Sup Forums drawthread

>Previous Thread:
>Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Drawing Books:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

Other urls found in this thread:


>requesting Pic related with any vidya character of your choice
I recommend Olivia from Pokemon Sun and moon
and if you do this with Aigis don't give her feet and do it with her actual hooves things

Requesting these character fusions. The top on is Mion from htoL#NiQ, the right one is Rose and the left one is the nameless playable girl from Yomawari.

Requesting a fusion of May and Tharja with massive tits and ass.



Requesting Chalis licking her lips with an aroused glaze in her eyes as she's stepping on a guy's dick.

Requesting a drawn rendition of this. Drawing just one face is fine.

That artist needs to improve his lines.

Requesting 2B from Nier Automata looking rather confused: Culter Dei from E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy is killing hundreds of machines while crying out for "Brouzouf"

Requesting Yukiko successfully being cast as a new character in a remake of the movie "Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey"

Requesting vert as a giantess goddess in a similar pose to the pics on the right

Requesting Severa with short hair

Sumika from Orange_Juice and Mystia from Touhou remind me of one another, so, requesting they do something together or a fusion of the two.

Requesting cute and sexy Red from Hyperdimension Neptunia.

Remove only the clothing on her body but keep the clothing parts on her arms, feets, head accessories and the golden dragon. With red and white haired bush down there.

Requesting Misha Arsellec Lune from Ar Tonelico wearing the Sacred Gear armor that Saji has, but based on Reshiram (right leg and arm) and Zekrom (left leg and arm).

Anchor for

Requesting anything cool/badass involving Gunvolt and Alolan Raichu

Seconding. Maybe with Beruka as the one who cut her hair if OR doesn't mind.

Requesting Lucina, Cynthia, Zinnia, Lightning, and Marie as Power Rangers.

Poochie can be Zordon.

You know,
other boards would put the
utmost impressive delivery in the OP.
Regardless, it's a nice drawing, but,
well, it lacks proffesionality.
Amazing how far we've fallen.
I can't believe it.
For god's sake, what happened? It's unacceptable.
Let's all band together to improve the overall quality of the thread. It very, very much needs it.
Ergo, we can do better.
Sorry, no offense to the artist.
You know I don't mean to offend.
Otherwise, have a nice thread.

>That artist needs to improve his everything

Requesting Lusamine in Ivy Valentine's get-up with her regular clothes color palette molesting/dominating Lillie

Requesting Yuyuko Saigyouji giving away a present like this other girl is doing.
With a c: face and the present must be a bomb. The more cartoony the bomb, the better. The bomb would look alright with only a blue/light blue bow, fuse must not be lit.

if you read the first letter of every word it spells 'autism'

wAIFUS, IncreEASE The WaiFUs.

Well shit, guess I don't have to do this thread this time. Some of it is a bit forced though.

yvaN eht nioJ

Can any drawfag do suzuka hime in bkub's artstyle? tracing/editing like bottom right would be preferred


>got his request fulfilled but still asks for it
>got linked to his delivery but basically told the guy to fuck off





Join the lynching squad, nigger. Enjoy some second hand vindication.

Request Suzuka abuse art.

Then again I doubt we have real ryona artists/people would draw an obscure character getting abused anyways
>"b-but that's not what I asked"
Fuck off. You might as well edit your request and say that you exactly want a tracing.

counter requesting bkub suzuka in the same pose as homura

Lol, another fucking garbage Op made by the """""artist"""""

Let's get real here

better drawing than you could ever shit out, requestfag

thanks for the ref buddy

You're only hurting yourself. Let it go

You want me to get real, Kev?



It's just a request, please leave it alone.

Requesting Ryuji Yamazaki (Fatal Fury/King of Fighters) on the right being father like by having his arm around Ryuji Sakamoto's (Persona 5) shoulders.

and you're just an asshole requester out for (you)s

Requesting Aqua and Alloy fusion

No, I'm not.

just an asshole requestfag, then

Mek me.

Someone in the last thread wanted Cecil as a sexy bunny. Just wanted to say I'm working on it.

Requesting Metaknight raping Susie's ass, with her body having a few tears/cuts from sword, to knock that smug, mouthless expression off of her face.

An alternate revenge option is spanking her from the side of his sword. Thicc Susie a plus.

right hand could use some work

>the only person who gets deliveries anymore is Mishafag

No wonder these threads are dying.

the threads are doing just fine, stop being jealous

Requesting a cute pic of Estelle (from Trails in the Sky) but with the haircut of the girl on the right.

>t. mishafag

>the threads are doing just fine

>constantly below page 5
>no one even bothers making the new thread anymore
>twice as many requests as requesters

I'm sure they're just fine for you, Mishafag


Go get banned again policefag.

Hope Mishafag gets delivered again on the WWD to see your delightful buttmad.

JUST tell me my waifu loves me.

Requesting fusion between Arceus and Metatron.

she's not real you fucking idiot


Requesting Hifumi Tongou from Persona 5 having Star Platinum (or its chibi form) as a stand.

And before you ask, yes it is.

>Star Platinum
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin


She do


The only lie I tell is the one about how your mother will die in her sleep if you reply to this post

Requesting the image on the left but with two machines from NieR: Automata (with flashy red eyes). One saying "This cannot continue!" and the other "Become as gods!".

Reference pic but with Lien Neville from KOF Maximum Impact, please.

Requesting Noire giving Robin paizuri.

How dare you request porn of this character I consider to be my child.


Stop trying to bait autists

>an hour and a half
>31 posters
>under 100 posts

So what killed these threads


Shitposters doubling and even tripling down on shitposting.

Kill yourself.


People finally realized these threads are nothing but the same fetish requests over and over and hoping for anything to change was hopeless.

Requesting art of Phantom Bomber's mecha, Mystic Hatter/Mystic Echo.

Give me a quality girl and I'll make a nude model of her. No modern girls unless they don't have a 3D model already, or if the only model they have is low poly

Note: I can't rig, but I model with rigging topo in mind

Requesting Kratos dressed as aigis riding a Battlecat!!!

No one is this autistic.

Are you really sitting here all day, monitoring the thread just so you can tell people to kill themselves when they request Noire?
This is some special kind of autism.

Kat from Gravity Rush

this desu. requestfags earned this shitposting

You're baiting an autist so you had it coming

Requesting Mileena wearing a white Playboy bunny outfit with blood all around her mouth like the Rabbit of Caerbannog.

this but with spike

Free art tends to have a hard time with badass things.

Lewd is less taxing and easier to get done due to lewd drawfags lurking

well it's just a little annoying for people who aren't here only for lewd stuff

Ppl don't pay for badass things, dummy.
Only things I ever got paid to draw were porn, fetish and a few comfy pics, never "badass."

Which drawfag has the cutest peen?

Learn to draw then, faggot, not like any of these fags are even good.

the rest of us are even worse though

