
how the fuck do I stop getting stone rankings this shit is bananas

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get better?

You just fucking suck op

peecee mustard racing showing once again they're terrible at video games. it's dork souls all over again


get gooder

Get better. Bayonetta has cues for everything and no off-screen attacks. Just keep playing friend, eventually you will subconsciously start reacting to enemy visual and sound cues.

is this really the power of pc players?

how long did you spend posting goldfaces and cheerleading for an electronics conglomerate on an anonymous taiwanese street art forum, OP?

Is it really expected of new players to get good rankings on their first time through?

Who actually did well on their first playthrough? No DMC fans allowed

i don't expect a pure platinum but FUCKING STONE nigger are you even trying bayonetta is one of the easiest games i've ever played and you're getting stone dude

There are missable fights that bring down the ranking though

Is the port good and worth a buy? Never played it when it originally came out.

Yes, if you like these types of games at all. Bayonetta very well made but has a few mad quips like a very small number of instant death QTEs that Kaimya said he literally put in the game to fuck with people. At $20 you get the game, which already has alot of content for a game of its type, and all the digital deluxe version stuff like the OST and artbook. It's very much worth the pricetag.

Yes and yes.
Best version of Bayonetta 1.

>bayonetta is one of the easiest games i've ever played
that's bullshit but I believe it

mad pcbro detected

the dodging alone makes the game too easy it's super overpowered

Bayonetta on Normal can be beaten pretty fucking easily. As long as you can dodge you're set.

purchased, how many hours is it roughly?

for a different view, i actually fucking hate third person action / beat 'em up games because they are usually shallow mash fests. bayo is actually more towards god hand though (without the stupid tank controls), you feel like you can express yourself and make some actual choices, so it's good.

plus i got a thing for witches


On your first playthrough you'll probably put in at least 10 hours, depending on how much you explore or how much you retry levels. It's not a LONG game once you start skipping cutscenes and winning at the first try.

it's only a mash fest because you make it a mash fest the only difference is bayonetta has like 200 different moves so it makes you feel like you're doing something when in reality you're not

>le ebin platform wars meme
I played it first on 360 and my score still was shit. I think I first finished it with a Silver statue.

>get stuck on Jeanne on the airplane
>check out some videos of people playing it
>they all have fuckhuge lifebars and use items
am I doing this wrong

>had to redo every stage I got anything lower than a Silver
T-thanks autism.

yeah the instadeath QTE's are completely 100% fail proof. You should normally be getting bronze for non-boss QTE death levels, and silver - gold on boss levels.

Fuck OP.

Answer my questions;

How are the mods coming along? Has anybody even announced that they'll be exploring the files and such?

How do you unlock all the weapons? I know some of them have special requirements.

Approx 10 hours on your first playthrough but the game is designed for multiple playthroughs.

Some levels have golden records as collectables. Collect the full record and bring it to Rodin to unlock the weapon

getting anything sub pure platinum should require a redo

you are supposed to beat the game on normal with shit rankings, to unlock the good items and combos so that you can pure platinum after

Here's a guide on Steam

I just want a zoomed in camera that's it.

I absolutely dont like how hidden scenarios play into your overall score.

I just want to go forward and beat shit up.

Since you asked for it: fought glorious and gracious now. still easy, you just replace with time with spacing and it's basically the same thing. pkp into charged fire durga.

Oho what a day!

*witch time

"Oh no! What a day!"

I don't replay games much anymore.

Yeah that's one of the few things I dislike about the game, it's fine to hide the health and magic bonuses this way but having to redo them again for scoring is a pain.

How is it that every time a game like that gets ported to Steam there's always a massive influx of shitters?

Anyway, stone rankings are hard to avoid during first playthrough, because unless you can get Plat on every verse using items or using a continue is guaranteed stone satue, maybe bronze if you get lucky. The game can be a bit unfair at times, and failing most QTEs results in death.

Even when you are familiar with the game, you can get plat or pure plat on every verse but just because you screw up a QTE your chapter rank is ruined.

Literally the only way you can get stone statue if if you mean in the whole chapter and you skipped some fights

>if if you mean in the whole chapter
What did he mean by this?

>miss sudden QTE and die
>just die
>miss like a billion challenge rooms because lol backtracking

Get pretty much any of those and you're looking at bronze or stone on your first run.

Unlock more moves to be more stylish use wicked weaves often.

So first:
Don't take damage. Congrats you will not get stone rankings anymore.
If you wanna go higher than bronze though:
and most importantly:

the rankings are fucking retarded.
died once? that's a stonin'
missed the secret mission that there's no way in hell you could've possibly known existed? that's a stonin'
used recovery items? you better believe that's a stonin'

Hell I'm pretty sure if you even get touched you're automatically disqualified for pure platty.

>used recovery items? you better believe that's a stonin'
That's the only thing I didn't like. What even is the point of having them there if you're discouraged from using them?

>Hell I'm pretty sure if you even get touched you're automatically disqualified for pure platty.
Not necessarily, see Pulley's Butterfly accessorie
So that newbies can even finish the game.

It's pretty bad but not that bad. You can still get gold or silver even if you died once or used a green lollipop assuming you did well.

Out of nowhere insta kill QTE are bullshit though.

recovery items is to make sure shitters can still beat the game

look at how fucking easy MGR was because of the healing system

>bayonetta is one of the easiest games i've ever played

I'm sorry but... DMC4 is 100 times easier in terms of difficult. Yes, the rest of the core gameplay in DMC is better. But Bayonetta 1 is far far more reaction time based than DMC4 could even wish to be.

I thought it was bonkers when I got 4 gold 3 plat on a level and got a silver overall.

The missed verse thing is bullshit, I agree.

You start by getting cuhrayzee

Just learn what strings with what weapons are good vs her, personally I use the sword and basically do PKP over and over and bait wicked weaves for WT.

I like it. Exploration is a part of the game, you shouldn't be able to get a "perfect" rating without doing it. If you don't want to do it, then don't, ranks aren't mandatory.

That's exactly why I hated DMC4
>Dante can switch styles on the fly
>Nero's fucking God Hand that rapes everything

Its not mandatory but I still dislike it. I want to get ranks without this shit.

I think that legitimately drags the game down. The exploration isnt even anything amazing, its mostly just backtracking because most levels are linear in design to begin with.

Charge Shot Lvl 3 for Nero was also batshit insane. DMC4 is only slightly harder than DMC2.

Collecting the bonuses is exploration, backtracking for score when you already know the level isn't.

I think the off-pathbhidden fights (and alfheims especially) are definitely better than the "just walk backward again!" fights, I'm with you there.

But "I want rankings without it"? Come on. The rankings are a test of mastery. You're basically asking for an optional gameplay element to be removed becaue you don't want to have to do it for a totally optional "100%" on your save file. That's a TERRIBLE way to enjoy games.

I wouldn't even be so baffled if getting Pure Plats was required to unlock bonus levels or secret weapons or something but it isn't, it exists ONLY as a replay value reward. It's like complaining about hidden rooms in Doom because you can't get a 100% Secrets Found score on every level.

>You're basically asking for an optional gameplay element to be removed becaue you don't want to have to do it for a totally optional "100%" on your save file
There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for that.
Playing for score is fun , just not in this case, so I think it hurts the experience.
Playing for score is a pretty big deal in this game, the game itself rates you for your comabt performance all the time.

I dont think every extra element is good. I absolutely dont agree with the more=better idea.

you need to Platinum every chapter to unlock Jeanne

Once you learn dodge offset this game isn't difficult in the slightest.

Platinums aren't really that hard to get. Pure Platinums are the hard ones.

>every grace and glory fight = 1 death
>sudden qte out of nowhere = maybe death
>0 alfheims completed
>items used

thats pretty much going to be bronze or stone


I wanna fuck that Joy(male)

Is this the PC version? What's with the weird aliasing on the gold trim around her legs?

aliasing doesnt work. no matter what will you set it will be always off

SSAO perhaps

is there a newfag guide somewhere on how to git gud?


Watch someone pure platinums the game on the hardest difficulty and weep.

Why does this game look so ugly? I played Bayo2 on WiiU and it looks WAY better. Metal Gear Rising also looks way better.

Bayonetta has shit graphics which aged really badly.


It looks better if you have bad eyesight.

>all cuhrayzee games are on PC now except for NGB
>still have to keep my Xbox laying around because no Xbox emulator {{ever}}

It was the first game made by a new company on a shoestring budget in 2009 for consoles.
Of course Platinum's later stuff looks better.

Well, NGB also plays on the 360. And with that you could also play Vanquish or Resonance Fate.

Artstyle is different.
Bayonetta2 used more colors which is nice on the eyes.

I also remember some smear and bloom effects on the PS3 version, maybe those were used to hide some of the uglier assets.
WiiU didnt do that with 2.

any nude mods yet?

did PCfags get memed into thinking Resonance of Fate is a cuhrayzee game? It's a shitty JRPG with a battle system that gets old after 5 hours

Learn dodge offset
Stop getting hit
Acquire proficiency

>shitty JRPG with a battle system that gets old after 5 hours
sounds like very tri-Ace game ever

Are all missions available on your first playthrough? I keep missing like one or two every chapter even if I explore every nook and cranny.

Anyway I like the game because it's still enjoyable if you don't care that much for ratings and scores. Feels like they could have just as easily introduced some punishing mechanic for the git gud crowd that would have made it a chore for shitty players like me.

Also what's the magic bar for? Wicked weave attacks or torture attacks or what?


Never played this shit before.
What are some tips and hints Sup Forums?

She is nude though

No, but it is something that is console exclusive.


>Are all missions available on your first playthrough?

> torture attacks?

desu man nude mods are the lowest form of shit

i fucking hate you.

this is my first time palying it and i'm getting mainly gold and silver, but the point isn't about that. It's about the fact that even if i got stone ranking i wouldn't go all dsp "i wuz dodgin n shieeeeett".

fuck off to gamefags, i literally just googled "bayonetta too hard."

also items and abilities other than torture attacks

You'll want to with Bayonetta. First game in years that I've restarted immediately after the credits rolled

Play 2, much better game and the rating curve is much better too. (Not like any other rank than Pure Plat means anything anyways.)