Would this get mixed reviews if it was released today?

Would this get mixed reviews if it was released today?

would you get more replies if you repost this yet again tomorrow?


you know what, it's been every day for the past month. I doubt this is a bot at work since you are capable of replying, so I can only speculate how bad your autism must be.

what is your autistic fixation with this dungeon?

lol so ez what a kiddie game fucking nintendo so stoopid and ez LOL XD

Considering that Skyward Sword's and Breath of the Wild's flaws were mostly overlooked by critics, probably not.

I don't understand why people have such a hard-on for Zelda

All right, all right, here's your daily (You) user. Can I go now?


He might be legitimately unaware that this webm gets posted literally every single day, right? Maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt!

That said it is the weakest 3D game.

I honestly have no idea what y'all are talking about

Let's be honest though, WW honestly was awful

I dont get it. Ive watched it 30 times and i dont get whats happening. Ive never played a zelda btw

Showing off how handholdy WW is. The game tells you that you need to memorize the order of the switches in one room yet tells you the solution in the other room anyways.

Most games would. Part of games that come out is that they're always limited by the technology of the time. While certain concepts and execution can break through that barrier, those limits are not insignificant and would serve to the games detriment ultimately, review wise.

What's wrong with that?

Lets be honest, everyone has their own opinions and I think Wind Waker is great

the triforce hunt was, yes.
the rest is good.
same with Metroid Prime being mostly good except for the part where you have to get the chozo artifacts.

it's not catering to Sup Forumss big grown up brains xd

It's the literal definition of hand holding

So what? Just look at that game, its for younger minds.


Yes, the baby puzzles, empty world, mediocre dungeons, and unfinished game is amazing.

Hell looking back, the triforce hunt might be the best thing about the game

The whole ordeal is pointless and insulting to the player's intelligence? Not sure how you're not grasping this. Not even OP and I understood this shit immediately.

So was the original Legend of Zelda, and LttP, and OoT, etc.

Its just a video game.


Why are you even on this board?

And they didn't have puzzles that treated you like you had brain damage

Kids are stupider now than they were back then.

it would get panned just like it originally did because it's shit

Fucking exactly.


>muh superior dialect

wait a minute that cutscene

Got a point here

>Typing out an accent

>he thinks accent=dialect

Betting 100 dollars you're a WW fan

>nintendo game tells you what to do


>Typing out an dialect

>thinks typing out a common contraction is dumb

Frog poster, should have suspected.

After BoTW?

Probably. At least with the casual and normie audience. Zelda fans might appreciate the return of more dungeons, but I'm sure most critics would mark it down for now being an open world game with interactivity and ubisoft Fun-mechanics.

But WW isnt perfect anyways. It'd still get amazing marks (because its Zelda) but fans would still notice the flaws of the game. The soul crushing triforce hunt, the babby difficulty, the repetitive dungeon mechanics, and the sea-travel (subjective).

Zelda was never good, but the fags who liked it then are the same fags who like in now. It was always bad but they will never believe that, it is actually the greatest game evar!!!!!

Don't know about that one. Millenials are all probably spoiled brats too right?

No, for the same reason it didn't back in 2003: because it has "Zelda" in its name.

Can we go ONE fucking windwaker thread without talking about the triforce hunt?

I remember playing it at the time and not thinking much of it. But you people never fucking fail to bring it up.


Sup Forums is fucking shit.