...starting with 2dark....

CPY Notes :

- Little side note about Denuvo versioning. Since there is no official
versioning inside Denuvo protected files (or at least we never found
a trace of it, shame on us) we decided to label this new iteration as
version 4 since it's the fourth time we have to change things
approaching this protection. So, per this logic:

v1 = Lords of the Fallen/Fifa 15/...
v2 = Mad Max/Just Cause 3/Metal Gear Solid V/...
v3 = Resident Evil 7/Battlefiled 1/Watch Dogs 2/...
v4 = 2Dark/Nier Automata/Dead Rising 4/...

This is not official nor techinically correct but we like some order,
hence this little FYI. Enjoy.

Other urls found in this thread:

the fuck is 2dark?


fuck this.


It's not even the x64 protection

This. Fuck 2dark. Where's that Nier?

Kickstarter indie games

Pissed off their backers because they using Denuvo.

Since V4 is now cracked, Nier Automata is now possible to be cracked.


Wow good for you, now you'll get those games everyone finished discussing long ago.

Denuvo is doing some good in that it's making devs not as scared of releasing games on PC.

I do hope that we can reach a balance where games can remain uncracked for about a month or so, same amount of time for retail games to switch away from new to used copies.

I mean, Nier A sold a quarter of its total copies on steam. That's got to count for something.

I'm fine with Denuvo as long as it either gets hacked out of games or gets patched out later like what happened with Doom.

>Wildlands can already be cracked
>they crack shitty indie game instead


Sasuga CPY

>discussing single player games


Apparently they cracked 2dark because it uses the x86 which is easer to crack than the x64 version that Nier for example uses. Still, this is good progress.


based cpy, now hurry up and release the ass


>b-but v4 will never be cracked! i-i'm in charge here!




Sup Forums told me that Denuvo v4 won't be cracked for months on end. Was I being rused?


Is there some kind of decay that happens to few-months-old single-player games we're not aware of? I didn't know games got worse the longer you don't play them.
Also playing a game that isn't currently being hotly discussed by Sup Forums is probably a positive, it's not like Sup Forums ever has high-quality discussion on brand new games, it's always shitposting, false-flagging, console-war-baiting idiocy.

you fell for the shilling


>this shit uses denuvo

>Denuvo V5: All game files are on a server, you basically get the game streamed after you drop the shekels.
good job pirates


>v4 = 2Dark/Nier Automata/Dead Rising 4/...
>listed Automata right after the one they just cracked

It's coming, feels good to be pirate masterrace.

Pretty sure the N64 had better graphics than that.

>he doesnt know how to stream streams.

What kinda magic is this? How is CPY doing something so many have failed trying??

Probably its quicker to crack it.

i don't know but autism is definitely involved


It's fucking super interesting how there's this dynamic of paid corporate types who create DRM for various companis and then there's probably something like 200 or so people out there who use their free time to completely invalidate all of that effort just because they can. I'd absolutely love learning how DRM is/was cracked because it's so fascinating to me that you can dismantle this out of your own bedroom.

Because otherwise it costs twenty five American beer vouchers, and who the fuck would willingly pay that sort of money for an indie pixel title?
You can get Terraria or Risk of Rain for a tenth of that on sale, and I guarantee they have ten times more good hours of gameplay in them than 2dark.

>Nier - 72$
no thanks,I'll get it for free ;^)

the denuvo license must cost more than the actual dev costs

Remember before CPY emerged that some people in the scene were saying Denuvo isn't particularly hard, just that the scene is lacking talent? Couple that with the people who do have the talent preferring to just accept a bribe to not use it, and you got a problem.

CPY must surely have turned down millions at this point from Denuvo asking them to stop.

>those endless threads claiming v4 was impossible to crack and CPY would give up

Good thing I'm not stupid enough to pay $60 for a game.

Inside is probably the only Denuvo protected game I played, so not really

Except a lot of people who play video games would be unable to do this. Internet connection speeds in a lot of places are shit. They would never sacrifice so many customers.

I'd love to read a thesis about how Denuvo works and the approach to cracking it

Guys please when will total war warhammer be cracked ? I have been waiting a very long time.

denuvo shill bitches BTFO

THIS. Nothing makes fucking sense.

Not an argument

That game is barely fun in MP, why would you play that shit alone? Do you want to die of boredom?

The thing is that publishers are probably very happy with this dynamic too.
The overwhelming majority of game sales are done within the first month or two for hyped AAA titles, so I doubt they give a crap at all that their antipiracy measures are removed after that timeframe.

It would only start being a problem for them if a game was released with an already obsolete version of the DRM, which I don't believe has happened yet given the money they pour into Denuvo's R&D to keep it updated.

lol, I literally got it with Humble Monthly for $12 in under 12 months after release

When all expansions have been released probably.

Not an argument

>Tfw don't pirate games since I earn my own money
>Still want Denuvo to see BTFOd
That thing is cancer and needs to die.

it was like 12$ this february bruh. buy g2a key.

valid argument honestly, the game's terrible. i played on all of the closed/open betas, it's not even worth a pirate

well really you got 1/4 of the game though... although it's all "on disk" so to speak, which means you can just creamapi it...

I wanna play 2Dark. When is it out on public trackers??

The 32-bit version has been cracked, big difference.

And I like how you can tell the 3rd world shitters apart just by the way they type.

>he didn't get it for 12$ on humble monthly

The game feels like a low-budget MGSV with multiplayer thrown in because >muh coop fun

>Nier threads are dying down
>Will get a breath of new air when piratefags experience the game

Will it be like 2 weeks or so?

>Denuvo is doing some good
if it's good that I don't buy games with them, then I feel a little sorry for the devs.
Automata is going to be the first game I pirate in years, whenever it happens.

I'm sure there's a myriad of reasons for why things are like they are, but it's still amazing that people doing this out of passion are able to circumvent what has probably a fair chunk of change being poured into it.

How many BRs are there in this thread?

Normies don't play games for fun. If a game is no longer trending on Facebook or Twitter, they're no longer interested.

umm no sweetie nier is gonna get cracked tomorrow

>implying amerimexicans and blacks dont make mistakes like "to" instead of too, or their instead of they're.
USA is like 50% shitskins lmao

Has there been any evidence that games with Denuvo sell better than ones without it?

Games publishers have the holy grail of uncrackable DRM, we have accurate Steam sales and there doesn't seem to be any different between Denuvo protected games and those that aren't.

Meanwhile you get a title like Witcher 3, which was practically fucking advertised as being DRM-free and readily piratable, selling a zillion copies.

Believe me, you don't want to play 2Dark.

I hope Denuvo finds these crackers and sends them to jail.





Ok thank you.

Cease your reverse racism at once.



Some investors(VC or AIs) urge(read: force) developers to protect the game, and thus increase sales, by any means possible.

Isn't reverse racism just a lack of racism?

or fallout 4, no denuvo, good sales numbers on pc
mediocre game sadly. deus ex mankind div is a flop and square enix is putting the series on hold.

You fucking ignorant kids are one of the reasons the scene is pretty much dead these days.

I bet you little whiny bitch use "repacks".

Not an argument

same. i dont buy denuvo games
would have bought nier in a flash without it, just like bayo

cool but why would they crack this first and not nier?

Even better was on the piratebay the witcher devs pointed people to the more update to date torrent,saying they didn't want anyone to use a outdated version.

Now that they cracke the newer protection, its only a matter of time until we get Nier.

Fuck denuvo and fuck Yoko Taro and SQE for putting this shit on Nier, I WAS going to buy this shit.

There's never been any evidence to prove that piracy affects sales in any industry, probably the opposite in fact. All those campaigns decades ago like "home taping is killing music" did nothing but bring attention to the fact you could tape stuff off of the radio and copy it as much as you liked.
The music industry still goes on strong despite piracy being probably at the highest it's ever been.

I don't know if publishers genuinely believe that piracy affects their bottom line or they're just trying to harden themselves in case it ever does, but the real winner out of this presently is Denuvo.
They must get paid gorillions to license out their software given that it tends to only appear on titles with huge budgets in the first place.

So as long as Denuvo doesn't get cracked day 1, publishers can have their sales, so devs can prot more games to PC. And it will be cracked anyways, so pirates win too. Only people who lose are moral fags. Seems like a win-win.

The version 2Dark uses is the latest Denuvo but is x86, which apparently is much, much easier than the x64.

Nier will never be cracked. Never. Screencap this if you want, so you can find it on your hard drive years from now and cry.

>I WAS going to buy this shit
Sure you were, piratecuck.


Probably because this was 32bit while nier is 64. It's a start at least.

>waaAAAhHH, Denuvo in MY game, I'm not gonna buy it because of... p-principles!

LMAO, just buy it poorfags, kids, and 3rd world shitters. £30 is like an hour or two of work.


> I WAS going to buy this shit.

can you explain what that means to computer noob, its still v4 of denuvo?

Warhammer when?

but why?

>I WAS going to buy this

I remember when I said this shit as a 15 year old pirate.

Is there anything more delicious than reddit moralcuck tears?
Denuvo is yet another cracked DRM that claimed to be uncrackable.
It is a failure.

yes its v4 just x86

If you want it som much - why dont you buy it and support the dev?

He doesn't know that x86 = 32 bit, so you're confusing him further.