What exactly did he do wrong? Didn't your gym teacher do the same at your school?

What exactly did he do wrong? Didn't your gym teacher do the same at your school?

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I don't remember the gym teacher at my high school breaking a students leg because he didn't like him

Duh, you weren't on any teams fatty

> literally living the dream when some fucking punks ruins it

Not sure why they were freaking out over vulva inspection day. Kamoshida was just following procedure.

>no bimbo Ann confidant

>chad loses

Didn't he rape anns friend

you would too

Why else would anyone become a male teacher?

If you aren't trying to fuck some teens you are essential video related


He didn't do anything any other male teacher hasn't done. Women instinctively respect the most powerful male in the room, its nature.

That's what I figured they were implying.

Also my middle school had a guy like this who would try to fuck all the middle school girls. As far as I know he still works there.

No, I don't think he tried to amass a harem of underage girls

You can tell this game's screenwriters were betas obsessed with realizing that the Chad's won in real life.

Atlus' screenwriters can't deal with the fact that the guys who "mistreated" whatever chicks betas secretly white knighted are now in the upper echelons of society with families (and a few mistresses on the side, women LOVE married men.)

But I didn't get the chance

My gym teacher went after the principal.

it was implied but never stated. for all we know he groped her tiddies and she went mental and tried to suicide.

He did nothing wrong
>trained boys to be at their peak performance
>gave women the opportunity to get ahead in life
>rightfully attempted to get troublemakers expelled
>lead the national team to the Olympics and took home the gold

he's a national hero

>after ann rejected poundtown

Yeah, bro. Try.

Meanwhile, what are you doing?

Suguru Kamoshida represents a male who does what you can't. So instead of manning up, you slink off and villainize him from the distance.

There was a gym teacher in my HS who used to be very touchy-feely with some female students, pretty sure he got fired because they found out he had a relationship with one of them, but he wasn't physically abusive.

Do you need help user-kun? You're projecting harder then a movie theater.

I'm pretty sure my high school gym teacher also banged a couple of the female students after they graduated.

>touchy feely
Did he hit more than you did?

Fuck a student?
No, the school cop did though.
It was hilarious because he got caught and was also a fucking dickbag.

Why are you keeping track of what he fucked? Were you not able to compete?

Is this even videogames?

fools like you corrupted the red pill

My math teacher was a fat fuck who sold weed to students and went to jail for molesting one of them in exchange for money. I wonder if he had a change of heart

>a fucking dickbag
>what a meanie
But the girls liked him and not you. Are you sure you weren't the dickbag?

Is this videogames?

Post news story. If this did happen I'm sure there's a news story of it.

the realistic scenario is that he groped her tiddies, she freaked out, guy told her to shut up or get kicked off the team, she got kicked off the team, and she decided to off herself to conceal the shame.

As much as I hate normie advice, you need to get out more.

He used to hug and touch them in a way that goes beyond what you'd expect from a normal teacher, just right in front of everyone, too, but those girls would let him be because he was pretty attractive.

My gym teacher was a bit of a jock but he was friendly and encouraged everyone to participate and do the best that they can.

It's funny because a couple years previously, there WAS a gym teacher who got fired for fooling around with female students.

I want to get spanked and fucked by incubus in his love dungeon


Stop posting Kamoshida

I didn't really give a shit about women in high school. Waste of time and money. I just knew stuff like this was happening because I was a student aid and he would hit on them through facebook while he was in his office.

>Come at me clown shoes
>Yeah, keep laughin buddy

I love those lines

No Kamoshida or his shadow explicitly said "you didn't show up for me so I had your friend take your place." He was talking about sex. These aren't perpetually triggered Tumblrinas here Japanese women are a lot more used to being groped and stuff than easily triggered "stop eye raping me" American feminists.

And what? He was a perverted gym teacher, and he got what he deserved, just like Kamoshida.

my gym teacher was a fat land whale woman who was a lesbian. she was only hired because her sister worked for the administrators and she used to be a student at the school a long ass time ago.

Its why those chicks have Facebook profiles to begin with. Its what they are there for.

>Former Olympic athlete becomes high school PE teacher

Kamoshida was really pathetic.

It's funny because my gym teacher was actually fired for sexing up some of our cheerleaders for money.

I found out my elementary school gym teacher did heroin.

How else did you think he put up with those fucking kids?

Am I the only one who thought it was odd he didn't preform any penis inspections? Do they not do that in Japan?

My gym teacher used to let the school sluts come into the boy's locker room while we were getting changed and the girls would stare at us and make lewd comments.

What´s the point of it doing it after ? Already a hag.

It's a pretty realistic career change.
There's nothing pathetic about it imo.

What a fucking bro.

Nah my middle school PE teacher was an overweight creeper with a mullet and a fake tan. All the girls talked crazy shit about him.

I was confused the Tokyo movie theater had no showers and you couldn't buy crab legs at the concession stand.

We had an English teacher who got fired for sexually harassing all the girls, but the reason I hated him is that he spent the whole class talking about pop culture references instead of actually TEACHING, so I pulled the strings to get him replaced with a hard-ass woman who put everyone through the wringer and who I proudly Teacher's Petted, back in my rightful place of lording my top grades over everyone else.

Olympic athletes don't generally lead a turbo rich life unless they are in one of the popular sports or are smart with their money. A lot of olympic athletes get a bit money here and there, but they can't live in top of the class hotels and go out to eat every day.

um yeah, s-sure

That isn't unusual at all. What exactly do you think olympic athletes do when they age out of competition? They either take up an entirely random job or do some sort of coaching, and private schools pay good money.

>tfw your PE teacher was 63 years old who was teaching his last year there
>tfw he could still do a standing backflip while you couldn't
I was a fatty in my high school years,
I hope he would be more proud of me now that I'm a lot more /fit/

It's not the PE teacher that's pathetic, it's that it's at a high school level, why not do something at a university where sports actually matter?

dont forget ann flurted with him on her own accord, thinking if she did so shiho would get a recommendation to college
shiho didnt go to the police after getting raped, and kept going back even after being smacked around, because she wanted something from kamoshida.
all the "victims" were hyenas that just wanted to prey off kamoshidas success. He did absolutely nothing wrong.

It's a game which needed some good first villains.

What the fuck is this even supposed to be? Is America literally hell on earth? Is this what their comedy looks like?

graduation age here is 17-18, still prime pussy.

My middle school had this guy. Piece of shit commie who would never shut the fuck up about Darfur. He was raping girls for years. Confessed after text messages were traced back to him and now he has 3-4 years left in prison for his 8 year sentence. Should've got more.

our ghettos are africa tier man

It's track and field in Japan, and university coaches aren't anything special unless they're doing football at a school with a serious football budget. The high school probably paid him very well if they were bending over backward to keep him around.

I do, it was the math teacher though.

Back to the cuckshed. Griffith-fags are waiting for you.

I remember my math teaching suplexing a student after the student was trying to fight him. Should have never tried to fight a ex marine

dicklet spotted

kek, sounds like he didnt even need to do cqc, was just fucking with him

I'd fuck their boupucchis


>spend all that time training to be the peak of physical performance
>end up teaching a bunch of hormone bags
That's pretty fucking sad.

he was doing literally nothing wrong until he decided to get the MC expelled. that's where he fucked up.

Sure. Its why they went to him and not you.

Did he get in trouble?

>be awkward teenager in locker room
>see hot girl dressed like whore
>get chubby while wearing loose gym shorts
>mmmm, that's a pretty big bulge, user! teehee
>blush, quickly get dressed, and leave locker room

Fast forward nearly a decade and a half later, now I'm an sexually frustrated, bitter, 27 y/o that still gets anxiety around cute women.

could be worse. you could have a phd and end up teaching at a high school.

Becoming olympic athlete isn't really something you should dream for anyways, especially if your sport is something no-one will ever appreciate.

an art teacher at my high school got fired because they hid a student's art project and tried to fail the the student but got caught

Quite literally yeah except he fucked several teachers. All of them got fired. Then he got a job at a school in another state and was arrested there for having sex with students.

Yeah, that makes sense.
The screenwriters are betas for demonizing a top-tier alpha.
Because top-tier alphas are the kings of a fucking high school.
Go outside faggot

The student got arrested and suspended, teacher got off free due to "self defense" all because one student was recording the whole thing. All he did was drop the student on the floor and hold him down until police came.

>not offering her sum fuk
What the shit user!?

statutory rape is still rape

We are sure you are at the top of the pyramid, bro.

>m-may I kiss you, m'lady?

What the fuck

Are you like a high school teacher who is feeling defensive or something? Why do you care to shitpost like this on an anonymous Arabian Vase Painting forum?

>head to movie theather for The Cake Knight Rises
>can't escape capeshit even in vidya
>MC doesn't get fined for violation of no single's policy
>designated shooter never shows up
>no one brought their Falcons

Is this bizarro world?

When you said suplex I pictured something more violent. Our teacher threw some dickbag down a flight of stairs, which he rightly deserved, always disturbing class. He didn't get in trouble cause he had crazy papers or something.

I was only 13. Guess I'm not an alpha like you. She ended up sucking off the entire football team anyways, probably not worth it.

How is that worse? Becoming an oplympian is way harder.

Then work out and get the fuck over it

well the student did get dropped on the floor pretty loud and hard. but it wasn't like he bust his head open or he got injured.

I hate when that happens

As someone who was raised in section 8 housing, that's not true at all

>What exactly did he do wrong?

Beat and abuse students
Breaks a student's leg
Bribe and manipulate students
Rapes a student
Forces student to attempted suicide
Threaten students with expulsion

>not worth it
You are still waiting for "the one", bro? Sure there is a nice fat chick that no one else will approach that you can call your own. Have fun waiting for the one who is "worth it". I'm sure that's why they don't approach you.

This thread isn't videogames