Mfw I play persona, wear high fashion and get pussy on a regular basis

>Mfw I play persona, wear high fashion and get pussy on a regular basis
>Mfw I'm a nu weeb

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And you don't have any friends to tell this to so you tell us.

there are many other people who play persona, have better fashion, and get more pussy than you. they are not attention whores trying to bait on Sup Forums however

>solid 9/10 gf
>good job
>currently enrolled in a stem course in college
>still play weeb games and watch anime


self aware nu weebs are the worst

At least we out here getting our pieces wet

Is this you?

There are 10 fucking faces on that cover, which one is yfw?

It became a normalfag series thanks to P4G.

>tfw get bitches irl
>tfw there's a game that I can finally relate to

Feels good man.

And that's only Persona 3.

Must be fun being an attention whore

love the

>Wear Fashion
But the biggest Fashion statement is working out which goes hand in hand with being a weeb in my experience.

Well, it goes hand in hand with being a /m/ type of weeb anyway, probably something to do with with HOT BLOOD.

normies reeeeeee

What do? Kawakami right?

If you have to say something about it on a shitty board to feel better about yourself there's probably some caveat. Either lying or you fuck fat hambeasts.

you must be really confident if you feel the need to brag about your life in a nigerian sailing club. nobody really cares, pal!

Nah I'm just too used to coming here. Old habits die hard

>you can't play japanese games unless you're a shit eating anime fan retard
Fuck you

Post face.

I miss when every japanese game wasn't a weeb game. Persona absolutely is, but it feels like every game that comes out today is called weeb if it's japanese unless it was made by nintendo. I wish weeb went back to actually meaning someone who thought everything japanese was superior

>wear high fashion
I hope you don't end up looking like this

>You can't like anime-ish as fuck game if you actually think that anime is satan and anything related to it is the gate of hell.

Yes, you can't. If you like those games and you keep spamming here that you hate anime that much you are just a dumb ignorant hypocritical.

I don't like just Persona, but Megami Tensei in general. I don't watch anime, I hate other JRPGs. Am I that hypocritical?

Nah I wear slp and margiela. Nice meme tho

>I don't like JUST Persona,
Oh, wow. I don't like just Persona, I like also Joyce's Ulysses, I guess that gives me the right to be a hypocritical.

>Am I that hypocritical?
Obviously. You mustn't say that you anime or anything, but trying to depict that as the absolute utter hopeless trash while liking Persona is utterly dishonest.
And, not, don't try to bullshit me again with "I like it because I like the MT series", the content of Persona is as anime as it could be, you would just completely despise this series if you actually hated anime that much, MT series or not.

I love Japanese games and hate anime
Fuck you

Post pics of said hot Gf's then! I wanna see.

>I love Kojima's games and I hate videogames, fuck you.
And I'm not just underlying how stupid your mindset is, I'm pretty sure I read something like that on /lit/.


the fuck
anime faggot is fucking retarded

Great argument.

nigger, i hope you realize you look like an actual fag with those

Better than wearing embarrassing americlap brands like j crew