Healers > DPS > Tanks > Ranged DPS

Healers > DPS > Tanks > Ranged DPS

Healers = Tanks > DPS shitgarbage

Differentiating between different types of shitgarbage is a waste of everyone's time. Just dump it in to the trash and wash your hands.

People who play MOBAs are fucking autistic.

healers = tanks > utility dps > straight dps


Healers are total beta bitches and cucks, literally a role for BAD players like girls.

Every time I see a grill player - she plays a fucking healer. In any game. MMO, MOBA, some Overwatch shit, anything.

Good ALPHA players always play carry roles and damage dealers. Good tanks are also extremely important that's why you can't let a girl (aka bad player) to play it.

Claim your destiny.

>favorite role is also my role

>any game with healer or tank blizzshit meta


try playing any game that has a healing role without a healer on your team.

Fuck no I hate healing, I play tank all the way.

>try playing any game that has a healing role without a healer on your team.
What's your point

Tank = Healer > Support >>>>>>>>>>>>> DPS

DPS is trash.

I'm okay with this.

you need a healer even if you think it's an easy and cuck role

Who the fuck wants to play Support?


Mages > DPS > Tanks > Healers > Archers

DPS > Tanks > Healers

Healers are fucking interchangable but DPS are the ones that carry in any mmo or moba.

Admittedly tanks mostly just have a boring job but it's hard to do right while maintaining competent DPS in most games.

I don't really like healers though, i want more utility class like scholar in ro. That's one thing tree of savior did kinda well, you can actually play a support slut that isn't a healer.

Anyways, Utility dps >>> Support > Tank > Healer > DPS

>mentions Ranged DPS
>doesn't mention Melee DPS

What's the point of defining one if you're not defining the other, why not just say DPS? instead?