Would games be better or worse if they played exactly as they did now, but everything had a heavy anime aesthetic instead?
Would games be better or worse if they played exactly as they did now...
how boring of a person do you have to be to think that a single aesthetic would somehow improve the genre
I wanna fuck that dragon
But there'd need to be variety with the darker or just more grounded, more realistic anime styles as well.
There are various anime aesthetics out there to derive from. It wouldn't be like how is imagining with everything looking the same.
I honestly think it'd be way better than what the west is getting now.
Seeing as the anime aesthetic has a diverse assortment of styles, I wouldn't be that opposed to the idea. Still, I'd rather have variety in the medium instead of total graphical conformity.
>diverse assortment of styles
How much anime have you actually watched?
That's like saying cartoons are all adventure time redrawings.
youjo senki game when?
Fucking never.
It has the perfect premise for it too.
What would the gameplay even be?
Something like Ace Combat maybe?
That depends entirely on what you want to focus on.
>Be TPS / Strategy game akin to Mount & Blade but with XYZ movement
>Be something similar to Irongrip Warlord where you command a group of elites to attack the enemy in specified quadrants whenever you want before jumping into the fray
>Be a pure dogfighting game over massive fields
>Be a musou where entire armies are pitted against you and your crew. You can switch out whomever you want to play as before the mission and the rest are AI -- customized character capable
Way better.
Anime aesthetic WRPG fucking when
It could be like how Ogre Battle was and focus on pure strategy where you create units together and send them to areas to take over critical points on the map.
You can have the dogfights play out whenever an enemy is encountered.
kanna thicc thighs
They'd be the same, but a little bland if all games looked the same. On the other hand, there's a lot of color to be had. We'd need at least one or two Eiichiro Odas for every five games.
I'd love it.
Western aesthetics suck 99% of the time.
I would kill for good / fitting anime models in Dark Souls.
might as well have garbage visuals to go with the garbage gameplay
i honestly miss that raging faggot and I hope he reappears soon
That's a cute duck. I wanna fuck it.
Why was the last cour so good?
Just wait for Fall 2017.
Not pictured:
Love Live Season 2
Code Geass S3
Anime makes everything better, that's just common sense
Oh no the fujo bait comes back. Great. Can't wait to see that shit skyrocket again now that the director knows his show somehow turned into prime fujo bait.
Hold on one god damn fucking minute
It's getting an anime?
>the left image
oh no
user, there is a metric fuckton of anime out there and plenty more uniquely visual shows than an image like that could ever hope to contain. I can understand your outlook though; as the industry grows, so too does the volume of shows. With more contemporary anime than ever before, it all seems to bleed and run together when viewed from a broader more distant perspective.
Worse. Anime shouldn't be watched after leaving kindergarten
What a surprise, most of these are either old so no one cares about them, or intentionally offbeat so no one cares about them. Now do the same using only popular anime from the last few years.
No, it's a mock image retards keep falling for
Nearly every single one of those anime were highly regarded and well-received.
What are you talking about when you say nobody cares about them?
I want Koboyashi to get a VN.
>heavy anime aesthetic
So shit graphics?
>Code Geass S3
Nigga, what? Didn't that shit end with Lelouch dead?
I really liked that series.
I hope more follow suit and do something similar.
How is that cherrypicking? Sure, the mainstream garbage all looks the same, but it's very much the case for videogames. Anime is pretty capable of a wide variety of artstyles, some of them very unorthodox, like Gankutsuou.
>So random XD garbage
>fujo bait trash
>faggot shit
>LL is pedo shit
>Gayass is edgy garbage
No he's the cart driver at the very end scene. He got immortality like the green haired lady who's name I forgot.
It'd be way better.
Assuming each game was replaced with an anime-style model of equal caliber, the game would be exponentially improved.
Stupid Sup Forumstard.
Never leave Sup Forums.
Huh. I must have missed have not paid attention to the cart scene very well.
>he got immortality
What? How? He had Geass up until the very end and there was no one to steal Code from except for CC, which I assume would kill her since it killed the woman that gave CC Geass and Charles' brother.
Worse, much worse. Give me variety please.
>inb4 anime has variety
Then I guess it's only a coincidence that you post the same garbage over and over? We both know that you have a very clear sort of "anime aesthetic" in mind and it's sure as shit not Kaiji.
I think its actually just a popular fan theory, but you could probably google it to find more info. I've only heard the gist of it myself. But I guess it really is canon if Lelouch is alive.
Are you guys ready for the return of nugget posting?
oh fuck my life
Remake the image except only use anime from the last five years. Good luck.
I am ready for more todd variations
Hamster game when?
Battleborn without a doubt would have sold better with an anime aesthetic
No different from videogames then.
>reading comprehension
I'm not saying that anime (historically) hasn't had varied aesthetics, I'm saying that the people asking for "anime aesthetics" have a very clear and very limited idea in mind and it comes across very obviously in the images they typically post.
I think half of them still qualify even under your weird restriction.
I want to senki her youjou
This has actually gotten me interested just to see if Lelouch has anything to do with the new season.
Now I'm hyped.
Is an MMO better if it has a loli race? Yes, it is.
Fuck Lalafells though; toddlercon is worst con
> I'm saying that the people asking for "anime aesthetics" have a very clear and very limited idea in mind
And I'm saying that you have no idea what you're talking about and are grasping at straws, reducing your argument to an imagined point about what someone else must be thinking when they post an image of some sort
There's already a hamster game on the vita or something. Now we need a hamster game for season 2.
she was born a girl, yes
>I'm saying that the people asking for "anime aesthetics" have a very clear and very limited idea in mind
The amount of variation in anime is insane. Using popular examples, it could range from Berserk to PunPun in terms of style.
Hamster posting was literally best posting.
It was legitimately the best shitposting fuel I've ever seen and I can't even get mad over it
Not even close.
Pointing out trends is not a "weird restriction". Also no, all of them are pre-2012.
Name 2 (TWO) video games that don't look exactly like each other.
Yes, and try starting a thread about any of them on an anime board and see if you can get 5 replies before it falls off the face of the earth.
Yeah, I guess all those shitty FPS games that all look the same, with same weapons and pretty much the same UI + dedicated grenade button are a product of my imagination. How many of those were churned out under different trademarks in the last five years? And they were very popular too, critically acclaimed even. Did you forget about the brown and bloom already?
Because they've all been talked to death and there's nothing left to discuss but spam memes?
Okay bro, let's just play dumb like always, I'm sure you'll fool someone.
Once again, reading comprehension.
Lelouch is MC of the new season. They shouldn't have fucking greenlit a 3rd season since the 2nd one ended so fucking well.
Like valkyria Chronicles
I'm just looking forward to GuP the final chapter even though I know it will be trash like everything else.
If you weren't obsessed with shitposting, you'd realize that if all games were to be converted to anime aesthetic, games featuring unique artstyles would receive the closest related and most similar looking anime artstyle that is also unlike the mainstream.
guppers is the best anime this world has ever seen you faggot
The amount of assblasted canadians in this thread is terrible.
Just because anime is banned in your shithole doesn't mean it is suddenly bad
You're trying to force a false equivalence, the video game industry is leagues bigger than the anime industry and has a lot more room for successful niches. Anime is much riskier than video games.
Is this an accurate depiction of tank warfare?
this looks like complete ass
>calling other shitposters in a shitposting thread
Also your conception of how your fantasy scenario would go is laughable, I'm done.
GuP is the Evangelion of anime.
>I-I don't have an argument but you're wrong and that's that!
It still didn't stop people from taking the risks still.
Anime beats Sup Forums yet again.
>of anime
>implying Eva isn't anime
You had an argument? Could have fooled me.
>There are various anime aesthetics out there
They're all the exact same template though though
I don't want to be your friend. Fuck off you wild animal.
Not anymore. I've been waiting to be proven wrong but instead of providing good modern examples you guys have just lashed out. Pretty standard behavior though.
>presumption is all but made in the OP
>No, this is not how it would happen!
The only thing here that is laughable is your attempts at stirring shit and failure to construct anything resembling an argument.