>think game is going to be shit
>it's actually really good
What's her name, Sup Forums?
>think game is going to be shit
>it's actually really good
What's her name, Sup Forums?
Kingdom Hearts when I bought it. It was literally in a 10$ used game section and it was the only game I could afford.
Alien Isolation for me
Went in with no expectations since as an Alien fan I'm used to being incredibly disappointed all the time
Ended up being my GOTY 2014
Skies of Arcadia.
Thought it was going to be overrated garbage that's only remembered because of the low JRPG content on the console (like Golden Sun). Really glad it wasn't.
Fuck off Randy
Memes and tired face aside, this is a pretty solid game.
Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth
I still find the game needlessly ugly but its mechanics are legit amazing
5 bucks on gamestop, 10 year old me couldn't afford more. Wasn't even into Final Fantasy but ended up being one of my favorite DS games
But it's better than overwatch in every way. Blizz shills will tell you otherwise
Do patches fix things or should I wait longer?
Literally everything is better than Overwatch though, it's a shit game for fags
Dying light. Pirated because "fuck paying full price for some 5 hour experience". Ended up getting a pretty great melee parkour game.
Deus Ex Human Revolution
it was my first Deus Ex and the first scenario made it seem like shit and janky i didnt touch the game for about 2-3 years and then i finally got around playing it and it was quite fun
Doom 4
Wolfenstein TNO
Shadow of Mordor
Fallout New Vegas
Didn't think a good game could be made out of the shitpile known as Fallout 3
I went into it expecting nothing because I hadn't heard anything about it until release day
Sup Forums seemed like they were having a lot of fun with it so I pirated it and gave it a try
Ended up really loving it
Doom blew my socks off
I thought it was going to be some half assed campaign, and it turned out to be one of the best single player FPS games in a long time.
That said, their focus on multiplayer infuriates me. They have a great solo game in their hands, they should consider dropping the multiplayer, creating more campaign chapters, and cutting the base game price down to 20-30 dollars to entice impulse buyers.
I have no idea since I pirated the game and I'm stuck with 1.04. But from what I've seen on YouTube with the new 1.05 patch, they seem to improve on a whole lot of stuff from not only the animations and eye depth, but adding features that needed to be implemented like extra storage and nexus upgrades.
I almost feel like not continuing in hopes that the patch gets cracked
we love katamari when I was like 9 and got it for 5$ at toys r us from my step mom.
If they were just straight with people from the beginning or dumped the idolshit angle, it would be well received.
Mad Max was surprisingly fun, sure it got a bit repetitive but the combat was satisfying, car porn was good and the story was pretty aaaaaight
< This.
>like Golden Sun
but user, the GBA had a shitton of JPRGs
and Golden Sun was actually good
Both this and Inquisition are in this territory for me. They have issues but they are solid 8/10s.
What did you think of it before playing?
I hadn't played System Shock 2 and didn't think I'd like an fps/rpg hybrid. Now it's my favourite subgenre
I'm hyped as fuck for the new Prey. I get the feeling it's going to be one of those games.
Wrong on both counts.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010)
Lord of the Rings: War in the North
Rebel Galaxy
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Ricochet, yes the one from Valve that no one plays. I like it.
Donte was a lot more likeable and down to earth than I thought he would be and the combat is pretty slick
Sup Forums obsessing over three lines of dialogue seems to be the norm for most games
this desu senpai
>the combat is pretty slick
DESU when I read all the New Vegas shill threads I decided to pick it up but thought it was going to be shit (first Fallout game I've ever played).
After putting 55 hours into it so far it's one of my favourite games of all time. Thanks for the kino recommendation Sup Forums.
It's a solid game. Definately ended up being the kind of game I hoped someone would make when Itoi told everyone to go make their own damn Mother 4
What were your issues with Golden Sun? I don't really play a lot of JRPGs but I enjoyed it and I see this sentiment a lot on Sup Forums.
>Le quote a part of post and post ebin reaction image.tiff
You're welcome.
t. always posts in the daily NV threads
If i was them i would have taken a bigger page from the original doom game, and instead of having a full campaign just straight split it into multiple individual chapters that can be purchased and played individually.
Make chapter 1 completely free
Sell chapters 2-5 for $15 each. Offer a $50 complete bundle.
Release extra expansion chapters throughout its lifespan
Release a multiplayer DLC with custom map support and a gmod-style mode to reward people who buy multiple chapters
>55 hours
Pfft, I've put 1000 hours into Heroes of might and magic 6, and that's one of those games that most of Sup Forums hates
nintendo made it
Everyone is going around calling it a dog turd but it literally was just a banjo game without banjo, which is exactly what i wanted
Think you read the OP wrong user.
the game is shit though is it not?
>one of those games that most of Sup Forums hates
applies to literally every game
>just a banjo game without banjo
That sounds even worse than I thought.
>It's a Randy samefaggin' episode
>change the channel.
>it's better in every way
Except player count and match availability...you know...being able to actually play the game.
back to tomo chan threads woth you my bro
I just wish Hatred was 15-25% less edgelord/tryhard. Remaking Postal in 2010s was a fun novel idea, though.
No lie, Nier Automata. On playthrough C. Shits getting reeeeally good
There are a lot of games that most of Sup Forums loves, but if you point them out somebody will come and say the opposite just for the (you)'s
Nier Automata
thats one of the most pathetic screencaps ive ever seen
We get it platinumdrones, you have to post in E-V-E-R-Y thread about plat games
The game has its charm. Really good wouldn't be the right description but it's a decent game. I was trying to think of one that fit the OP and that's the best I could do. I don't buy games on a whim, you see.
Back to your thick (fat girl) thread
>Itoi is almost 70
Man, where does the time go.
Metal Gear Ac!d. I actually wound up loving the game, and the sequel.
Oh fuck off and die, faggot. It's related to the thread, quit your moaning.
Heroes of might and magic 6
Heroes of might and magic 7
Heroes of might and magic 5 (Partially, cause everyone is a devout 3-fag and won't accept any game in the series after it)
I didn't come t this thread to feel, user.
Punisher, because based on something
Actually fun game
>mfw I think I know where that hentai that pic is from
NBA / FIFA Street.
Little did I know sports games change a lot when there's this logo on them.
Maybe if it was better optimised.
"Now I'll play this silly indie game, with a strange battle system and filled with non sense humor. Damn I already miss my 2€..."
Then I found everything i was expecting... and much more: one of the best and deep story since Red dead redemption, with a powerful ending climax that brought me near to tears.
Loved everything of this game: the characters, the world, the unsual combat system, the music, the "lore".
The 2010 SSX game.
The reveal didn't look very good, but the game is fucking awesome.
Are there any new games from this "badge" for PC?
The last game to have the EA Sports BIG Logo was FaceBreaker.
There was a new FIFA Street game made in 2012, though.
My nigga.
I prefer SSX Tricky a whole lot over this, but 2010 was pretty fun for what it was. At least my boy Eddie was still cool.
>mrw it'll never happen
A rose by any other name smells just as sweet
You know, I was really excited for this game but I have gaming ADD and stopped playing after five days. I love it, and was genuinely enjoying the game, but I just quit and didn't come back and there's always been something else I wanted to play. I only got through Voeld, which I guess is a plus since i'll spend more time with the fixed stuff.
I think it lacked the split screen support, which is why I didn't buy it. At the time, I used to love playing SSX 3 with my little sister, and it's a shame the new game didn't have split screen support.