*blocks your path*

Ayo white boi say Yooka Laylee has consistent level design and a streamlined hub world just ONE more time.

Imma finna fuck u up

Other urls found in this thread:


dunk punching well above his weight in terms of looks but I think shes clinically retarded or something

That bitch is a feeder

Leah is Cuuuuute!

Honestly he is more attractive than she is.

>dunk punching well above his weight in terms of looks
not really they both look pretty average

Dunkey is cute! CUUUUTE!!!

>dunk punching well above his weight in terms of looks

She's like a 3/10. What would you rate him? I'm not gay enough to be able to rate men.

This. He has the face aesthetic advantage. She has the body advantage. She probably sluttes herself to Chad with a paper bag on her head, but Dunk wins overall.

He looks retarded.
A little like me.

He has a far better face than her. Face is like 75% of looks

this uggo bitch is the definition of butterface

would fuck the shit out of her

I don't think any Chad worth their salt would ever give her the time of day.

Meh, a 5 is fucking a 4. No real loss to humanity.

Fuck you dunkey, I do not watch your videos because you are black.


Pick one

I like Leah because Dunk would likely have killed himself if she didn't come around at the time he was making them Mario 64 videos
>How broken he sounded during them.

>this fag
>facial aesthetics

nigga looks like even more retarded version of Stephen King, who already looks like a literal downie

why is dunk the only halfway bearable videogame memer outside of the dark souls fandom? are we all just that retarded?

I think she's cute

>Dunky has a thing for girls with shrilly voices

He has gotten better again but for a while he really phoned his videos in
you could tell he'd rather fuck around with his friends than make videos, not that I mind

Isn't there a theory that women with really really high pitched voices are often victims of sexual abuse?


he's fat and has a neckbeard while she's thin and has clean skin, but her face is all kinds of fucked up while he would be a decently attractive dude if he lost a little weight and cleaned up his appearance.

CHecking out his old 64 videos
"My mom and her boyfriend are downstairs"

Someone that fat and ugly only has one type. It's literally whatever he can get that won't be absolutely embarrassing to be seen with.

His GF looks like my High School math teacher

where did you hear her voice?

Her voice means she was molested right?

Is that a typo? I don't understand.

That's most of Sup Forums.

This. And dunkey could easily bump his looks by a point or two if he stopped eating like a hungry-hungry-hippo, lost the neckbeard, got contacts and got a proper haircut.

he should do more regular reviews desu
no punctuation is cool too but thats about it

>dark souls fandom

Except the souls scene has become one of the worst communities and always attracts retards who misunderstand the games.

its called an accent

>dunk punching well above his weight in terms of looks

shes in a bunch of his videos

She's in some of his older videos,
He's also on her channel all the time.
You can tell he has a type because on his really old videos he has a girlfriend that sounds exactly like Leahbee

This thread is pathetic.

just in regards to youtube videos and general memery

ignoring over analysing lore vids

and he said to avoid mouse-bitches too

They're both just average looking, what is happening in this thread?

pig nose disgusting

You act as though people don't lie.

Especially about odd preferences

yes but youre irrelevant while dunkey is the voice of a generation

she si absolutely nerve wracking not only because of her voice but because of all the pauses as she speaks

I disagree both are pretty cringe at this point. Used to be good though.

She's faking her voice right?
She's doing it because she thinks it's cute?

You mean you're not secure enough to rate men

Its okay faggot, we'll still treat you the same : )

the dark souls section of bandai namcos official merch store

>Dunkey learning the true nature of females
Jesus christ he sounds like a serial killer

people are angry that someone who looks like them is happy and has a girlfriend

3 guys to the left seem normal

Thought so.

so i am watching a few of her videos and how is dunky not insane?

If I didnt actually know them I'd have assumed they were bronies.

Everyone in the photo looks normal except Sasuke in the hat and Mr. Genderfluid in the middle.

Do you ever go outside?

Bandai Namco are super jews. They're behind all the Praise the Sun/Prepare to die/Early access to streamers idiocy.
They're the reason why souls were even released for the western community though.

You haven't watched any of their content? Each and everyone of them are faggots.

Is the guy in the middle ironically wearing that hat?

and she has not posted anything on her channel in 3 years dead channel is dead

No, I absolutely haven't.
I've got no idea who any of them are, I'm just judging on appearance.

this game is a nipple, dude AHAHEHHUH this game is a nipple

top kek, she's fucking ugly


>If you guys could please stop the mean comments... So I don't kill myself, that'd be really nice of you.
The next video he talks about meeting Leah, and it's a complete 180.

Some guys just need that support

is that a recent picture? man she fell off the wagon

No, he's German Spy literal fedoraman
Twitter bio:
>Gamer, content creator, civil servant, freelance author, tea lover, firearms enthusiast, epicure and aficionado of all things sharp and pointy.

Why does this white as snow looking guy sound black as fuck.

large/fat stature and meatball voice

>that dear diary vlog he made complaining about being depressed over some Asian chick and moving back in his mom's house accompanied by super Mario 64 footage


>friends online they're just people you hang with out of convenience

No shit.

He sounds eye-talian.

Why does leah look like weird al?

>[angry monkey noises]

those glasses are not doing her any favors