I identify as an attack helicopter

>I identify as an attack helicopter

Other urls found in this thread:


i feel sorry for white males in college. they got triggered so much that they all felt the need to make the attack helicopter joke in hivemind unison.
college really went downhill.

what the fuck are you even talking about

t. mad lbgtswertyuiopasdfghhklzxcvbnm

Unrelated but Army Men Air Attack remaster fucking when
I wanna melt some plastic again

thats my point. white college males were surrounded by the lgbbq that they all started making the same joke.


But if Yooka is the helicopter, and laylee make the propellers, then who's piloting them?

I hate how this looks, it looks like fucking toilet sonic shit on deviantart

>tfw no school sim where I can bully cis scum shitlords and make them kill themselves



>mfw yooka laylee sales

Is that for real?

Yes. Title IX complaints are a cancer on college campuses and no one is doing anything about it.

The fuck is title ix?
t. no college

Reminds me of a classmate in college that got an F in their rape culture presentation in socioeconomics class



>Kills himself instead of the fag and the people at the university that are ruining his life

Dude, if the university sides with the fag, who do you think the media will side with after he's gone full Dylan Roof on their ass?

Bullies win again.

murder suicide. It's probably for the best anyway. His life was already ruined.

What difference does it make?
You think he killed himself just so people would learn the truth?

>who do you think the media will side
why would that matter ? your still going to die either way. he went out though as a good person, but what he should have done can be argued. he decided not to murder others, but to live in a life surrounded by people who should get killed but morality holds you back, life becomes something else.

Kek. You fucks' only retort is using the jokes back at us.

It doesn't work, BTW. No one says triggered unironically anymore. No one wears fedoras anymore.

Mission accomplished.

Who are you to denigrate those who identify as copterkin? There is literally no difference between that and a person who identifies as the opposite gender. Both suffer from a mental illness that makes them unable to cope with reality and they wish things that are biologically impossible. Check your fucking privilege shitlord.

wont stop me feeling bad for the white males who are attending college. they are going to attend it regardless, but so much joy is taken out of it for them.
so much joy has been taken out of it for everyone attending college now, because the ones who get indoctrinated would always have been indoctrinated by something, but what sucks is the indoctrination given to them was for the purpose of creating conflict and stifle progress and learning.

>two people privately collaborate for weeks in order to bully someone suicidal
>neither of them will get a single second of jail time
then americans wonder why their schools get shot up all the time

people stopped wearing fedoras in the 90s though. only the 2000s made some people to bring fashion back from the past of different eras, but that was only because in the 2000s, fashion was not being pushed as hard as it was in the late 1900s.

kek started from world of warcraft.
now "kek" is a intelligence community tool

This isn't associated with shitty drama, so it will probably go unnoticed, but it is extremely relevant to the actual thread.

No one makes this joke because they're triggered, they make it because it's funny to make fun of stupid people. Now go kill yourself, you mentally deranged pervert.

>>neither of them will get a single second of jail time
BUT THAT WOULD BE HOMOPHOBIC BRO! Are you against gay rights?? Why aren't you a homophile???

Fedoras weren't re-embraced by the mainstream, though, only by literal autists; hence why the meme was formed.

Yeah but that's like saying you shouldn't blow up government buildings because people will try to humanize public workers.

Still needs to be done desu

The ugly-fat-male-feminists/whiteknight/atheist-with-fedora-era is not that old. Their only defense was to try to redefine it to mean the exact opposite of what it used to mean.. See 'neckbeard'.

they got triggered enough to want to make that joke because its funny. nothing against white people, but white teenagers need to stop thinking every statement with the words white male is against them

Fuck this level, I'm 2 tokens and 1 quill away from 100%ing it.

The hunter tonic isn't helping.

You got triggered enough to write this garbage, nigger. This bait of yours is obvious.

so this topic is NOT a b8 topic. its about something serious?

>That article.

Who writes like that? Sounds like a goddamn caveman.

I don't have a problem with gay people.
I do have a problem with "social justice" psychopaths getting away with bullying people to death just because they're white, though.

So is being white and male bad now and something that deserves derision? Oh woe is me.

nope. being white is good.
doesnt take away that college sucks now for GOOD white males.
you feel better now that you dont feel rejected again?
im not saying anything bad against white males.

I actually think the Casino world look cool.

I could care less friend, IMO you should be allowed to publicly ridicule whitey but I should also be able to make a nigger joke and not lose my job over it.

I can't wait for some period of societal decline for things to reset back to the natural and degenerate luxury ideologies like feminism and affirmative action will disappear overnight.

>but I should also be able to make a nigger joke
never said you couldnt though. all i said is the hivemind of white male all went to the SAME nigger joke.

>all i said is the hivemind of white male all went to the SAME nigger joke.
so lol its just a prank bro chillaximus

Stop being so triggered nigger

yea it reached meme status pretty hard and real fast. cant argue that. perfect timing for that joke.

it seems like its those you in this topic are in actuality the ones getting triggered all because of my astute observational skills.



user, I'm not a 'you', I'm a Fairchild-Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II close air support airplane and my pronouns are spelled 'brrrrrrrt' 'brrrrrt' and 'brrrrtself'

Thank you.

Kill brrrrtself.

>I don't have a problem with gay people
Then you're part of the problem.

I laughed

3DO died horribly years and years ago. Most you can do now is play those Toy Soldiers games.

Okay but what about EVERYONE else attending college? Do they not register on your radar because they're not white and male?


Like god damn true or not that article is full of fucking shit with no evedince to fucking support anything its say other than thats what the people who have a lawsuit are saying and taking that as fucking fact.

Like god damn what a bunch of dumb fags just wanting to reinforce their world views about shit willing to believe such poorly written and researched faggotry.

Like god damn what is it with you fags and just taking headlines at face value.

what is stated in the article could be true sure. But the article itself is a croc of shitty bullshit itself.

Seriously why are just headlines posted all the time like that is all there is to shit. Fuck are people like you really that fucking dumb that they can only ingest info in bullet point format or else yall be overloaded by info and how retarded and dumb the shit yall post actually is or something?

Like i swear you baiting niggas are just so dumb and fucking gay yourselfs.


The problem with many media outlets right now are that they're focusing on all the "gotcha" pieces and failing to provide quality investigative journalism.

I see it more of a response to all the Tumblr -kin posts and claiming outlandish sexual identities.

>that split second THANKS FOR WATCHING

>and fucking gay yourselfs
Um.. just wow so homophobic