Thinking of getting a SMT or Persona themed tattoo and need ideas for one that isn't too cringey

Thinking of getting a SMT or Persona themed tattoo and need ideas for one that isn't too cringey.

Vidya tattoo thread I guess

this how low has Sup Forums sinked

>video game tattoo
>not automatically cringey

Good luck explaining that to people when they inevitably ask about it.

Do you really want some dumb weebshit on your arm when you're 40 years old?

There are many other threads for you to enjoy.

>dumb weebshit

My favorite game series that has personally changed my outlook on life is cringeworthy? Have you seen some of the tattoos people get? Should I just get a dragon somewhere like a good normie?

i dunno where the hate on vidya tattoos come from, but i guess it comes from the keks at all the shitty triforce tats out there.

How about a Magatama somewhere? Or maybe buff jack frost.

>My favorite game series that has personally changed my outlook on life is cringeworthy?

Don't you have to be 18 to get a tattoo anyway?

I'm 35, I think in 5 years I won't mind

The fact that it took a videogame to change your outlook on life shows how much of a cringy dumb mother fucker you are. Fuck off to Reddit queer.

Jumper hat logo would be vague but it may be too simple

>criticizing someone's outlook on life
>being hostile to a stranger on a Taiwanese picture forum

Get this tattooed on your back but replace the people with your preferred Persona characters.

This. People get vidya tattoos all the time. Even more people get legit stupid ones too. My brother has a ducking Tigger tattoo on his leg.

Morgana bus in Mementos and have Yusuke say it

Yeah of course I'll criticize. It took a corporate product sold to you for profit to "change your outlook on life". It shows how much of a pathetic coddled corporate cock sucking weeb you are. How about you get out of the basement and not let poorly written video game stories influence your thinking.

Books are sold as well. I guess any book including textbooks that influence you mean you suck corporate cock. I have to pay to go an art museum and artists sell their art as well. Fuck off commie.

get a Jack Frost

>video games are corporate shit
>posting on a video game enthusiast board


Books aren't sold or made by massive for profit corporations (for the most part). I'm not saying you can't enjoy free market products but valuing above what they are, just products, shows your stupidity. Its not art, it's not well written, and you are a faggot. And no, being against huge megacorperations, isn't communist. How about you look up the basic tenets of national socialism before pretending to be part of Sup Forums like you think you are you degenerate faggot.

Not an argument

>Books aren't sold or made by massive for profit corporations (for the most part).


> And no, being against huge megacorperations, isn't communist.

I agree.

>How about you look up the basic tenets of national socialism before pretending to be part of Sup Forums like you think you are you degenerate faggot.

I don't even understand how we jumped this point.


Video games are corporate shit, but i enjoy them. I don't pretend that they're culture or art, they are for profit products, that in itself is fine, but the level of worship fandoms exude is nothing short of rabid fanatical consumerism. Worshiping these products as if they were made with altruistic intentions instead of making a quick buck sickens me. Enjoy what you do, but realize it for what it is. Don't go pretending it's something it's not.

Full body tattoo


Last point of calling me a commie automatically makes me assume that he or you is one of the libertarians masquerading as a national socialist infecting Sup Forums. Its why I jump to conclusions like that. Its also why I browse end chan for Sup Forums.