filename thread
Filename thread
Boy I sure hope that person died.
It's sad that there isn't even this little of a choice in the new one.
I loled
holy fuck sauce
Hacksaw Ridge
jesus christ
The hair are spelling 911 tho
What am I looking at?
Is the gun firing when he shakes it?
Yes. They would also go off in holsters while cops were running.
Are Overwatch memes the most boring things to ever grace the earth?
the more I see them, the more I'm convinced that they are
Was that a kitchen sink?
Yes, and also a Skoda Perestroikez for good measure because pigs are tough customers.
since this is Sup Forums and all, are any assassins creed games past 1 worth pirating? i played 1 and liked it, but the second game already felt cheap and of lesser quality. does it just continue that way down the line?
only unique and interesting one would be black flag, but only if you take an interest in an extremely casual sailing/pirating game with endless useless stuff to collect in order to keep you busy
what movie?
took me a moment
Ta Prohm, Angkor, Cambodia
>Tokyo Noire.jpg
>saved the thumbnail
i love this webm so much
shit I just woke up my dog because I laughed way too hard about that
pretty much this, its comfy as hell tho, sailing with your crew and them singing shanties
pirates of the caribbean(2003) is objectively better than Black Flag in literally every regard except shanties and graphics
Jack Reacher
wait really? that movie actually looked decent, this webm is just fuckin retarded
Yes. See the movie anyway though, hacksaw ridge is easily the best war movie of the past 10 years.
Ill take your word for it, but theres no way im not giggling my ass off through that scene when i do see the movie
Oh my......
2nd season soon Woo.