What is the dumbest vidya opinion youve read?

what is the dumbest vidya opinion youve read?

reviews also count

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The entire vocal minority of Sup Forums that is "Stop liking what I don't like!"

PC Gamer giving a 5/10 to Ys Oath in Felghana because the reviewer couldn't figure how to upgrade his fireball for the first boss and the game mocked him for it.

The majority of opinions I read on this board.

And yet I am still here.

Same actually. I don't know why I spend so much time lurking

i consider anyone using "comfy" to describe a game as being pretty dumb

Bioshock infonite has agreat plot and good gameplay

FONV is a great RPG with complex factions and gameplay systems


Just read IGN's God Hand review and try not to get mad.

This too.

The dark souls of persona

Someone please start dumping Neogaf screencaps.

That one guy on Polygon who refused to give a score to Star Fox Zero simply because he couldn't be bothered to finish the game. Even though it's his fucking job to review games. I won't link it because fuck Polygon so look it up yourself.

Anytime a game gets released I add one onto the pile.

Usually they come from Sup Forums.

Some bafflingly stupid ones come from Neogaf or Reddit, usually from the Bioware or Ubisoft fanbases there.

But Sup Forums is something else. user status = say whatever stupid shit I would keep to myself if I had a profile.

People complaining about "fireball spam" in fighting games never fails to make me feel-second hand embarrassment.

There are no dumb vidya opinions.

>anime property based game like PKMN or yugioh
It just falls off a cliff after this point jesus fucking christ, and it was pretty fucking bad beforehand

The Nintendo 64 controller is the perfect controller for any genre.

I value the variety in opinions people have whether I agree or not

Ok now I'm fucking mad

>If you ignore [FLAW], [GAME] isn't really that bad

I see this shit all the time, most recently with andromeda.

God damn it makes me so angry because it's so fucking dumb

>"It was a good decision to kick Jontron off Yooka-Laylee because of his racist fascist sexist Hitler opinions"

Oh you're right because it's not fucking trash it's called "zoning". Really?

nuts and bolts being the best Banjo Kazooie game

FUCK Giant Bomb and their meme opinions

basically every other wii game review back when it was in its first few years

>no pointer usage? No Miis? This might as well be a gamecube game

fire emblem radiant dawn was legitimately criticized for not having Mii support as it was supposedly an "obvious addition that would benefit the game"

That was a good read.

those comments that call shit like skyrim a way of life or whatever

>Witcher 3 has a higher score than Witcher 3


Honestly I wish a fighting game would try to balance that by adding some kind of projectile exhaustion like a 3-fireball limit with zone based characters having a higher limit and maybe having less/no hitstun on the zoner's projectiles to prevent easy 12- projectile combos. Just because something is a legitimate strategy doesn't mean it isn't simple and boring as fuck.

But how glaring is it?

Depending on the flaw, yeah, it can overshadow what's good but if it only occurs at specific times you might be able to deal with it.

For instance, MGS3 is really annoying with its menu system since you have to constantly visit it to do every little thing (feed yourself, change camo, equip your character, and heal). It's jarring but beyond that, the game is actually damn good.

>reading comments on any site

if i wanted to kill brain cells, there's a hundred other ways that are more fun.

Most people have one level they think really sucks in Mario 64 but that doesn't stop it from being a lot of people's favorites. This type of comment only really gets stupid when people say something like "if you ignore this major mechanic, the game is ok," like when people say Skyrim's shit combat is excusable.

Came here to post this

This is a great contribution to this thread.

Holy fuck do I want to slap the fuck out of that child though

>We're sorry that the NES Classic Edition is so highly in-demand, so we're going to halt production of it.

>Gamers are entitled snowflakes

>Muh creative vision

>How dare they demand that our horrible writing gets fixed

browsing Sup Forums for example

>5/10 for Ys Oath

Call it what you will, the idea is it's not a very effective tactic, mindlessly "spamming" anything isn't, in any halfway decently designed fighting game. Complaining about it then portrays a very deep misunderstanding of how to play fighting games, that is, the idea that you need some introspection and figure out what you could do better instead of assuming that this "baseline attack" that a huge team spend a meticulous amount of effort on to make sure it's not overpowered is just too strong to be overcome and calling it a day

if fireball spam kills you, then you would've lost to heavy kick spam in a game without fireballs, you would've lost to heavy punch spam in a game without fireballs and kicks and you would've lost to "jab spam" in a game with nothing other than light punch. the problem is the person who continues to fall for the same tactic repeatedly.

The Mass Effect ending shitstorm was dumb desu. Don't get me wrong the ending was fucking terrible and Bioware deserved every bit of mockery they got over it, but petitioning them to just redo it is silly and kinda does sound entitled. Extended cut was still bad but people seemed satisfied with it for some reason

sorta Sup Forumsidya related, yesterday there was a thread on Sup Forums from a guy who hated a popular isekai (the spider one) because it was isekai and went like 300+ posts with the guy having a real autism fit that could be resumed in this pic some user made.

the nigga reminded me of those "professional" game reviewers who disliked a game because they didnt like the genre, instead of analysing them within their genre

spider isekai?

The dumbest video game opinions I've heard all center around poorly supported or unsupported headcanon, and fanfiction.

Seeing people call a game bad because they died a lot in it gets me really irate.

But that's pretty much true. Why are you going to add all this stupid bullshit peripherals if only 2 or 3 games are going to use them over the lifetime of your console?

People who think that "I had fun" is contributing to discussion of a games flaws or that if you have fun playing a game, that automatically makes it a good.

>calling DMC and Bayonetta "button mashers"

why don't you ask the PS Eyetoy, Xbox Kinect, Atari 2600 Speaker, Famicom controller speaker, and the Playstation move and fucking R.O.B?


"fun is a buzzword"

People weren't satisfied with it, they just gave up because they knew Bioware wouldn't do anything else after that half assed hotfix.

Because using something just because it exists is retarded. It's the same argument of

>criticise game sequl's new feature that was poorly thought out/implemented/capitalized upon
>hurr >wanting less features in games

Don't mix new, bad shit in with the old, good shit. If you can't add a good feature to a game, don't add anything to the fucking game. A game with bad mechanics, is a bad game. A game that entirely lacks bad mechanics as at the very least a non-existent or mediocre game.

The Dark Souls of Persona

PC Gamer giving Dragon Age 2 like a 95 or something



If it makes it any better I saved it from here.


the manga still has a lot to catch up with LN though.

Rather than opinions it's the misinformation stated as fact on this board.

Any opinion that disagrees with my own.
Your opinion, OP.
His opinion is dumb, but nothing of note.
No opinions are dumb, because opinions are just opinions.
I don't pay attention to the opinion of others.
Define opinion first.
I don't remember, sorry. Here is a cat, instead.

because not every game works well with them, dongus

That FFXIII is not only good, but the best game in the entire final fantasy series

Kumo-chan is cute. CUTE.

"I love grinding." -faggot nigger gamestop employee when i tried to return Destiny

you are so fucking mad right now


Grinding in Souls is fun, especially for getting rare drops.

>Grinding for rare drops

this is literally never fun in any context.

I like monotony. Sue me.

"It's a good game but not a good x game".

I'd give everything to execute everyone who said this.

>This game doesn't respect my TIME
Kek, shut the fuck up. Game reviewers do this a lot too, nobody fucking cares if you have less time to go to Hillary rallies or whatever because you died a lot in a game and had to restart, you whiny cuck.

>Comment comments about a single player game
>Says "It's bad because of the fandom, or the fandom has ruined my experience."

Grinding can be relaxing if the game itself is enjoyable. There's a nice comfort in cranking up some music, sitting back and killing shit for a while.

The problem is when games become nothing but a grind and just turn into a job like WoW.

Every negative review for a SaGa game that isn't Unlimited SaGa ever.

That makes it worse, actually

"Fallout 3 is the best Fallout because it has the best atmosphere"

Literally neck yourself if you think this

yeah nah fuck that kid.
fuck you user for making me mad.

No one was satisfied with it. And that passive-aggressive "You don't like the Crucible? Well then the Reapers win" bit was sickening. Starchild should have been cut entirely and Karphyshyn should have been stayed the writer for all three games. Hudson and Walters are hacks.

PC gaming is profitable*.

*when you include cash shop games, and for some reason, Windows licenses and PC hardware


PC gaming is the future, consoles will die*.

*despite the fact that most PC games are multiplats and ports, which exist exclusively thanks to consoles

>giving a fuck about consolewar bullshit

you already lost. Just buy the fucking system that has the games you want holy balls.

So the PS4? Got it.

Conker's Bad Fur Day is a collectathon

That classic God Hand review. I hope that guy feels ashamed.

What reason is there for PC to have exclusives? The entire point of PC is it isn't a proprietary platform that locks the developer and gamer in to itself. There's no backdoor deals or bribes to keep things only on one platform, which is ultimately a boon.

If you go through the positive critic reviews on Metacritic for DA2, you'll shake your head off your shoulders.
When I played the game after I read the reviews, my faith was shaken in vidya journalism forever.

Any time pirates try to call people idiots for supporting games they enjoy.

>when you cant think of another word/phrase other then the word you literally just wrote

>what is the dumbest vidya opinion youve read?
Sup Forums hate people bringing up politics about vidya here on Sup Forums.
yet the same group of people doesn't seems to complain about politics in actual vidya at all.

It's like they are still 3 years old and think covering their eyes will make boo boo goes away.

i could never understand their retarded logic.

why? unless they're retarded and using it as a crux for why a game is good, there's no problem with it.

70% of 3DS threads

Politics in video games are still fairly minor, and near nonexistant in games I give a shit about.

Furthermore, while I think you guys are (sometimes) just barely smart enough to talk video games with, you're mostly teenagers and not worth discussing real life with.

I remember actually saying "what the fuck" when a reviewer (I think it was from Giant Bomb) docked Danganronpa points in its review for being 'transphobic'. I've played that game through three times and I don't know what he was even talking about.

Just yesterday someone was complaining that the piss filter was removed in the new Deus Ex. I've seen plenty of stupid shit, but that one.... JUST

In needs to be a modifier. "I thought the way you make your own town in dark cloud was a really comfy way to spend time between dungeon dives" vs "game is comfy". The second is worthless.

SaGa Frontier 2 is kinda dogshit compared to the first one.

The guy in the image is 100% correct though assuming he's talking about bayonetta, plus the cutscenes are ultra cringe to anyone who isn't a manchild autismo and they're about 1/3rd of the game atleast

Yeah but bayonetta has better combat and good combat = good game. Bad combat = bad game.

I wasn't tore up that the piss filter was gone but I thought it looked cool.

The classic "30 fps is better because it makes the game a more cinematic experience"