This console won the 7th generation. So why did people still buy PS3s and Xbox 360s? Like...

This console won the 7th generation. So why did people still buy PS3s and Xbox 360s? Like, everyone knows that a console's worth is determined by how many copies it sells.

did i just accidentally time travel to 2008?

It got lucky. PS3 had no games, 360 had red ring of death.

If it was 2008, it would be "The Wii is winning the 7th gen", not "the Wii won the 7th gen".

Console exclusives that were too powerful for the Wii. Stuff like Vanquish, Resonance of Fate, Catherine, Red Dead Redemption, Nier, etc

You mean like all those games on the original Xbox that couldn't run on the PS2 or Gamecube? Does that mean the Xbox "won" the 6th generation?

Because 3rd party devs eventually made the PS3 worth buying
360 is for casuals and the rare shmup fag

The Wii didn't have enough "epic", "cinematic", or "emotional" games that children/casuals enjoy.

It strictly had video games and also some movie/TV streaming which was a welcomed addition to a device that connects to a TV.

It was also the last console to have a larger library consisting of light gun shooters and arcade games, and local multiplayer, which are pretty much extinct now.

The 360 and PS3 had almost identical libraries because 99% of developers released platform exclusivity was for faggots.

That's not an equivalent argument.

There was far more parity in power in 6th gen than 7th gen. GameCube, Xbox Hueg, and PS2 got all the same multiplats (except GTA which never came to GC), so which one you owned was just a matter of preference when it came to exclusives. Yes, the Xbox ran multiplats best, but the experience on GC or PS2 wasn't a dealbreaker difference.

A lot of 7th gen stuff literally could not run on the Wii, so it didn't get released on it. No AssCreed, no Batman, no Saints Row, no FF13, no SF4, etc.

Not saying these games are necessarily "good", but these were system sellers to normies, that the Wii wasn't capable of running. So, most people got either a 360 or PS3 (if they didn't just play on PC), to complement what they were missing out on by only having a Wii.

the wii was a casual machine there bitch boy

Most casuals dropped it after a year and hopped on the Gears/Halo 3/Modern Warfare train. This is fact, son.

>hurr durr

shut the fuck up

Fuck off faggot.

The Wii was easy to hack and become an emulation machine. Still have mine. Also, the Wii Shop has the cheapest Neo Geo games you can buy.

>hopped on the Gears/Halo 3/Modern Warfare
yeah and all those were better than anything the wii had because of xbox live.

>>because of xbox live.
Do not attempt to bait me.

This is the best argument I've ever heard.
Everyone go home. The internet is over.

I think you're ignoring how many games literally couldn't run on the PS2, so only came out on the Xbox.

xbox live was great sorry you missed having fun

>$60 a year for online
>$60 for a games that relied heavily on the online component with a half assed/boring single player movie
>constantly playing against blacks, mexicans, and children in M rated games
>ads on every section of your console except the settings
>required expensive device for getting a wifi connection

>free online
>dont have to deal with children on the microphone
>playing Bomberman or Excitebike World Rally online all day

And I had both. Seriously, only casuals would think that the yearly Rated M rehash was a better deal than just getting a Wii with some cheap GAMES.

Exclusives ≠ games that came out on every platform but one.

There's more examples of games that came out on both PS2 & Xbox that didn't release on GameCube than there are games that came out on GameCube & Xbox that didn't come out on PS2. And there's also a couple that came out on both PS2 & GC, but not Xbox. But between the three, they probably shared about 70% of their libraries.

Whereas, the Wii probably got like 20% of the multiplats 360/PS3 got. And the ones it did get were severely gimped versions of the game (ie, COD)

CoD games just had a graphical drop. The games were basically identical besides that. It's somewhat fascinating that the Wii actually got nearly every CoD game of that gen besides Modern Warfare 2.

Even Goldeneye 007 was pretty good on Wii.

sorry you are poor.
>constantly playing against blacks, mexicans, and children in M rated games
this happened on any system.
>using wifi for gaming

I like how you call him poor but then go about defending it's poor online

>it's poor online
xbl was and still is better than psn and shitty nintendo online

Didn't GoldenEye remake release on the Wii first? Then it got ported to 360/PS3?

yes, using the CoD engine