PS vita thread - which is better?

I want to get a Vita for remote play and emulators and what not. Which version is better, and what should I be paying for it? I know the original has OLED but that's it.

How about emulators and how well do they work?

it fucking sucks

There's not much difference between the two versions. OLED screen is a bit nicer but people really overstate how much of a difference it makes, you're still playing on a sub-HD screen.

The emulators are shit. Not even PSP-tier yet.

How about for remote play? Or is it just a waste of money?

2k has the better charger, finding a replacement for 1k chargers is hell

I don't have a PS4 so I can't vouch for remote play.

>This is what the chumps with a 2000 actually think

Have fun with your piss yellow screen tint

I'm using the 1001. I like it and the screen but the 2001 has
>1GB built in (this was a pain in the ass to not have with the 1001)
>can use standard chargers

Playing P5 on the bed is comfy as fuck.

Not sticking around in the thread, because I don't care about the opinions of others. OLED is way better than LCD.

Is SNES or genesis any good for it?

That makes it a lot easier to decide too. The memory sticks are retardedly expensive.

Those are both all right.

1GB doesn't count for shit except for save files. You won't be able to store anything on 1GB.

no games

I forgot to mention how cheap the 2001 feels and I kinda hate it. 1001 feels solid as hell.

You can hold like 5 PS1 games on that shit, maybe thats what op wants

Honestly it was going to be mainly for remote play. I have a 3ds I don't use and plan on selling. Plus the emulators as well. Ill look into the library as well but it's mostly jap games which is fine with me.

I like the slim better. More battery life plus better Start/Select buttons. Way lighter, too.

How much better battery?

An hour more. I also forgot to add that it replaces the proprietary charge cable with a micro usb cable, which that's an improvement, too.

OLED screen. Not even up for debate. The 2000 came later and is cheaper fora reason.

How is the Vita 2000 for animu watching? I want something cozy to watch in bed or when I'm outside, and I sold my 1000 a couple years ago

It should be the same as the 1000. It's a pain in the ass transferring files from the pc to vita. You're better off just getting a $50 tablet.

1000's screen has better colors and load times are faster for some reason.

2000 has 1GB built in so you can not get a memory card if you dont plan on getting digital or dlc and the screen is brighter.

Op again, $75 for the OLED, System and a memory card worth it?

For that price, definitely. How fucked up is the condition?

Yep for an oled.

OLED version is much nicer. but 2k does not require memcard (if you're going for physical games at least).

It's nice, but don't expect great experiences for fast action games. I've managed to play Nioh and GR2 with remote play (from my home to my appartment, 100km apart) and it was ok, but it's definitely not the same as playing it "live". It's great for slow / tactical games like Disgaea 5 or Persona 5 for example. Don't bother with the 3G version tho, it sucks, you're better off turning on LTE and mobile access point in your phone.

depends on the card and condition of the console.
stay away from 64GB ones, they have crazy high failure rates

t. own 2 OLED 1k's and 1 2k

Aren't you forced to choose between emulators and remote play because there's no hack for newer firmwares and they're continuously blocking version spoofing?

version spoofing is all right for now

if it gets blocked then you can fall back on ARK + PSP emulators

Good shape he says. It's an 8gb memory card too. No scratches.

Would like to know if this is true also

Go there, don't bother with this board it's full of cancerous nfangirls

It's a lottery but actually you have bigger chance of getting piss yellow on OLED rather than IPS
the thing that is better about a OLED is mostly blacks and saturation

Ahh screen protector. That's good. Now see if the back or the side rim is scratched yo hell and back.

>Go there, don't bother with this board it's full of cancerous nfangirls
Have you read this thread? It's been pretty decent until you showed up.


you mean go here

So used to nintendogaf that I just assumed. Nice to see an actual discussion
My bad

So user? How's the pick?

The PSP was unironically my favorite handheld along with the GBA advance
The Vita is a beautiful thing to hold, don't know who was in charge of running it but they should've given me control, annoys me that actual handhelds and especially with great hardware are dying

They had to stealth kill the vita because of the lawsuit they had a couple of years ago.

The apple one? Apple is deluded, can't stand those fucks

It was for false advertising. People sued for not being able pause a game on the ps3 and continue where they left off on the vita.

I actually did a lot of research on this back when went through this obsessive phase of wanting to buy a Vita.

From what I have gathered, the original Vita is pretty much the way to go if you care about the aesthetics more than the...practicality I guess is the right word to use. It has a nicer screen, it has a heftier weight, and the way it is made just seems to be much more polished than the newer one. The new Vita is like a cheap, plastic alternative with better battery life and a less cumbersome interface.

In any case, if you really want to get the best handheld that money can buy then you should either invest in a PSPGo or in a decent tablet. The Vita is just worth getting for the novelty and nothing else.

I have the same obsession phase like yours and i ended up with 2 oled vita both 3.60. Pretty lucky streak I guess but damn that aqua blue vita is straight baller.

>Better screen
>Better build quality
>Feels better in the hand due to the thickness
>Better L1 and R2 shoulder buttons for some reason
>PS Button, Start and Select are flush so you can't accidentally press them

>Better battery life
>MicroUSB connector

That's about it.

I can't picture ever accidentally pressing those buttons.

It's so easy to accidentally press the buttons on the Slim Vita. They're so big, fat and extend away from the chassis so much.

The small and flush buttons on the OLED Vita are much better.

I can picture the face buttons maybe, but the start/select/ps buttons are just so out of the way. I don't get it.

Tfw bought 5 OLED Vitas because I kept getting them scratched. Lightly scratched oleophobic coating and got a few white scratches on bezel.

Hands placement. Plus, the case with l2 r2 trigger might change the way you hold it.

which one do i have?, my friend gave me his and its on 3.60 so i plan to hack it once my mem card comes in

Does the screen look like somebody opened up the vita, pissed all over the back panel and then put it back together?

We're talking about Vitas here, not the 3DS.

3d is better than pixels



5 is too much. 2vitas is max limit, after that its autism. buy a case and screen protector

I have oled vita but damn i wish i opt for the slim one if aqua blue ever comes in 3.60.

Sole reason for slim is they still making accessories like the l2 l3 r2 r3 trigger that can fit perfectly if you plan to remote play a lot.

Also, vita remote play persona 5 is the ultimate comfy

I remember the pics showing this but then the same maps posted videos and the screen on the LCD looked good and it surprised me
Certainly better than anything ninty had at the time

>remote play persona 5 is the ultimate comfy

my fuckin guy.

Oh shit you describe me perfectly. I have two oled vita, one scratched and another is in okay condition. Anyway since they had this one device one account thing i save one for jap and us psn.

Let's put it this way. The worse vita screen is equivalent to best 3ds ips screen.

Shows how much 3ds shove their low res shitty screen just for the sake of gimmick.

But the screen protector gets air bubbles!


post wallpaper pls

It annoys me, I remember when the DS XL dropped and had the same resolution and worse build but people ate it up and kept buying it
I wish they would be smart enough to know we'd get a better product if we didn't buy hardware revisions that are inexcusable

2k. You can tell with that big screen border and the circular PS button.

>I remember when the DS XL dropped and had the same resolution
>I don't understand technology

he's not wrong. The XL is a fucking ridiculous piece of kit. It looks like a fisher price toy and the PPI on the screen is worse than the original Game Boy.

N3DS regular size is the best 3DS available. And even that is full of questionable decisions (no, the stupid fucking nub does not count as an analogue stick)

t. retard
Bet you bought a game boy micro

>tfw you suck at customizing your Vita

Any tips or cool backgrounds?

Even so not making the different backgrounds scroll along with the pages instead of phasing them out was a stupid decision.

They're both plastic, it's just the 1k is much heavier. I prefer the 2k's look and feel because it acknowledges it's plastic instead of going for that weird faux-metal Samsung ass look.

The Slim Vita creaks when you put any pressure on it. The Oled Vita doesn't. The Oled Vita is just simply built better.

Just organize your bubbles better, it's a shitty interface compared to the XMB anyway, any attempt at making it even remotely aesthetic fails horribly because it will never not look like a shitty android menu.
Your best chance is getting a custom theme to at least make your system bubbles not suck too much, some give them a uniformed colour and better icons too, or just make a folder and hide them all inside, but then again folder bubbles look like shit too so it's hardly a solution.
The other thing you can do is making a screen dedicated to a certain series if you play those, like a SMT one, and give them a common background, but it only really feels satisfying if you get many games of said series.

Getting rid of XMB was a serious mistake.

It does not creak unless you press on it like a retard to break it. No part of the vita creaks while using it normally.

>Have fun with your piss yellow screen tint

Have fun with your grey on black blotches

I'm sorry but it is not mine.

Hey no bullies and elitism! Vita need our untitled love to live up to its name.

That was just about as I guessed. Right now I only have the two upmost screens for system stuff and the third one with a bunch of nicely placed dirs for categorizing games and apps but it's not very exciting.

I don't suppose you can set a custom background per directory, can you?

You mean inside folder?

Yes the transparent bubble container thing sorry I'm ESL garbage.

Well unfortunately you can't. That's really hampering the customizations.

>tfw bough a vita with a 16gb card for $40 but it was 3.63
kill me but surprisingly it's really a great system and the games when bough used aren't that expensive to my joy

>I don't suppose you can set a custom background per directory, can you?
Unfortunately, that's the case, directories only use the background they're put in.

Feels bad, but that's the way it is.


Thanks anyway.

>tfw I had a 1.00 OLED and upgraded straight to 3.63

I would do it twice over then again I'm fucked in the head.

I just wanted to thank you too fellow vitabro.