Nintendo won

Nintendo Switch, the new home gaming system that people can also take on the go, has sold faster in its launch month than any other video game system in Nintendo history. The Nintendo Switch system sold more than 906,000 units in March, according to the NPD Group, which tracks video game sales in the United States. That makes Nintendo Switch one of the fastest-selling video game systems of all time. Notably, this sales surge was accomplished in a nontraditional month for a console launch.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game sold over 1.3 million units*. That total includes more than 925,000 units sold for Nintendo Switch and nearly 460,000 units sold for the Wii U console. That means that Nintendo sold more of this game for Nintendo Switch than it sold Nintendo Switch systems, for an attach rate of more than 100 percent. This may be attributed to people who purchased both a limited edition of the game to collect and a second version to play.

This was all enough to make The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild the fastest-selling Nintendo launch game of all time, as well as the fastest-selling game ever in The Legend of Zelda series.

“Nintendo always strives to offer consumers something fun, new and different,” said Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s President and COO. “With its various play modes and the innovative features of the Joy-Con controllers, Nintendo Switch provides unique experiences that people can take with them anywhere and share with anyone.”
While Nintendo Switch sales are off to a record-breaking start, shipments have not yet been able to keep up with such high demand. Nintendo is working to make sure everyone who wants a system is able to buy one, and more systems are continually being shipped.

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Nice blog

>faster in its launch month than any other video game system in Nintendo history
That's nice.

906,000? That's it? And it wasn't even competing with anything? Yikes : /

Where do I sign up to market this shit like you

>selling less than Wii U at this point in life cycle

Okay buddy, enjoy your flop

>nearly 460,000 units sold for the Wii U console
What are the other 12.5 million Wii u owners waiting for

>Nintendo won
I'll never understand this meme. I'm not shitting on Nintendo or anything but what exactly were they up against that lost? How did they win? Won what? Pls respond.

Most of them are retards and bought a Switch for Zelda, even though they already have access to it.

Considering its US numbers only its pretty good.

>faster in its launch month than any other video game system in Nintendo history

Which means faster then the Wii U. Which makes it a more successful launch.

but it didn't sell more than the PS4

>Still can't fucking buy one

Ebay has them about three fity. Which is about what they cost.

See everything thinks they're scalpers. But the retards with switches on eBay right now are losing money

I sorry

>they cost 299
>sold for 350
>about what they cost
>scalpers are "losing money"

go suck a dick


It's the Wii all over again. Tons of sales for the console, but I'm sure there will be very little exclusives.

If there are some, great I'll buy one, but for now there's no reason to buy one. Early adopters are just retarded.

PS4 has competition out the ass against xbox one and PC hardware prices coming down and no games at launch, yet it sold like 2 million within the first month in the US.

Sup Forums, and especially Nintendo fans, are so brainless, that it's almost unbelievable.

No, they cost 320-340 depending on what sales tax is in your state.

reminder that nintendo is the last defense against the castration of men in this hobby

>Buying in to more of nintendo's gimmick bullshit

I'll come back to praising Nintendo when they make a normal fucking console for once. Last normal console we had was the Gamecube.

Wii U was trash bc bad marketing, bad name choice, dumbass tablet controller gimmick, and a small library.

I was mad pissed when they decided to go with another tablet-controller-type-bullshit gimmick again.

There's only 1 game out on the Switch worth playing. And it can be bought on the Wii U for those who already own a Wii U and don't feel the need to drop 300 on a console with only 1 game worth playing on launch.

Switch is closer to normal than weird add GameCube

it sold 1 + something millions at best DURING holidays

How? Look at the gamecube controller. It's got buttons on the face. A start button. Triggers. And that's it.
same with the ps2
same with the xbox

They don't have goddamn tablets for controllers

It sold 2.1 million worldwide during it's first month.

>HD Rumble boob rubbing
>HD Rumble hand holding
>You feel a slight pulse while holding hands

You could always just, I don't know, buy a pro controller or leave the joycons in the grip.

...Neither does the Switch. The Switch controll is just Gamecube Controller with one extra trigger and control sticks that can be clicked and also become two-controllers for multiplayer and also gyroscopes.

It's a straight upgrade of the traditional GC controller.

Yeah true
It just kinda sucks that the switch has one game atm. I'm waiting and enjoying the shit out of my ps4 with the bunch of games it just got bombarded with.

Meanwhile switchfags are still praising their 1 game worth playing right now.

Doesn't have analog triggers.

1. Holiday launch
2. Comparing global to US only
3. PS4 is the fastest-selling console in history. 2nd-fastest selling is still pretty good.

If the bomberman game was cheaper and had more customization, I honestly think that similar to the 3DS, this was a soft launch, only with a hype title to kick it off.

>Meanwhile switchfags are still praising their 1 game worth playing right now.

Hey, the PS4 got by on one game worth playing for like three years!

Point made, but the multiplayer joycon capability, clickcable joysticks and gyroscopes greatly outclass the Gamecube's analogs, specially considering GC only used those properly for like 4 games.

Bloodborne right?
Goddamn I love that game. My favorite soulsborne game.

And also I wasn't really around for the beginning of ps4. I hopped on ps4 just last year.

>Doesn't have analog triggers.

Negative: hard to play serious racing games
Positive: literally every other game is improved

I'll take the tradeoff.

Keep in mind Nintendo under ships units. Had they not under shipped the Switch would ostensibly have sold about as much as the PS4

How would they do Gamecube VC though? I can only think of having the two different shoulder buttons act like two different states, but then there's the Z button to worry about.

The Wii and Switch probably would have sold faster if there had been more produced. Especially the Wii, only reason its not the fastest-selling ever is because Nintendo had no idea it would be so popular and struggled to keep up with demand for well over a year. If there had been more Wiis to buy I think it would have sold faster than the PS4.

Switch's hardware designer, Koizumi, got asked that exact question in an interview.

His answer was "we would naturally make joycons designed for those games that would require traditional GC controllers".

He pointed out it would need a make over though since simply attached GC controller halves to the Switch screen would look fucking ugly.

Well, i got Isaac on the Switch (have it on PC but its nice to play laying on my bed) and im also waiting on MK8D. Im pretty satisfied with my purchase.

They don't undership, they just don't overship like everyone else in the industry and immediately oversaturate the market with 10m copies of every game. They've said before they ship what they think they will sell. Remember the millions of Wii Us they had to recall? They don't want that again.

this is the most fanboy/shilly thing I've ever seen

the fact the only 1.3mil is sad based on how many ppl bought a WiiU for Zelda

>That makes Nintendo Switch one of the fastest-selling video game systems of all time.

Fastest selling Nintendo system*

>Wii was the fastest-selling console ever until PS4
>Switch sold faster than the Wii

Yes, its one of the fastest-selling consoles ever.


It's gotta hurt to be btfo so bad this is all you can say

I really want to know the demographics of people who bought a Wii U and a Switch.

Why is everything in this day and age a loss?
We get it. Hucklebuck is unfunny.

What is
>eBay/PayPal fees

Are you fuckig retarded?

>attached GC controller halves to the Switch screen would look fucking ugly.
I think it would look nice assuming you have an okay transition in the colors from the controller to the screen

>didnt even notice it was loss despite reading the filename until

>Nintendo won
>took a month to reach just under a million sales
>ps4 did two million in a day

Every time you use global sales to pretend this is true, I laugh a little harder at how desperate you must be

>giving any money to scalpers

They can suck a dick