Webm thread. Post webms

Webm thread. Post webms.






why does this physically hurt

Motion sickness?







I wish I could find this arcade machine again. I sucked at it as a kid.


now this is a webm

Queelag is hotter





Shit thread.

What are you looking for?


is that the arcade D&D game by CAPCOM?

uh i remember this game, playan with a friend when we were kids, don't remmeber the images turning into spooky shit tough.

Nope, it's Irem's Hook arcade game.

It only happens if the meter at the top goes to low. There's lots of Qix clones, though. Maybe you played a different one.

nobody expects the super hop into throw

>tfw I have to do a full hyper jump or else I can't buffer double hcb in time