He is video games and video games culture. So fuck off. Now, discuss his Yooka Laylee review.
Why are mods so butt hurt by pics of dunkey
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself
Ecelebs are not related to video games in any way, shape or form.
Also, obese people are disgusting, why not just lose some fucking weight
Dunkey looks like a cuck
dunkey in the end had the best break down of yooka laylee, there, we're done, go play something
you can have discussion of an opinion on yooka laylee without posting a celebrity
Literally who?
Hah nice photoshop, but I don't watch dunkey because he is black
I remember this guy from when some grill scammed him or something. I can't remember where I read it.
Mods are too lenient on these cancerous e-celeb threads that fags that are barely out of high school are obsessed with. I wish they treated it as harshly as they do with porn.
i love dunkey and leah is cute!
Yeah some fat Korean chick with a squeaky voice decided she didn't want to fuck him when they met up irl so he got depressed, got fat, and got a girlfriend anyway the absolute madman.
That is not Dunkey, we all already know that the real videogamedunkey is black, because we do not watch his videos for that reason.
E-celebs are tertiary game topocs, and no tertiary game topics are allowed on Sup Forums. Drink bleach and fuck off.
I like his stuff but he has gotten awfully pretentious lately. The Yooka Laylie thing just seemed like a completely unnecessary video. He'll still return to form once in a while like The Last Guardian video but like his end of the year round up video was way too negative. I mean I watched it right after watching Mechagamezillas yearly Christmas video where he dies the same thing and it was so much better because he doesn't pretend like it's anything other than his opinion.
whos this sperg
Right, who the fuck was that korean chick? I remember watching a video of his saying how sad he was or some shit. I enjoy some of his videos shit's better now than before when he was just autistically screaming some profanity while playing an assfaggot.
>talk about video maker
>call it video games
If you watch this guy you need to leave
I think her voice is the one in the one where he advertises his channel playing counter strike
Go back to the youtube comment section.
He did a video that was a part of an LP of Super Mario 64 where he just talks about his problems instead of the game and he talked about how a korean girl he was dating basically stole his money and ran.
Now he has a girlfriend that'll literally never leave him so he's set for life.
Plus his YL review IS spot on.