ITT: The last character you played as is trying to kill you. You get the Talisman which represents your Chinese zodiac Do you survive?
>Your zodiac:
ITT: The last character you played as is trying to kill you. You get the Talisman which represents your Chinese zodiac Do you survive?
>Your zodiac:
Don't trust this man. He is trying to get info about your age
The cock talisman
no one can beat the cock
Talisman no important!
Dragon talisman - combustion
soooooo fire powers?
>jump into the ghost world using Sheep
>watch CR-S01 stab my unconcious body to death
Goddammit, most of them are cool and I get stuck with astral fucking projection.
>healing and regeneration
Kind of boring, actually. But I guess I'd make a mean berserker, depending on how fast the regeneration is.
>My Character in FFXIV
What the fuck does Balance do?
Last game I played was Hearthstone, so I guess Maiev? I'd fucking destroy her with the Ox Talisman.
I don't know how to box, but I could beat the shit out of him I guess.
>low level elder scrolls character
Pick him up and drop him, problem solved
>snake talisman / invisibility
>have to fight quote from cave story
I might survive if I can sneak away
It doesn't matter who I'm against, I'll just turn into an ant or something and they'll never find me.
it gives spiritual balance
it can also be broken in half to split yourself into good and evil halfs
or find the other half of something that was split
I got tiger, the power is balance.
Excuse me, my power is really fucking good balance?
I don't know, I guess I'll run across a tightrope spanning a chasm, most characters wouldn't have the confidence to even touch it.
>cut the tightrope at one end
>youre dead
its not the type of balance you think of anyway
>Link is coming after me
>i'm a dragon
Good luck to get a scale
balance as in halves
You can split your opponent into good and bad and make them fight eachother while you gtfo
>splitting somebody into two separate parts
>Velvet Crowe coming to kill me
>Monkey Talisman
I might win unless I shape shift into Artorius for some reason.
>XIV catslut
what the heck does "animation" mean for the rat talisman
frickin chinks
>Snake talisman
>Soul Hackers MC
Even if he finds me I can just negotiate.
You make anything you want come to life like in pic related.
Well, it doesn't really matter who I fight now, does it? Especially if they aren't even a biological being. Fucking Nines.
You can bring anything to life. Go fucking read the wiki REEEEEEEEE
>Dog - immortality
>my survivor from fallout 4 survival
I guess he snipes me in the head a few times before giving up as it's a waste of ammo?
>Link in Breath og the wild
>Rat Talisman
My amiibos and waifus shall protect me.
Finally, a real use for all those hotglue figures.
>tfw immortal dog
Doesn't even matter which video game character anymore
>fem Ryder
Pretty good odds depending on how kitted out she is.
Doesn't matter, I sit there and laugh at the poor bastards who were born in the year of the Sheep
>Joker in Persona 5
>Dog Talisman
I'd essentially be immortal. I could beat his ass even with maxed stats
Hey man, astral projection is cool. Just not for combat. At least I can become the lucid dream.
>Healing and Regeneration
>Emperor in Crusader Kings 2
I'm fucked depending on how long it takes to regenerate.
>character locks you up in a dungeon you cant escape from
They can still win, nigga
my terraria character's coming for my ass but i have the Ox talisman
i'm really strong but my terraria charcter has an invincible dragon and spears that go through walls
what happens?
They can still rip you to pieces and you won't rejuvenate. You'll just be a bunch of useless meat that can't do anything. Oh, and you'll still feel the pain.
>becoming sentient with knowledge of how many times you've been drenched in cum
Truly worse than Shendu
>Be me
>Ajay Ghale wants to kill me
>Use rat to bring all my super robot figures to life
>Ajay vs Mini Shin Getter
I can explain, I just wanted lootboxes from the weekly arcade.
Can I bring my bodypillows(male) to life?
That's not how you kill someone who's immortal
The wiki clearly says rejuvenation so...
> The Dragon talisman.
I think I'll be okay. Hackerman cant hack his way out of explosions
Might as well be dead though, right?
>Can I bring my bodypillows(male) to life?
post them and I'll tell you
Bayonetta against my Cock powers.
Dog prevents death and allows you to feel and act at your peak again but it doesn't mend the body, that's what Horse does.
You got jipped, we already have cock powers at our disposal.
Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao
>Get sent into a lava, suffer for eternity
Gee user you sure are a winner huh
>MM Link
>Monkey Talisman
Shapeshift into an ant, crawl inside stomach, then shapeshift into a gorilla
>A Leopard 1
I'm gonna punch it.
Enjoy being digested.
> pig
> Dante
I guess I'll optic blast my way to victory
>Agent Reyes from thimbleweed park
>Snake (invisibility)
Uh, yeah, I think I'm good.
It could be cool though.
Invading people's dreams and influencing them subtley.
Just like Inception user.
>Velvet Crowe
guess I'm gonna get eaten
>dragon talisman
Best option is I bake a cake and distract Kirby with it
>I get shapeshifting
>Hisao tries to kill me
Wow that was easy. Afterwards I use my newfound power to transform myself into a hot girl.
I get telekinesis and levitation so maybe.
But I'd rather lose and become his boytoy.
It also allows you to have conflicting abilities no matter what.
It's effectively the Megaman of the talismans, almost useless on it's own, but with the rest ot them it's all the more powerful.
Rat talisman is easily one of the most overpowered talismans.
>can bring anything to life with all of its powers and "memories"
>be a sculptor
>create a statue of a donut steel waifu with god powers
>have a god waifu
> Pig
Considering how easily you can roll through the moonlight butterfly's laser, I think I am fucked.
>Tahm Kench
That could actually be interesting.
Was I the only one who found this episode spooky?
That depends.
Do androids dream of electric sheep?
Well now.
What could save me from a blood thirsty golf enthusiast?
Finally a good fucking thread. Last character was Jak from Jak & Daxter. I have the horse talisman.
I have infinite health regen so he can't kill me.
I used to love this show as a kid and me and my siblings would run around pretending to have the talismans and fighting each other. It was fun.
The talismans were pretty cool.
>a bunch of clones of myself piloting spaceship that
>fires emp lasers
>repairs itself when using a bomb
>can use 2 bombs by the price of 1
>is fucking invincible
I don't think any kinda talisman gonna help.
>Year of The Dragon
>I can blow shit up!
>The main character of Fable 3 is after me
>he literally CANNOT DIE (for those of you that haven't played the game, there is no fail state. If you run out of HP, you fall on the ground, there's a big explosion, and you get back up at full HP)
>fucked no matter what I do
Maybe I can trick the dumbass into getting frozen for eternity, or locked behind a Demon Door or some shit.
>2b and 9s
>Rooster, so Levitation and Telekinesis.
Considering they can also use Telekinesis. My only advantage is flying. I'd need to be really clever but I am at a MAJOR disadvantage. I'm probobly at least a boss to them rather then some mook.
those bionicle masks?
what gems are those in the first and last image?
>Ryuji Yamazaki
Bring it on, Nigger
>Michael Townley
At least he can't get guns in this country.
>My dork souls guy
doesn't that make things even worse since I'll fight both the human side and the undead side
I mean I'm only at the gaping dragon so if I find a gun somewhere I guess I could be ok
>my pokemon trainer
>levitate her pokeballs over to me
>send out pokemon
>all are levelled in their 50s & irl me obviously has no badges
since hes immortal you are sorta fucked
unless the talisman can separate him from the curse or something
>my Grey Warden from Dragon Age: Origins
Literally can't die unless I somehow lose the Talisman.
Pretty sure the first is Chaos Emeralds. No idea on the last but don't care enough to reverse image search it so do it yourself
>Deltora belt is god-tier
my nigga
>Geralt of Rivia
>Rooster Talisman
Yeah I think I'm good, I can just float away or throw stuff at him with my mind.
Combustion wont do shit when he has a surt for fucks sake, just the doot would hamaon my ass.
Deltora is god tier.
>My dark souls character
We are both going to die over and over again
>Vigilante from Fistful of Frags
I guess I can just scare him into jumping off a height and killing himself.
The Nameless one
The Dog
>Orochi from For Honor
>eternal life, eternally young
zone spam me all you want. have fun never killing me, jackass.
I've got a bad feeling about this.
>tfw i'm a Dragon
I love Yakuza and I love playing Enja in SamSho Vs.
It all makes sense now...
more like you have the opposite power of everyone else and can cancel their powers
Mine was Lawbringer and pig
tfw laser beam eyes aren't as versatile as the pollaxe
Windwaker Link vs Horse talisman. If I can get somewhere he can't reach and just infect the island with some disease I'm fine. Otherwise, fuck that.
>Nathan Drake
> Rat Talisman (fuck)
>I'm probably dead unless I can bring some temple statue to life
>Chris Redfield
>Ox Talisman
How fucked am i?