Tfw stuck in mid-gold

>Tfw stuck in mid-gold

I can't even hit gold.

>get a team
>stop playing solo comp
>get platinum after playing 100 games

Oh boy you sure are good at only spent 10 hours winning and losing to get an completely arbitrary number and a colored seal next to your name...

Mid-Plat here, I kinda wish I was still in Gold. Gold is bro tier and anything can work, I've won with 5 DPS and a Roadhog before. Plat isn't too bad but you'll get a lot of kids who aren't bad but they don't understand it's a team game or that hero switching is a thing and you'll also get some try hard as who aren't even very good themselves (mainly Junkrats for whatever reason). Diamond is the worst though, everyone has an ego, they force you to play meta and refuse to try anything creative even when getting spanked, and they're really not that much better than the plats.

>tfw failing at a game designed for people with low IQ's
Step it up.

Heal everyone
>stand around doing jack shit
>completely reliant on my teamamtes 4k dmg average to win the game
>lose every single game I heal

Battle Mercy
>kill fucking everyone
>win game
>win 1v1 vs everyone but winston and full hp roadhog
>50% win chance vs a genji
>sound of missing hitting teammates in the fucking face who dont know how to dodge

>High Diamond
>Start solo queuing because my regular teammates are playing the Dark Souls DLC and Nier
>Fall down to plat
>Worst losing streak of my life
>Almost at gold
>Start doing DPS instead of healer
>Get back to Diamond
>Have to go back to bitch duty because the entire roster counters Pharah

I have a love/hate relationship with this game.


What's your rank?

>Be actually good at the game
>solo comp
>rise in ranks

Getting a team to carry you is for babies

>play with team in season 1
>everyone getting pissed off at the smallest mistake, bad atmosphere all around
>rank 49 final, season high 50

>decide to play solo the next seasons
>mid diamond in 2, low master in 3 and 4

Everyone below platinum has serious difficulties killing people. Thats the main difference between players below and above diamond.

Every season my placements put me in mid gold and I climb to Diamond without losing a game just by picking Roadhog.

Every game below Diamond (and even a lot of games in Diamond and above) is filled with 3+ DPS characters, so Roadhog naturally rapes.

tl:dr: if you want to climb to Diamond play Roadhog.


I was placed in Platinum and got into Diamond in 16 matches solo and I only play casually. Diamond isn't actually good, right? It's not rare that I fuck players 500-1000 SR above me when queuing with my friends who are in Master - GM

I wish this game were fun, easily my biggest source of buyers remorse.
Game stopped being fun the moment beta ended. What a regret.

You can only carry with dps or maybe rein or maybe a full charged zarya if the enemy team is fucking stupid, being that you can ult and teamwipe by yourself.

Mercy carry is downright fucking impossible.
my game was top 5 kills global and it was still a 99/99 game but I managed to kill rein from full hp, then zenyatta, a tracer, and an ana and someone else killed the other person and the last person was running from base so we won. I can do everything I can but that doesnt stop our 1 tank from charging in and fucking dying. I cant out mercy dps an enemy fucking rein shield and still win somehow. Its practically impossible.

>>tfw failing at a game designed for people with low IQ's

But that design is exactly the problem, you cannot differentiate yourself from the scum enough because the skill ceiling is incredibly low and thus your own effort factors in way less than in a proper competitive game.

>It's not rare that I fuck players 500-1000 SR above me when queuing with my friends who are in Master - GM
Define "fuck".
Sounds more like you just get carried around, are you the bottom in the relationship?

I hit platinum most of the time, I have a global accuracy of about 25%

I'm pretty fucking garbage at getting kills but holy fuck some of the other people they match me against is nuts, I've played against 4000sr people when i'm only 2800sr. It hurts that I can't get my shaky ass hands under control

>Soloqued my way from gold to diamond
>"Waah i'm stuck in elo hell"
laffin @ all of u.

Ive gotten to diamond twice and the game keeps putting me in silver every fucking season cause I lose my games because of other people. Every game im like 30-5 or 40-12 and nobody else is doing anything. But yeah I see people in plat and diamond who have no fucking clue what they are doing and nobody even combos ults or switches to say like winston or genji if the enemy team has 5 squishies, cause MUH META when they have no fucking clue why the meta is typically those picks.I dont get why its so fucking hard for them. Ive had this game for like 5 months and I got into plat after the 1st month of buying it where I didnt even actually play the game but played the mei snowball event for literally all of december to lvl 100. The average person is a fucking retard now. And dont tell me that they are little kids because they arent and they talk on mic and they are 20 year old men.

how is it bro tier/anything can work

anything CAN work at this level but good luck getting your teammates not to tilt because the team won't pick a strict 2/2/2 meta that some pro team plays.

ime especially in gold, there's usually one guy who picks whatever he wants really quick and then tells everybody else what to pick and change to. whoever doesn't do it he starts bitching about.

i've seen them ride that person the whole game, even if they switch to what they're told to, they will be told to switch again.

my least favorite shit ever is "golds don't matter" because people can only parrot what they hear and see on the internet. golds definitely do matter in many situations, like when a tank has them all. or when somebody is riding a DPS to switch, and he's 1 of 3 DPS with 4 golds.

the toxicity and autism this season has grown exponentially compared to s3

I don't know how you hold your mouse, but try to keep your forearm raised while you're playing instead of resting it on your desk/chair.

that doesn't sound very comfortable

"Let him pick what he wants"
"Lets see if it works"
"Ill switch if it doesnt work"
"Im going junkrat vs a pharah"
"Genji is good vs 3 tanks!"
"we dont need a shield tank on defense"


Play with one or two friends like you're supposed to and Gold is based. if you have three people then half the team is guaranteed to work together.

consistent top damage and elims playing as Mcree and Widow

I also get a personal healslut when playing duo with my friend whenever playing Widow, she'll even solo res me if we're rolling

t. 25 hours on Mcree and 90 on Widow

bottom irl btw

Its not uncomfortable. You won't even notice it. Your whole body is resting in a chair, it won't cause any strain to just lift your forearm.

>instalocks symmetra on attack
>instalocks mei on attack
>instalocks hanzo on attack
>instalocks rein and charges into the enemies and dies

>only tank on the team
>try to pin the enemy rein to initiate because you've been standing at the choke for 5 minutes.
>fuck up because no one is perfect, not even jesus christ
>"Goddamnit rein, just stand at the choke while we get no picks"

I think its more of a wrist thing at least for me
I find that if I get lazy ill relax my wrist and the heel of my palm will drag on the mousepad and it slows down my mouse movement as well as make it inconsistent based on the flesh of my hand instead of the smooth transitions from the flat mouse feet.

So when I do that, its like putting on a randomized mouse acceleration where my hand movements arent consistent from all that random drag from my palm.

>not charging diagonally
>not charging when the stupid rein flamestrikes when hes in a vulnerable position and has to take your dick down his throat
>not ulting when he flamestrikes

>He can't play Zarya and get energy from shitty teammates going balls deep
That's literally why I played all my placements as Zarya

Resting any part of your arm is going to decrease your precision. You can afford to rest your keyboard arm since OW isn't very demanding of the keyboard. Its not like brood war.

I don`t get it why do you keep playing when you are obviously this bad.

I played 100 matches in s1 and got 3.8
Didnt play until s3 and got 3.5 in 20 matches.

Overwatch is such a easy game its not even fun.

Yeah pretty much and then you get a 5 man pull and 100% melt them all.
Same thing with rein. I usually can win because I can get triple flamestrike hits fairly often and then ult and fuck them more than the enemy rein can.

I swear to fucking god when someone takes my rein and just holds their shield up and lets the enemy rein's flamestrike hit it for no fucking reason I have a psychotic break.

What do you mean 3.5 or 3.8? Rank 35 and rank 3800?

>instalocks Mei on attack
>this is me
>"I don't think this will work"
>Time to prove you wrong
>Isolate every single tank and we focus fire them
>In a choke, I throw my self in and isolate squishys with my ice block
>Basically McCree
>Use Ice walls to stop Genji from focusing our Mercy when he ults
>Freeze Tanks and don't shoot, just move on to the next target to freeze
>"Sorry I doubted you Mei"
>"Holy shit our Mei is a god"
>"Good fucking wall Mei"
>"Dude I like our Mei"
>High Diamond
>6 minutes objective time
>25 Enemies frozen

S1 didnt have sr you liar

Mei is one of my mains too but what usually happens is that I know where to position but my teammates just sit waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far back and nobody takes advantage of mei's positioning blocks and just sorta stares at me 1v1ing people and what not instead of helping keep forward holds and stuff.