Piratefags will never EVER play GOTY.
Piratefags will never EVER play GOTY
We got bayonetta, a much better game
i wish i could refund this burning trash fire of a game.
Automata is literally just a sub-par platinum game with a pretentious weeb story.
Already playing one
>people who never got Ending E
No it's not, you fucking twat
Not him, but it is, even original Nier isn't that pretentious
Fuck off
Thanks for the chuckle.
Is this game worth a buy? Why no demo?
CPY just cracked v4, dumbass. We'll be playing it in 2 weeks max.
Nier: automata is revolutionary and is a 9.5/10 at worst
No its pretentious weeb shit LOL
There's demo for ps4
sure they did kid
>need to see the ending of a game to enjoy it
nierfags everyone.
epic false flag my man
Nice shit taste, fanboy
If you enjoy a gripping story, great soundtrack, and a game with a lot of replay value, absolutely get it.
This game is alright, but by no means is it GOTY material.
>people who didnt slog through a boring ass game for 20 hours to see the ending
yeah what retards huh
you can dumbass just google steam refund
You fucks claim Nier: Automata is shit yet never actually expound as to why it is shit. Literally no solid arguments so far.
>3 hours
He can't though
Game of the decade easily.
I have 23 hours and just got to the amusement park playing as 9S. I didn't do all the side quests as 2B either but I finished most of them.
Yoko Taro you son of a bitch
2Dark literally cracked and using the same version as Nier
OP never actually said why it's GOTY either.
i love this game but if you dont then thats okay
This is a Nier Automata thread not a BOTW thread my man
Yes, he probably can. I had 3 hours in-game, but was able to refund it on Steam. Granted, I did it the following day I had bought it, but it doesn't hurt to try.
Exactly. Its super butthurt poorqueers that can't afford it LOL
>same budget platinum games shit-tier combat
>fanservice design without any substance
>shit story, that tries to copy NieR, but fails
I love the game but here are a couple issues
>2B is an ass with swords for the most part
>combat is mashy and can get boring
>the second route is the first but with a hacking minigame that people hate because it isnt flashy
And that's what he meant, dumb fanboy
You can get it for 2$, it's offline only tho.
A lot of people like it. It's a well made game. Fun.
So same as Zelda BOTW?
But Bayonetta just released.
Lol no. Zelda BOTW is GOTY. Persona 5 is also better than Nier.
Are you retarded
Anecdotal evidence isn't even an argument. Besides all you just said is entirely subjective.
Yes, it's hack-and-slash tedium, but much I found it to be better executed when compared to FFXV.
>2B is an ass with swords for the most part
There's a reason why she's aloof and comes off as snarky.
>shit story
Subjective, but I found the game incredibly unconventional (in a good way), and enjoyed the story.
You can emulate Breath of the Wild though.
There's a demo on PS4
>pirate a bunch of games
>save hundreds of dollars
>buy Nier Automata
>amount of money saved is still more than the amount spent
I don't see a problem here tbqhwyrns (to be quite honest with you right now senpai.)
>not paying your Russian overlords to play the game for 2$
For real tho is there anything I lose by being offline only.
Why would you bother playing Bayonetta again, when Bayonetta 2 exists?
does automata have any towns or villages like 1 did?
Stupid Jap shit with pandering robot arse? Oh noes.
because Hashimoto clearly does not understand combat mechanics the way Kamiya does
dem sour grapes LOL
>is there anything I lose by being offline only
Ending E will be impossible to get. Impossible.
Let's be honest, NieR: Automata wasn't even that good
Persona 5 is the current GOTY
Oh yes we will, just you wait.
Bayonetta is a better game, but it's also like 8 years old.
You don't get to be smug about finally getting a shitty port of a good game everyone else already played 8 years ago. All that makes you is a massive PC cuck.
>and a game with a lot of replay value
>Piratefags will never EVER play GOTY.
But I have.
You know just because you're a piratefag doesn't mean that you can't buy select games, right?
Is that the absolute final thing in the game? Do I have anything to do after that, I'm a 3rd worlder in a country without price adjustments looking for a job so paying 60$ is gonna make me starve for 10 days. First time I feel guilty for pirating
So, I finished Nier:Automata a few days ago (Got ending E, gave up my save, and now I'm doing a second playthrough.
Should I Plat/100% Nier:A or start playing P5 (I bought the Take Your Heart Edition from Amazon, which should be delivered to my house on Friday.)
Which one's the better game?
Have they fixed the PC port yet? I haven't been following it that closely but now that I've actually looked into the game a bit I'm pretty interested, yet a lot of the steam reviews say some shit about a white screen crash.
Let's be honest, Persona 5 wasn't even that good
NieR: Automata is the current GOTY
Yes, it is. But other than that, you'll be fine playing the game completely offline. You won't miss much, other than being able to summon Androids and use their chips temporarily (which is pretty useless IMO.) So, you'll be fine.
The game can be pirated already?
I've haven't had any of those. Your mileage may vary.
How do I make the gameplay fun?
Just found the alien spaceship
It's just mash combos and spam dash when you hear the noise or see the red eyes glowing´, a small step up from the original Nier
White screen crash is driver crash error
I only heard people complaining it on AMD or 780s
I think if you rollback your drivers it can go away
You can pay a person with a custom launcher to activate the game on your PC via their steam account and TeamViewer but you're stuck in offline mode. You get infinite playtime until you fuck up the launcher or mess with the game files. It seems pretty sketchy but I got Dishonored 2 for 2.5$ that way, too bad it ran like ass.
dude its supposed to be shitty gameplay you just dont get the deeper meaning behind it
That post no longer makes sense if you just swap the names, user
>piratefags would rather pay russians to infest their PCs than just get a job
Play on Hard, or even Very Hard if you like to live dangerously.
I am playing on Hard already
I ended up getting the PS4 version because my PC is shit (950 GTX). Good luck though.
What happened to the fog clouds? Why would anyone play this without everything implemented?
Would both of you stop having gay sex please? Zelda BOTW is clearly the GOTY.
Then play on Very Hard and get punished for fucking up once.
>Extreme youth unemployment
>Just get a job lol
Congrats, you got a game that most of us played 7 years ago
That would just make me spam dash more
>How do I make the gameplay fun?
There's no way to make the gameplay fun, sorry.
Mashing buttons is literally all there is to it. Unless you like “die all the time because broken hitboxes” Very Hard, AKA artificial difficulty: the mode
Makes you pick and choose your timing on attacks. Well, either that or you get really patient and cheese everything with pods.
Learn a trade or get a STEM degree. Jobs are currently available, just not to people lacking skills.
Maybe you will savor Automata more if you wait and play p5 first.
I guess I will just play on easy and enjoy fucking robots up with heavy attacks like in the original Nier
I miss the enemies bleeding so much, at least it was satisfying
At least there's quite some blood in cutscenes
yes now you get it
>hmmm, i see you don't have a masters while you're applying for a near entry level position. pass lol
Sounds like your mind is not for fun. But to get things done.
Is this Automata-kun?
Finishing a Software Engineering degree, costs quite a bit and there aren't really any student jobs that aren't 200$ a month for backbreaking. Gonna get a job somewhat easily after I'm done with it. You're definitely right about STEM jobs, especially in 3rd world countries, trades are not worth shit tho. /blog
Dude just parry lmao
>hmmm, i see you play videogames. pass lol
Entry level positions at good companies/career paths are competitive, so employers can be selective in who they hire. You can't expect to be given a good job, if you have no real work experience and educational attainments inferior to other applicants.
My original advice stands. You need to acquire skills that will make an employer want you. You are not entitled to a good job just because you want one.
CLANGing an enemy atack is more fun than just mashing dodge but you need a chip for it I think
After you complete the 40-50 hours of story, a second playthrough reveals a lot of little details that you never picked up on before due to later reveals. It's pretty interesting and at times I was really surprised that there wasn't new dialogue.
>trades are not worth shit tho
is this ironic? you can make 100k+/year if you get journeyman licensing after 3 years, where do you live?
Yes. Thank you. Something new for the next play through.
Talking about my 3rd world situation, trades rarely go over the average salary here unless you're a shop owner or highly specialized, in which case finding work gets way harder. Central Serbia.
I'm playing through Bayonetta right now. Mechanically, it is a better game. I'm having a lot of fun with the combat and I love the goofy cutscenes.
Overall, though, it isn't a better game.