Who here is old enough to remember the youtube "console wars" from 2006-2009?

The commanders were as followed

Elpresador (representing the PS3)

TruthSettingUFree (representing the PS3)

GeneralMLD (representing the Xbox 360)

BlackB0nd (representing the PC)

Pyro2000x (representing PS3)

SolidRev (representing both PS3/Xbox 360)

And HumpMasterFlex (representing PC)

Anyone? Was anyone around for that time? Remember how they would all argue and go back and forth? It was virtually like a war, but over the internet. People would send their subscribers to other channels to attack, and vise versa, sometimes only two channels would do battle, and then again channel would butt in, and then sometimes it was all out war. Man, funny fucking times. Good times. Was anyone there for that shit?

Other urls found in this thread:



How can you forget Chad Daddy

General MLD

>participating in console wars at all


True console wars ended withe genesis vs snes underage fag


what does the first letter say?

also. pic related, HumpMasterFlex

Fuck this guy

>forgetting the king himself.


Sure, if you like being initialized.

>Elpresador (representing the PS3)
Loved the butthurt back when he decided to go idort and bought a 360 to play Black Ops.

I think I spoke with him on the VGChartz forums some times. He used to post there frequently.

Remember when people would personally respond to someone talking shit about their video game console of choice? It was a different time.


lol ikr.

>Stutters like a nervous bitch
>"B-b-but muh sales means the console is better!"
>PS3 overtakes 360 in sales near the end of the console life cycle
>"B-b-but it doesn't matter!! Sales only matter during the peak of the consoles life cycle
>"I-I-I work as a manager and as a clerk, I do two jobs because I like making big money!!"

Fucking Canadians. Also, pic is Pyro2000x

It's interesting how it went from 360 vs PS3 to Consoles vs PC so quickly

I think Console gamers took the "Master race" meme to heart



>old enough to remember 2006-2009


>I take showers. Daily.


most people here are 14 years old, and would have been 4 years old in 2007.

>Who here is old enough to remember the youtube "console wars" from 2006-2009?
I am old enough that I was already too old to care about these youtube console wars.

ayo where Blake3one6 at?
I actually don't recall if he was a big part in it or anything, I just remember getting really pissed by him being a sonyfag myself back then.

Elpresador needs to make more YOBO vids. Shame Twitter permabenched him.

Redneck inbred looking trash

Pasty dope head looking mother fucker

Gosh darn golly gee wizz looking ass mother fucker

>Shit eating smug ass grin
Yup. He's a PC supporter all right


>Super nigger

>Actually looks like he's a bro

Yup. This all checks out. Minus the last one. They all look like they would argue over plastic childrens consoles.

>there are people here who actually cared about console wars for even a moment
This is why we can't have nice things




*infantilized. I feel silly.

But I do get the sentiment to a degree. I was happily looking forward to the scorpio release for the sheer resurgence it would bring in the inane banter that goes back in forth about consoles.


E-celeb shit, not video games.

top kek at this nigerian looking nigger.

His whole channel was dedicated to console wars and picking wars with autistic kids.

These guys were all mentally ill.

>tfw Elpres has moved on from video games and only posts cat videos and rants about currently trending drama
feels bad

These guys weren't e-celebs. Many of them got their accounts banned multiple times.

this shit was the dark days of youtube

At least he's still around.

More like youtube in it's prime

Now it's taken over by meme spewing Sup Forumstards

Oh thanks, he has yet to change the Twitter link on his Youtube channel.


>those alt youtube channels elpresador used when his account got suspended.


Am I missing any?

Best one will always be ZamatoElite or whatever his fucking name was.

Such a smug fucking prick. Absolutely hilarious.

>opens store bought new game
>"mint condition"


This was a fun era of YouTube, but not a lot of people on Sup Forums were talking about ELPRESADOR back in 2006

I came here to post exactly this.

we fly high

no lie

>arguing over consoles

What was there to argue about? Who had the shittiest frame rate?

Everybody knows PS3 got the best games

It's because Microsoft and Nintendo fucked up massively and Sony is the only one relevant now, without competition


I honestly cold heartly hate this attic dwelling faggot so much. His videos are just total bullshit and fanboy bait. He is the social reject along with that great exposer and hard8times. Rags on the other hand is furry faggot that is the ultimate pcbro on youtube. He tries too hard argue against jaytech (pyro) but fails so badly.


Of course a retard pcfag underage like you wouldn't understand

I know, right? How can you have a list like this without Chad motherfucking Warden?

Anyone remember ROCKY L ROSE the best SF2 and MK2 in the world? Guck Cigarbob and Obama did 9/11!


Absolute Southern kino.

>0 of 0
I'm disappointed in your nuthuggers.

The only thing there is to consider about video games is numbers, OBVIOUSLY.

Doesn't he rant about fishing and sports too? I remember being subscribed to him like 8 years ago and he would post a bunch of fishing related videos.

t. groundhog / weebol.

>forgetting chad warden

Xbots refused to believe that ps3 was worth $500+ at the time. They used gears of War to trash talk the ps3 until god of war 3 blew that shit out of the water. Ps3 would have started good if developers understood how to develop games with the cell in mind. Japs were too poor to make games for the ps3 due to the low sales, the expensive dev kits and hd game development being too expensive.

fuck yea i remember. these guys were my youtube life for a while. i barely watched anything else except all that you listed.
i was a xbox 360 guy back then and woudl always shitpost in the comments and get reactions. my main guys were elpresador, generalmld, blackb0nd, and solidrev, i fucking hated truthsettingufree (aka, the stay at home dad) and humpmasterflex, and pyro2000x. i was like 14 and 15 when this shit was huge. used to get excited whenever a new video popped up.

there will never be another time like this again

Sup Forums is a 18+ site. Also, there can't be underaged here - where are all the COD threads then?

Shit I graduated high school in 2007 and remember Elpresador popping up a year later.

the 14 year olds here arent normie CoD teir. theyre autistic weebo nintenbros that like anime and games they played as small children and still havent grown out of yet (Zelda, Mario, etc)

social butterflies are CoD players. Not anti social dweebs

What was the name of that mexican cartel looking dude representing the PS3??

Also elpress F for the true victims of the console war: youtube.com/watch?v=Jwn0ntbZntY

I don't see Chad Daddy there, the most infamous of leaders in those brutal times.

anyone remember/have the video where the guy was pissed that ff13 was also coming out on the 360? I think he was trolling, but i remember it being funny

nvm found it


That nebbish? The one that drank out of a chalice?

Fairly sure that was some shithead goon trolling people.

My only joy left is knowing that time will wreck you eventually. Go on, laugh at me.




God damn i miss youtube video replies.

I miss it too

Zoopsoul vs. Brian Sulpher? Those I Wanna Be The Guy videos were entertaining as hell.

ElPresador knew me well enough, that he replied to my every bait in his vids. That guy is hilarious.

My elpresador OC from 4 years ago

Chad wardens wipes his ass with six hundred dollars
Six hundred dollars aint shit
I'll give you six hundred dollars just to shut the hell up
Six hundred dollars aint shit

Why didn't Chad enter the rap game?

>when this nigga tackled a tree
>when he switched it up and went to xbox for muh call of dootie

Good times, all were frauds desu


>BlackB0nd (representing the PC)
He's a literal So-nygger nowadays.


>Implying CoD's fanbase isn't majorly comprised of 10 year olds

The crumbside died off after 2014. It was a good run while it lasted. Now everyone is required to have pc meme machine in order to look cool and somewhat totally not baised. Most nintendo guys that hyped the wii u left youtube and got a pc to play multiplats. I remember batman arkham knight not coming to wii u hurt a lot wii u hypers hearts.
The xbox fanboy territory is still strong, Just look at kidsmoove, nextgen, mooch crapgamer and showstooper. They formed the big gamers small talk and worship phil spencer and hype up the Scorpio.

Playstation community is pretty much dead and has mostly been Infested with weebs and pc gamers. Pyro is just hyping exclusives normies don't give a shit about.
The neutral behavior is what killed the crumbside. I really Miss watching the wii u guys fight against ps4 guys and blackbond. The abitor365 used to have a field day destroying Nintendo fanboys and Xbots on a daily basis. Too bad he deleted all his videos to be a neutral faggot.

>mfw i was there
>mfw at that time i was rooting for PS3

Well now im mustard race fuck consoles


The more Xcucks are represented by the likes of pic related, the more cancerous everyone else will think of them as a whole. Fine with me.

Remember the 4kids voice actors drama, with Spax3 and Bigal2k6 and RandomDCE and of course GRIFFITH, THIS...THING THAT JUST FUCKED UP WHO SONICS CHARACTER IS.

At least he had enough self-awareness of how ridiculous he looked and left the internet forever rather remaining a lolcow.

>It's an ELPRESADOR tackles a tree episode

>no blackbustercritic
>no shokio

>it's an ELPRESADOR screams STUCK episode