I made a decision in a video game based on personal politics
that's pretty dumb too bro

>and thats why everyone loves Snake Eater

because it was PS2babbies first "stealth" game with a muh heartthrob anime story

how brave of you, have some gold