Haha BotW is a shit game and empty overworld

>haha BotW is a shit game and empty overworld
>n-no... i haven't played it! that doesn't matter!

>camped out for a Switch in the freezing cold to get one due to not preordering
>so fucking hyped to lose myself in BotW's world both at home and on the go
>empty world with Portal test chambers and mushrooms bores the shit out of me

My Switch is currently sitting in a case until Mario Kart or Puyo Tetris comes out. Fucking hell, I play my Wii U more than my Switch at the moment

Inb4 le hand holding webm

BoTW is definitely better than OP's pic

>the weapons break every 5 minutes

>it has a 97 on metacritic, that means it's good! there's no corruption or paid reviews in the industry, that's just sonybro lies

>wtf?! TLOU has a 95 on metacritic? Sony paid for reviews! why would you ever trust these idiots?! Reviews don't matter!

Bumping this thread. Please contain all the consolewar shitposting here.

Like with most games with a large explorable overworld it's going to have a few things in an area and not be even worth exploring again
It's pretty shitty honestly but it could certainly be fixable but at what cost

What the hell taunt is that

Mannrobics. It's hard to tell from the front.

maybe if you got past the plateau and first village

Babies are not even making an effort in these threads.

I can't believe they gave up so easily.

Nintenbros won Sup Forums without even trying. This must be a first for this board.

>skyward trash received 10s from many sources

not falling on this trap again.

SS was great though, I know it wasn't a cinematic QTE, but come on. Give it a shot.

same but i was waiting with my dinosaur pet outside of gamestop .

>cinematic QTE's are now considered bad
>but when Bayonetta had them, they were good

Nice double think.

It almost looks like there's different people with different ideas, right?

It really makes you think

Kinda same, but I loved BotW and in general don't regret my purchase. Mostly because I knew it would be slim pickings in the beginning, but that the system would get a ton of great games during its lifetime.

Wii U sucked ass in terms of library quantity and still managed to have an incredible lineup over its short lifespan. Switch will only improve on that.

People like to pretend that Switch only has BotW, but it had 9 games in its release month. Quality notwithstanding (although most were, at the very minimum, decent) name another console that has ever had 9 games in the same launch period.

>>but when Bayonetta had them, they were good
lol good one
literally the only bad thing about bayo

That. and it was casual + cinematic, a deadly combo. Ironic that nintendo fans claim to love it so much, when they normally rail against cinematic games like Uncharted.

The fuck are you on about? Who even said anything about Bayonetta?

user I'm worried about you, maybe see a doctor because your brain has possibly suffered some sort of trauma.

I'm glad people are finally waking up to how bad WW is.

You're being a little biased, user.

>every single Switch game is great, it has the best library ever!
>but no other console had good games and had horrible launches

People have different tastes user. You can't just claim that yours is better.

seeYou can't say the WiiU had a good game library if you also claim that cinematic QTEs ruin a game, as most games on the WiiU were exactly that. It's completely nonsensical.

Lotta good mechanics, shitty backstory.

Oh well maybe next time

End game weapons take 50 - 60 hits to break. While they also deal 30+ damage. At minimum, a mid/late game weapon will last you 1500 damage. The most HP any one enemy has is 4,000.

And you can get even more out of it with a durability augment, or chugging attack potions.

filled to the brim with yahaha's

>SS was great though

The backstory's great though, it's the plot that has nothing to it, almost by design.

You read way too much into my post.

I simply asked what other console had 9 games in the launch, and I also literally said quality is not a factor.

>pic related
I never said QTE's ruin a game. I'm not a huge fan, but they don't bother me, either. I was saying that the user I replied to brought up Bayonetta out of nowhere and it was weird and made him look stupid.

And yes some Wii U games had QTEs, but so do games on any other modern platform. And not most, in any of those cases.

Only thing nonsensical here is you, my friend. You told me to refer to which was also me.

Too bad you can't criticize the Shit Waker without nintenkiddies turning into crying wojak while rushing to defend the worst game in an awful and overrated series.

WWHD made me realize just how bad the game was.

I never liked it as a kid and for the longest time I thought it was just the artstyle, but no, it was actually terrible.

>WWHD made me realize just how bad the game was.
>I never liked it as a kid

I mean everyone's entitled to their opinion, but for fuck's sake.

>I simply asked what other console had 9 games in the launch, and I also literally said quality is not a factor.
But pretty much every console could name that, from the Ps1 all the way to the Ps4. But would you accept those, or would you say that "they were shit"? Because the latter happens all the time. Shoot, you'll say pic related is a terrible lineup because it doesn't have Zelda in it, and I think that's very biased.

>And yes some Wii U games had QTEs, but so do games on any other modern platform.
And isn't the WiiU supposed to be different? It's not supposed to be "just another watered down PC" is it? It sure isn't acting original.

WWHD is way better than the original and I still think it's a boring tedious game.

Sailing was awful with the swift sail, so it must've been that much worse when you had to play a song to turn the fucking thing. The Triforce Hunt was cut in half and it was still a slog. Hero Mode was a joke, so the original must've had no difficulty whatsoever at any point.

Ironically I now think every aspect of Wind Waker was weak except for its art style.

In the end, the people who initially complained about the artstyle would find it to be the only redeeming trait. Funny.

I only got around to playing Wind Waker start to finish after I had already beaten BOTW and WOOOOOW does it suck. I had such fond memories of it, I even wrote fanfic back when I was a kid, but it is an incomplete empty piece of shit with eh dungeons and bosses and so much wasted time sailing

>But pretty much every console could name that, from the Ps1 all the way to the Ps4. But would you accept those, or would you say that "they were shit"?
Yeah. I absolutely, honestly would. But as for your pic, no, I don't know if you know what "Fall - Holiday" means, but it is a whole 3 - 5 months. I'm talking about the 1st month.

>And isn't the WiiU supposed to be different? It's not supposed to be "just another watered down PC" is it? It sure isn't acting original.
Yes it was supposed to be different. As has every Nintendo console since after the GameCube. And it clearly was, but failed to attract both support and original ideas. Maybe that's why it failed. But it doesn't mean it can't also have normal, non-gimmick gaming experiences. In fact, it had quite a few great ones.

The internet was made by DARPA for communications support of military operations. Doesn't mean it isn't a great tool to help me find porn and jerk off.

>means, but it is a whole 3 - 5 months. I'm talking about the 1st month.
And I could easily discount the entire Switch library since all of its games are on other systems. Your point?

>And it clearly was
If that was true, they would've actively rejected anything normies would like. That means no game would receive a positive metacritic, or have sold at any point. Popularity = bad game.

yup that's pretty much it

What the fuck are you even talking about? At this point you are just saying words to say words. Neither of your points make any sense in the context of the discussion.

Go to sleep, user. You're drunk as fuck. At least I hope so.

I could say the exact same thing for Wind Waker

>implying jewtendo would pay for reviews instead of banking on nostalgiabucks.
so deluded, the sony poorfag is

Also bows lasted for fucking ever. It felt kinda sad because by mid-game I was throwing away good bows without ever having used them.

Let's start this again then. I want you to name the 9 games that the Switch is starting out with. Keep in mind, they have to be exclusives and they can't exist in any way on any other system. This is your standard that you set, since you said no other console had 9 games at launch.

>im cool because i moved on from nintendo to neptunia ultra weeb trash
The worst zelda is average. none are terrible

>he says while posting the zelda with the worst overworld
skyward sword doesn't count because that game doesn't have a fucking overworld

>we pretend that filling world with 900 korok seeds and copypasted shrines counts like fresh content ITT

I have played it, I also think it's an awful game, one of the most overrated I've ever played.

Rest in piece OP's strawman.

No. I'm not doing that because I never said anything about exclusives. You did. Within the first month of the Switch's life, there had been 9 games to play. That is all I ever said. But because you got me interested...

According to Wikipedia, these are the games that you can play on the Switch, released between March 3rd and April 3rd:

Metal Slug[a]
Has-Been Heroes
Snake Pass
Neo Turf Masters[a]
New Frontier Days: Founding Pioneers
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
Human Resource Machine
The King of Fighters '94[a]
Little Inferno
World of Goo
Blaster Master Zero
The King of Fighters '98[a]
Metal Slug 3[a]
Shock Troopers[a]
Waku Waku 7[a]
World Heroes Perfect[a]
Fast RMX
I Am Setsuna
Just Dance 2017
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
Skylanders: Imaginators
Super Bomberman R
... wow so it's actually a lot more than 9. Fuck me, dude, what a fucking idiot I am.

Misspoke then, plot was what i was reffering to. Thanks for the correction

Pcbros and Xboners won Sup Forums. You cunts are busy killing each other and we sit back and enjoy the show.

You DO know alot of these games are ports, right? Like, almost all of them. Yet you had the gall to say that "no other console ever had 9 games at launch"?

Do you understand English?

I liked both of these things.

If you don't like lighting torches or picking up suspicious rocks for rewards, I'm not sure why you'd play Zelda.

>im cool because i moved on from nintendo
Oh no you deluded nintentoddler, they had to work hard to alienate me with shit like other m and federation force all while spending fucktons of money making generic ocarina of time rehash #11. Once pic related starts getting good games again I'll start giving Nintendo money again

>That is all I ever said
Nice back peddling cunt. Your exact line was
>Quality notwithstanding (although most were, at the very minimum, decent) name another console that has ever had 9 games in the same launch period.

user proved you wrong with his image, but you're trying to move the goal posts to keep your 'proven incorrect argument' afloat.

You. Are. Wrong. Factually.

I understand this from your original post:

>name another console that has ever had 9 games in the same launch period.

Even the Ps3 had a similar launch lineup.

Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Call of Duty 3
Genji: Days of the Blade
Madden NFL 07
Marvel: Ultimate Allianc
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
Resistance: Fall of Man
Ridge Racer 7
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
Tony Hawk's Project 8

they all came out in the same launch period. And mind you, this kind of lineup led to the Ps3 being considered to have "nogameS". Yet the Switch has an even worse lineup.

>user proved you wrong with his image, but you're trying to move the goal posts

No he didn't I said in the first month. His image covered multiple months. I know it's semantics, but still. It isn't moving goalposts or backpedaling. The two of you obviously either can't read, or don't understand how time works. It's okay. These things happen and you are still good people.

>Even the Ps3 had a similar launch lineup.
Thank you. This is all I wanted. Some sort of actual non-shitposting proof of a good launch lineup. This is how you discuss games.

It's not that the world its empty, it's that it's weirdly clustered. You'll have stretches of areas devoid of anything to do, and then suddenly a random mountain will be covered in shrines, monster encampments, roaming NPCs, koroks, minerals etc and then... Back to nothing again.

It's really odd design. The map feels like it was even smaller than it is originally and then they decided to arbitrarily make it biggwr without filling the gaps.

You can really tell which areas actually had a lot of work put into them and which didnt.

>This is all I wanted. Some sort of actual non-shitposting proof of a good launch lineup
>when Sup Forums spent the latter half of 10 years talking about how the Ps3 had no games from start to finish, now user attempts to revise history

The only people who post crying wojaks are people replying to others mockingly insinuating THEY are the crying wojak, Or someone pretending to be butthurt to falseflag against whatever consolewar bullshit they don't like. Post a sony wojak if you want to pretend sony fanboys are butthurt. Post a nintendo wojak if you want to pretend nintendo fanboys are butthurt.

Posting wojak essentially tells the rest of the thread "Look at me I'm a condescending falseflagger/douche."

>these launch lineups
Define "good"

>camp out to buy a switch for botw
>waiting on mario kart rerelease
>already own a wii u
So what makes you tick? Was nintendo a substitute parent for you?

I'll never understand the appeal of falseflagging on a taiwanese basket weaving video game board


free replies

case in point,

it isn't bad, just not as good as botw

Can someone convince me to like BOTW? I tried to give it a chance, but I cannot and will not tolerate what I consider an overly casual game with zero difficulty. And you cannot imply that BOTW is difficult when even the lowest bottom feeding game journalists like Jim Sterling will still give it a 7/10. If it had any semblance of challenge, every game journo under the sun would be spitting on this game and tossing it in the garbage for being too "videogamey".

I was going to try to convince you but after seeing the slurry of verbal garbage you just puked out in your post I realize it's not worth the time.

Just watch some game footage of it (played by someone who's not trash) and make up your mind about it.

Sup Forums is not one person, you dumb motherfucker.

>when the ps2 launched in 2000


You think, with the presence of CEMU, that I don't already have the full impression of the game at my disposal? the issue here is that this is the same dime-a-dozen open world memery that most games pump out, just like Ass Creed and Far Cry and Skyrim. you can argue all you wish that Nintendo "did it right" or they "made the genre work" but the fact that they had to gut pretty much all of the vital game mechanics means that they did not make it work in the slightest. They've done nothing but make a shambling corpse do the 2-step.

>implying i dont pirate the shit out of nintendo games
Doesnt mean the games are bad. Your games i cant say the same, but the only delusion here is thinking any zelda game is anything less than a 6/10

here again

Your post is so godamned stupid, I felt the need to reply twice. I hope it's bait, really.

1) No one even said anything about the fucking PS3 having no games. If this isn't projecting, I don't know what is.

2) nogaems meme was only really prevalent when the PS3 first came out, which was 2006 to 2008 AT THE LATEST. Anything later than that was just a tired ass meme that no one gave a fuck about. See as how it's 2017, I would hardly say we're in the latter half of the past ten years. For fuck's sake, the PS4 is still newer than that meme, and that fucker's been out for almost 5 years.

Holy shit user, get yourself together. Unless this is bait, than good job, because you're really making me feel like I live in retard land.

When did I say it was good? I only said it had more games in its first month than most other consoles in the past... what? 25 years?

>1) No one even said anything about the fucking PS3 having no games.
No user, I do not accept this. 10 years of posting here were filled with nothing but nogames memes, and I didn't mind it since it was true to an extent. The library was weak. But don't attempt to pretend that this wasn't an occurrence.

>nogaems meme was only really prevalent when the PS3 first came out, which was 2006 to 2008 AT THE LATEST. Anything later than that was just a tired ass meme that no one gave a fuck about. See as how it's 2017, I would hardly say we're in the latter half of the past ten years. For fuck's sake, the PS4 is still newer than that meme, and that fucker's been out for almost 5 years.
I'm sorry user, but you have no evidence for this. The meme remained with the Ps3 until it ceased production, and has no moved on to the Ps4, which is again fine since its library leaves much to be desired, but you cannot imply that it has never, and still doesn't, happen.

It is shameful that nobody will own up to the years of this meme being spammed on Sup Forums, and you attempt to play it off as something that never happened. You could've simply said "I didn't like those games, so the launch lineup sucked" and that would've been less insulting.

>When did I say it was good?
>Thank you. This is all I wanted. Some sort of actual non-shitposting proof of a good launch lineup. This is how you discuss games.
>Some sort of actual non-shitposting proof of a good launch lineup.
>good launch lineup

I played 200 hours, the side quests suck and not enough goals/loot. Limited shrine runs can get boring.

Look dude. You are honestly making yourself sound like a falseflag in Nintendo's favor. Whether you want to believe it or not, I personally never engaged in the Sony-no-game shit. I'm as idort as it gets.

But is it really an insulting meme? Look back over your post. You literally said both consoles had/have a weak library.

I think you're missing the point. I'm not offended at the meme, but I'm absolutely puzzled at how a previous user would say that no other console could ever have a launch lineup as good as the Switch, and then he completely spergs out when I name two consoles that had over 9 games at launch.

Please don't stoop to the level of Horizonfags, BotW is an alright game but people can not like it

Yeah, I'd be puzzled too if that was something that actually happened. I never said the Switch had the best launch lineup ever. I said I thought the Switch had the best first-month lineup because I wasn't aware of any previous launch (again, regarding a month-long timeframe), and I asked for evidence to prove me wrong. Evidence was provided, in the way of the PS3 launch, and I basically said "cool, thanks, that's all I was asking for," and now you're on some crusade over a non-issue. For fuck's sake, I'm literally admitting the Switch launch wasn't as the best thing ever like I initially thought. Not sure what you're going for at this point.

And I'm still mis-stating myself because when I say "best launch linefup" I mean "most games" which definitely doesn't mean best.

>I never said the Switch had the best launch lineup ever

>pretty much said "there's no other console that has ever had 9 games in the same launch period." in his initial post

All Zelda games are boring, and so are most adventure / rpg games in general because they have so much time filler in them.

Walking around, reading to dialogue, watching cutscenes, exploring, solving puzzles that require you to perform repetitious tasks, fighting enemies that are pointlessly easy and require way too many hits to kill.

Man fuck that noise. These games might work fine for children but if you're even remotely decent at video games, you'll want some kind of fast forward button to get through the sluggish parts.

>but it is an incomplete empty piece of shit with eh dungeons and bosses and so much wasted time walking/climbing

I agree BotW is overrated trash.

Liking copy pasted shit is one thing.
Proclaiming it to be the best thing ever is another.
Zelda open world is as shitty and filled with repetition as any other but they don't have Zelda slapped over title and loading screens so they don't get a free pass.

Honestly, it is used way too much for any company and despite that Nintendo games sound like the most probably fitting to cause that expression on their users myself fucking included.

>a thread created for the intention of console wars
report n' sage

I don't hate BoTW but yeah kind of this.

Shrines are like 70% of the actual game and I don't really enjoy doing them. I wish the game had another "main hook" because the main quests are short as fuck.

>inb4 these don't count because my imagination will be better!

>Shrine inside the cave.

I knew it. What you think might be in the concept art WILL be better than what is present, because it's your fucking imagination

>I knew it. What you think might be in the concept art WILL be better than what is present

Anything is better than just another shrine.

Oh you sweet summer child

To you. I quite like them, especially the puzzle ones

>no matter what hat he wears; wojack's tears flow
Tfw being in an abusive relationship with corporations

>At minimum, a mid/late game weapon will last you 1500 damage. The most HP any one enemy has is 4,000
Seriously? I thought the whole durability thing was just a meme, but needing 3 end-game weapons for one (1) single enemy seems pretty damn dumb.

>Genji: Days of the Blade
wait a minute, it's that game with giant enemy crab right?

It's portable so you can play it while on the can, or in your bed.