Why are game mechanics always rock-paper-scissors? is jokenpo the deepest videogame?

why are game mechanics always rock-paper-scissors? is jokenpo the deepest videogame?

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This doesnt even make sense.

there is no alternative

Why not?

The real issue here is how that orange is really red

This is actually a lot like real life for humans.

Orange = Alpha Males

Blue = Beta Males

Yellow = PUA

Pity there's no 4th category of Omegas who've given up on life and carry around waifu pillows instead.

Testerone levels are determining of personalities or social skills. A 'red male' will never break a loving relationship if it really is serious. The girl would tell them to fuck off or the blue would just kick his ass.

The middle guy is a fag, no one cares about him.

Is this a Switch reference?

Why user, do you need other people to put down so you can feel better?

Alpha males only have power over sluts.

How the fuck is blue beta male and yellow pickup artist?

Blue is fucking normal people

Red is the Chad Thundercock

And yellow is the beta who chases after girls already getting boned by chad

>why are game mechanics always rock-paper-scissors?
Because it is simple to understand and simple to implement. Simple to implement means that is it easy for developers to code into a game: no complex intricacies, just assign a color and make it weak to another color (even if that doesn't make sense). Simple to understand means that the casual game players, who don't want to put any thought into it, can play and be "strategic" without losing all the time. Got a blue? Then you have the solution to all yellow situations.

I wouldn't say all game mechanics are like that. Older Final Fantasy, at least, involved creatures weak to a specific element depending on how that made sense - not having every water creature weak to electric. Not sure how that holds up these days, though.

Depending on how you look at it, it could be seen as Yellow stealing Red's girl.

Yellow masterrace
>he doesn't want to get back at Chad by cucking him

Exactly. You dont exhibit beta behaviour by having one girlfriend at a time, you just fuck everything that walks or go to clubs where those kinda people breed.

Yellow is just the bisexual weirdo that no one really likes?

Blue seems best to be honest

Don't post trash drawn by that danish landwhale ever again

Red: Barbarian

Blue: Knight

Yellow: Thief


Says you.

Betas ARE most normal people Only like 10% of males are legit alphas. Any dude who is chasing the pussy and hoping to "get that one girl" is beta. Alphas have girls chasing THEM, aka Chad Thundercock.

PUA are little worms that try to get scraps from alphas.

It doesnt have to. its nature.

>implying Chad cares
He already cucks tons of Blues and has plenty of girls to satisfy him.

Cucking blue is actually satisfying, as it actually hurts him.

They're fucking lizards

Alpha by status, not by instinct. They also put themselves out there and again, attract girls that would never even want relationships, just power sluts. They are getting the sloppy shit, and a lot of it.

>a swedish drew this

really activates my almonds

He's not stealing anything. The girl would be with Chad any day of the week, but when she feels emotionally neglected by him she seeks attention from the yellow guy who probably thinks the girl.wants to be with him. But the girl goes right back to Orange when he's free again.

>people arguing about lizards
Really guys?

nature is cool as fuck m8. Image doesn't touch on the two female types, though:

>Orange-throated females lay many small eggs and are very territorial. Yellow-throated females lay fewer, larger eggs, and are more tolerant of each other.

Isn't the real problem here, women

>This is actually a lot like real life


>generally speaking animals have no interest in teaching you anything
>generally speaking

Does that mean that sometimes, the animals DO have interest in teaching us something?

Oh just wait until someone posts the hyena one. That one seems to trigger the most people.

You don't really believe alpha and beta males exist, do you?
That shit exists only in the animal kingdom, and we have evolved way past that.

cats are interested in teaching us that we are subservient to them

Cucking blue isn't satisfying because blue did nothing wrong.
And cucking red isn't satisfying because he doesn't care.
The moral is that cucking in general is shit, and so is yellow

You've never met an alpha if that's what you think, and you don't know girls if you think they only get sluts.

Dogs want to teach you how to love.

>cat ""people""

There's nothing beta about having a genuine and meaningful relationship. The yellow is more beta, getting Orange's sloppy seconds and being convinced that the girl actually loves him.

>That shit exists only in the animal kingdom, and we have evolved way past that.

The internet is absolutely fascinating. To think that I and this character have radically differing beliefs, and we exist on the same plane.

No. Alphas are like automatic weapons. They fire a shit ton of bullets and hope that at least a few hit the target. They have no shame and will go after anyone. If they get turned down they just move on.

Blues on the other hand actually assess the girls and pick one they genuinely like and stick with them because they're actually mentally stable

Yellows might be sneaky bastards who cheat, or they might be helpless idiots who are victims to girls who want to be with orange officially but at the same time don't always want to be treated like shit.

>A 'red male' will never break a loving relationship if it really is serious.
Nigga, they are lizards.
They don't have serious relationships.
They are fucking lizards. Don't compare sexual behavior of friggin animals to humans.
Fuck, at least stick to primates or even just social mammals, who resemble us closer than god damn lizards, who we shared a mutual ancestor with hundreds of millions of years ago.

Can we all agree that scorpions have the best mating ritual?

Doggos are the best animals.

said the insecure cuck


Post it.

here you go

What's that one about?

You spelled Scorpos wrong.

>being convinced that the girl actually loves him.

Where in the image did it say the yellow is convinced that the girl actually loves him? Based on the information given the yellow just uses the girl.

Do you seriously think some boneheaded muscle-clad retard can wander up to most women and tell them he is going to fuck them alongside 4 other women he has gathered and they will be okay with it? Relationships are built mostly on mutual tastes more than anything above super low intelligence groups of society. Generally speaking no woman worth dating will fall over to just pure muscles anymore.

Nice Quads tho

i see this degenerate propaganda is still making the rounds

I see it every day with my flatmate. Dude brings girls in all the time, has a phone full of numbers with names like Ana 3, etc... He's fucked over 200 girls, first gf is now a Serbian, makes girls his cock slaves, and trolls them to hell amd back ALL the time. He's 6'7, jacked, has tattoos, green eyes, and speaks with a London accent. No lie, he literally cucked a professional footballer, cause his wife used to he one of his gfs in college, and she still wants his dick.

To say I'm jealous is an understatement, and I used to brag about being good with girls cause I get laid more than your average guy. Like, I've fucked a good 20 attractive girls, this dude is on a whole nother level.

Jesus fucking christ Scorpion mouths are fucking horrifying.

Today on Sup Forums:
>people who only have second hand social experience base their entire outlook on human relationships on the mating habits of actual lizards

this one is more like Sup Forums

>an erect penis is a sign of submission
Dumb animals, and just how the female having a penis make raping her impossible?

Animals sure are interesting, huh?

or this

To give kisses with, user. Chill the fuck out.

Nope, blues are desperate cucks because all girls are hypergamous and will marry UP, going for guys better than them. Thus the tables are skewed against blue, and he's forced to constantly chase girls.

Blue gets the least amount of pussy and always settles for less than average females and sloppy seconds.

Huh. HUH.

I prefer this.


But I'll agree that the scorpion's one is better because the female isn't as big of a bitch and dances with him.

>bugfucker thinks that nasty exoskeletal shits have anything on superior mammals like doggos