Post perfect games. 95 or higher

Post perfect games. 95 or higher.

95 on what scale

>caring about metascore

Ninja Gaiden Black


>post perfect games
>95 or higher
You lost me.


>7.6 user score

Obviously user score > critic score

>only 3 points away

Barely made it.

THPS3 was better.

best game of the best anime.



>6.8 user


confirmed trash


>Spam screenshots of metacritic

NFL 2K1 has a 97 on metacritic. that series was amazing and im still mad the faggots at EA made that exclusivity deal with the NFL.


highest rated launch title on metacritic



Are the Batman games actually good or did they just rode the Dark Knight triology's hype?

Never played them but from what I've seen I have really mixed opinions on them.

they're great, especially if you were a fan of the 90s animated series.

although the combat is very easy and can be cheesed, you have to be a moron to do that, you can have a lot of fun putting combos together and using the different gadgets

>you can have a lot of fun putting combos together

Yeah pressing the same button to do so

thats great, now read the whole sentence

that was my impression

it basically looks like a pure action game and mostly praised for it's combat but playing it at my friend it didn't seem to have much complexity with the imputs and challenge with the enemies (tho he only played on normal, not sure if the game gets more complex on harder difficulties (or if there are even proper harder difficulties))

oh great this webm again

that's early game, there are several enemies which are completely immune to counter

>x1 combo

That reminds me of IGN criticizing fucking Yakuza for not having the depth in combat as the Batman Arkham games.

I know it's on easy difficulty/ only the weak enemies do this or whatever but my impression isn't actually based on the webm. Compared to other action games like Ninja gaiden or dmc this game felt very unchallenging and kinda shallow.

>Compared to other action games like Ninja gaiden or dmc this game

two different genres.

what are the batman games if not action games? Are there any more in them beside that? If not there is no excuse to make the action way less complex and even get credit for it.

If they are more of a tactical-stealth games than sorry for what I wrote, I haven't played much with them but from what I've seen they seem like simple beat 'em ups with a few stealth sections here and there.

its kinda of dumb to criticize a game you never played

well, I'm stating that these are just my early expressions from the game and not fully fledged critism. From what I've played the game felt like a slower and simplified NG2

The combat nailed the "it makes you feel like you are Batman" combat but it really isn't more than that. If you don't like Batman there isn't more to it.

>Not forming your own opinions.

Fuck off, Reddit.

only perfect game ever made coming through