Are there more games with cool technology like this one?

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R6: Siege as a whole is technology.


That does look amazing. I wish I was into racing games. But I just get bored with them so quickly.

Looks like shit compared to even Forza Motorsport 4 which came out 3 years prior and was also 60FPS.

>Looks like shit
I don't see it

>Looks like shit compared to even Forza Motorsport 4 which came out 3 years prior and was also 60FPS.

Forza (any instalment) looks like a mobile game.

hella epic bro!

>only looks good when its raining

really makes you think


>grainy 720p footage

real life runs at a higher framerate than 30fps


But you can only see 24 of them.

Better question: are there ones that don't suck?

Everything in BoTW



except graphics

This is a technology thread, not a graphics thread.

>what is artstyle
>muh graphics > gameplay



>game has shit graphics
>but muh artystle

>World is lifeless and bland, but at least it looks kind of pretty!

zeldafags on suicide watch!


Shut the fuck up RIGHT NOW

That's not impressive, Nvidia Physx was doing that 10 years ago


that is just a texture

if the zombie would be in it, which isnt, then it would be actual technology and reflection

fukkin nice, bro. maybe now someone might but horizon. i hope so ive posted so many webms

Guaranteed replies

Regardless, it was an early 360 game. Most modern games don't bother with that level of detail.

Half-Life 2 used reflection probes as well. I don't specifically remember what else has used them, though.

it is literally what Watch Dogs had for an example and everyone was bitching about it that it not a real real time reflection despite that fact that GTAV never did that either out in the open world only in a 2x2m room with nothing in it but you


>letters scroll over the pixels

Every "reflective" window in Watch Dogs was reflecting the same empty street regardless of where it was, that's a big difference.

what are you talking about? all cars have those reflections in real time

Fuck off, retard

halo 3 did this

Concrete barrier on the left.

not the cars, the windows you retard out on the open world you retard

i think GTA doesnt even shit like so because of that purpose

what? I played the game like 5 minutes ago and the truck reflected the road in real time

Eltie Dangerous is pretty cool for technology I guess, lot of small details and stuff
on this screenshot, my ship after a battle against filthy pirates, the lasers damaged the hull and it is visible
don't have any webm unfortunately

you cant be this retarded


>all the supposed "TECHNOLOGY" of any game in the last 7 years has been done and possibly done better by games before it

Sad state of a shit industry.

It's over guys, stop playing Rainbow Six Siege because Red Faction already did destructible environments a long time ago.

what about VR
inb4 shit gimmick that doesn't count

Red Faction has shittier

its prebuilt objects stickied together by the devs

The Switch's new Senran game


Honestly, as nice as the destruction in R6S is.

The fact you can't shoot out lights, is pretty retarded.

Only the "attention" does, the other words actually are formed by the pixels changing colors, look towards the top of the webm

You know he's right, right?

The only words just have less opacity, they still just scroll on top of the "pixel" texture.

S O R C E R Y =/= T E C H N O L O G Y

you know neitehr of you cant understand english properly?

go the big fucking mall or building in GTA and look at the window

>there are 2 people this retarded


Did you actually look at the webm?
It's reflecting the poster behind him not a general environment texture.
it's from a crowbcat video comparing DR to DR4.

They are both different but the top one just looks like the words are scrolling under the pixels. Both are weird though.

Red Faction had that in 2001.


Go anywhere and look at anything reflective retard. Just because you play on the lowest settings doesn't mean everybody else does.

Doesn't Halo take place in the 26th century or something? Have they still not invented a way to project in vector instead of raster?


What game


thanks for proving me right and that you are retard

really nigger


Legal Legends


Warcraft 3

Are you really this retarded?


This is like anti-technology.



The developer was an alcohol.


I think you can't do this anymore with the nerf to fountain hooking?

>Helicopter downdraft doesn't blow him away

pity about the latest ones
yeah its an old clip check the hud

>helicopter downdraft should extend vertically several miles past the rotor blades

I think the first hitman, was my first technology moment. A ragdoll slowly rolling down the stairs, some ragdolls hanging over chairs after a shootout. I spent days in the first hitman because of this.


>shotgun blast makes his body move forward

>doesnt understand fluid dynamics


>helicopter downdraft should extend vertically
Yeah, that's typically what it does.

can you feel the technology

It really pissed me off how every sequel was totally different to the previous game. I just wanted a more updated red faction 1.

>he doesn't understand fluid dynamics
That's not how helicopters work.

>back and to the left


>Maybe if I keep using words I don't understand people will think I know what I'm talking about.
That's not how arguments work, sweetie.


Shut your fucking mouth nerd

>maybe if I meme enough, people will think I'm ironically retarded and won't be as disappointed with me as my parents are
You don't understand much of anything, do you?

hey arthur, its your girlfriendd ;)))) do you want to go bang instead of being made fun of by these little Sup Forums kids? ;)))


your resistance only makes my cock harder tripfag