Anyone else with a switch feel like the software and shit feels just like a beta testing?

anyone else with a switch feel like the software and shit feels just like a beta testing?

it's so fucking limited and the store is so shitty. feels like a test instead of a $300 console

It's a console for children OP. Just wait until they provide a division without a screen and with a proper controller and even then it still has paid online and no lan port

false flag

Exactly what am I pretending to be I'm not?


and that plastic screen....ugh

>anyone else
no, user. you are the only person on the entire planet who thinks that the switch is bad. this is a revolutionary opinion never seen before.

So I see you'd rather have your screen shatter than be scratched, eh?

It reminds me of the 3DS before it got the eShop. I figure they just plan to update it later on and several of the games are being rushed out to cash in early. Even so, the games it has are already much, much better than than the ones the 3DS had very early on.

It's a casual console for a wide swath of the market and is meant to appeal to Nintendo fans, non-games, casual gamers, etc. This has always been their (Nintendo's) MO since the Wii.

As far as limited, same thing. They'll release content and store updates over time.

Is it overpriced? Yeah, probably a bit. I think a $249.99 price point with 1-2 switch included would have been the sweet spot.

I think he'd rather have a product that rivals his decade old phone

thats not even a problem. the plastic screen looks good at least, it's vibrant and the 720p somehow manages to look pretty crisp on it. the OS is still shit.

no shit, nintendo released it early so they could make up for the wii u losses and major 3DS piracy.

i didnt say the switch was bad. i said the OS on the system feels like it's in beta.

it doesnt even have a web browser or app support for shit like netflix

>make it another boring sony machine


I imagine they'll add all that. Plus we live in the smartphone era so you can use that in the meantime :)

Still, it's true the OS feels pretty barebones. It would shock me if they didn't end up adding lots of features a year inside of the launch.

Phones are tools, not toys

This is true, but at least it's fast and to the point

They're working on an update you fucking retard. Wii U eshop had no music or features either when it launched.

Then it would just be an underpowered homeconsole, as opposed to one of the best portables ever created.

>They're working on an update you fucking retard.
yeah that's how a beta works buddy

>Buy Switch to celebrate getting a job offer after 4 months of being NEET
>Government closes site down and they withdraw the offer 1 week before I was due to start
>Sell Switch to continue eating

Maybe I'll buy one again in future when it actually has games.

it's still both
except the DS had access to the internet browser and youtube/netflix

>I'll call it boring that will show him

There's two definitions of the word 'toy' One actually implies an expensive product mainly used by adults. Like a car or stereo or even a phone. I don't really know what your point is. Just felt the need to clarify this.

It's already an underpowered home console. And it's a shitty handheld with a shitty screen. Only children need to take their addiction away from home.

You seem upset that people are having fun and like things you don't like.

>It's already an underpowered home console.
Not really if you factor in the portability. But yeah, consoles are toys, phones are not

patience, kid

>strip all of the functionality out of a Shield and install a whole new OS
I don't know what you were expecting, but it is pretty pathetic that they couldn't make the Switch a direct descendant of the Wii U.
It seems like a giant waste of resources to have to build a browser and online streaming services back into the device.