Is this the best RTS since Company of Heroes?
Why is the /vg/ thread so unbelievably bad?
Is this the best RTS since Company of Heroes?
Why is the /vg/ thread so unbelievably bad?
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No, AoE III is
Nice meme.
SCII is dogshit.
Depends on PoV
Haven't played much of the story of SC 2, but i hear so many people complain about it and the campaign in general.
But it certainly is the best for competetive multiplayer.
>company of heroes
Depends on what you enjoy in an RTS.
Abysmal campaign, I haven't even finished it and I'm pretty sure I have over 10k hours in sc2 at this point.
Excellent multiplayer, though. Once you get over the giant fucking hurdle that is getting your mechanics down to a passable level, you cannot stop.
>Abysmal campaign
Is this the old Sup Forums told me it's bad so I will forever regurgitate it meme again?
Sure, the story is dumb (but then so it was in SC1), but the missions are an absolute blast to play.
it's just a bunch of literal autistic drones ranting that their story was altered
The writing is just bad. It gets worse as the campaign progresses, WoL is pretty alright, but then it culminates into Kerrigan going super saiyan and fighting satan in space. It's dumb, you might enjoy it if you can laugh at how bad it is.
The missions are alright, loved how you could customize your units a lot, but it just didn't really stick with me.
Yes, it was pretty stupid, but it server it's purpose.
The point is to give the campaigns some goals and structure, I don't exactly expect literary genius in an RTS campaign.
SCII had potential. I bought it on release back in the summer of 2010 and played almost non-stop for the next six months, climbing from silver league to platinum. I still remember the time when Reapers were easily the most broken unit in the game. My own personal interest tapered off after season 1 because of school, but I still followed the tournaments and played 5-10 games per week. Undeniably the two biggest problems SCII faced, which ultimately led to it dying off, was the lack of appeal to the casual crowd and Blizzard's insanely slow balancing process. I remember clearly that you could go onto the official SCII forums and find threads of people talking about having panic attacks while queuing for a 1v1 game, even at the very low levels of play. This was referred to as "Ladder anxiety" and it was the first time I had ever seen a game infested with. It was to the point where the majority of the casual playerbase preffered watching matches, rather than playing them. Then you had Blizzard's "slow and deliberate" balancing, where it could take everything from 6-12 months for a major balance patch to hit and when it did, it seemed to always just shift the OP race. Terrans were OP in S1, Zerg were OP in S2 and S3, Protoss were OP in S4 etc. etc. Blizzard seemed incapable of hitting their Brood War sweet spot.
All of this isn't even mentioning the fucking atrocities Blizzard committed in the name of esports, which ultimately choked out the professional scene, because no one cared about anything other than WCS.
For sure, but look at campaigns like Age of Mythology, Brood War, Dawn of War, War3 etc.
The writing is far from fantastic, but it's passable, it grabs you enough to trudge through the shitty missions because you want to see what happens next, and is a bonus during the great missions.
Warcraft 3 and Supreme Commander are the best games of their respective directions in the genre.
Everything else is inferior.
There's nothing wrong with the /vg/ thread. You're just too dumb to read between the lines, we even talk about the Afreeca BW tournaments.
>t. person that played them during his childhood/teen years
Balance really wasn't that bad. It's insanely difficult to balance a game people play for a living 16 hours a day.
Sc2s balance was so delicate that buffing the Queens range by 1 broke the game for half a year on the pro level.
And I'm sorry to say, as a silver-plat player, none of your losses were due to game balance.
No need to start projecting. You just stick to fresh turds.
>Balance really wasn't that bad.
Bad enough that people stopped watching because only a handful of strategies were viable and one faction would dominate the pro scene for months at a time.
>And I'm sorry to say, as a silver-plat player, none of your losses were due to game balance.
That was never my contention.
>Why is the /vg/ thread so unbelievably bad?
why dont people agree with me waaaaah
go back
That's not the main reason people stopped watching, and the exact same thing happened in the BW era. Zerg as a race was losing so much in the mid 00s until savior completely changed how you conceptually approach the race, setting in stone rules that are still followed to this day in the sequel. All races had dominant periods and sucky periods for months at a time until new strategies or new maps fixed it.
Then you tell me what happened, because the SCII fanbase/playerbase undeniably shrunk down to a shadow of its former self within a few years of the game releasing.
kek, busted
So terran was ass until boxer and nada, toss was shit until stork and bisu, and zerg was shit until savior and jaedong. And then terran came to power again when flash entered the scene? Is that about right?
if the game really was broken in favour of one faction then it'd be broken in the same way everywhere, but instead it's 'broken' differently depending on the context, e.g. faction winrates vary by several % depending on the realm. so obviously the problem isn't the faction balance but the meta. but instead of figuring a way out of it people just play safe and boring apparently failing to realize that by doing so they're creating and trapping themselves inside the very problem they complain about.
then some absolute madman comes along and does some in retrospect stupidly obvious shit that he's been doing personally for ages before anyone noticed, and now that everyone has seen it succeed they just mindlessly emulate that strategy instead. then the meta shifts and suddenly the op bullshit of last month is up as fuck compared to the new op bullshit even though nothing actually changed.
It's been 5 years, which is a pretty reasonable amount of time. Yes, it's not BW, but BW is like the exception, and only because of the koreans and their fish server, western battlenet and iccup were empty as fuck before PTR (and they are still not that lively either)
Because sc2 was a bubble in every sense of the word. It blew up in a matter of months to be bigger than any esport had ever been previously in every country bar SK, investors pumped millions and millions into the scene expecting great returns and tons of grassroots initiatives like NASL rose up out of their own pocket. Then it popped. Investors started pulling out because they weren't seeing returns, organizations like NASL went under for the same reason.
And at the same time, we have giants like LoL, a much more casual friendly title with a huge company hellbent on seeing it as the #1 esport entering the scene.
That and HotS was a fucking disaster in terms of design up until the very tail end.
>buy coh2 the other week
>oh boy time to play as murica
>check factions
>3 out of 5 factions are behind a paywall
Not okay
i busted YOU
It's been on sale at least 10+ times with everything for less than $10 - $15 USD. You fucked yourself, hombre.
it was only successful initially because people expected a game as good as broodwar.. it quickly became apparent toward the middle of wings of liberty that blizzard had no plans to take the steps necessary to foster the korean pro scene or even the foreign competitive scene. they ignored people better than them from korea and otherwise, and the game died as a result. also, do you really want chat channels?
also, blizzard tried to KILL broodwar to make room for sc2 which was a fucking joke. then bw ended up just being stronger than ever and sc2 faded into antiquity as the shit game that it always was
>the best RTS
user, when people replied "SC", they meant "Supreme Commander".
>why is the /vg/ thread bad
dead game, kpop is a disease
pls infest /vg/d2gułag/ more
SC always was and always will be StarCraft.
Supreme Commander has always been SupCom
Fuck SC2, come watch broodwar instead
Soulkey vs Mind
EffOrt vs hero
sSak vs free
Light vs Rain
>tank on head
you know they literally removed BBS from sc2 in WOL beta because boxer kept raping zergs with it on blistering sands? a bunker would be way more fitting lol. he did the same in BW too, totally over aggressive terran play style
wanted to get into it but didn't understand much about builds/what to fucking do
scvs are the best collection of posters are on this website
Can anyone dispute the Starcraft II /vg/ general being the worst thread on that board by far?
I don't even know why the mods allow it. They don't even talk about the game; it's just a circlejerk for 10 year olds to blog about their day.
Kill yourself
Reminder that Supreme commander is the pinnacle of RTS.
Go play LoL if you want APM fights instead of thinking
>Have to memorize a 5 minute build order to be competitive
>If you forget to build a single building or click on a reserach during those 5 minutes you lose instantly
SC2 is too autistic to be good. RTS should focus more on the "strategy" and not how fast you can get Arthritis in your hands
It's the best RTS right now that is well and alive
It is indeed good, it had some REALLY FUCKED UP decisions in the development, and the most imbecile story ever concieved for a sequel, but the MP is really good.
>Why is the /vg/ thread so unbelievably bad?
gooklovers that don't even play the game, that's why. That thread is awfully cancerigenous.
This is why Company of Heroes is such a good game. The mlg bitchboys cry about the randomness, but the randomness is what makes it good; it forces you to take probability into account.
>Balance really wasn't that bad. It's insanely difficult to balance a game people play for a living 16 hours a day.
It was god awful user, come on. I like SC2 but can't defend Blizzard's fucked up sense of balancing awhile holding back needed features for the expansions.
Mechs weren't viable until LotV, 5 years later, in a later balance patch.
>Set up shape shifter in SC1
>Just spell his name backwards in SC2.
>Set up shape shifter in SC1
>Just spell his name backwards in SC2.
Oddly my biggest issue with the writing.
The game is fine
It just kind of stifled competition and blizzard is not good at balancing
Personally, I just got bored of it since I felt there was less variety in it than what you got from a game like LoL or Dota, which may also go some way to explaining why they are more popular. Everyone focuses on the mechanical difficulty when comparing them, and while SC2 is definitely harder in that aspect, it's not the only reason why games like SC2 have become less popular over time
>in the name of esports
Funny thing is, I don't see why they would remove some multiplayer map features like rising lava when the competitive scene only plays on a limited map pool anyway
He also lost all of the charm he had as Duran
the best experience i've ever had in my life playing an RTS has been Men of War: Assault Squad 2 with GSM mod or RobZ realism.
there's so much RNG that it becomes balanced. your men's guns can jam, get sand in them, get snow in them, have glancing shots, but so can the AI.
tanks don't just have HP bars. you can shoot off the tracks, kill the crew, shock the crew, destroy the transmission, destroy the hull, blow up the ammunition, damage the engine, damage the gun breach, blow up the fuel.
that game is just on another level.
>thats what silver shitter actually believe
you can play however you want below masters, stop making shit up
>Woooow I forgot to pull the trigger and he killed me first wooooow
>But I AIMED at him first how did he
>Fucking tryhard autists that pull the triggers and know the maps
Legacy of the Void is great.
sc2 has always been a garbage general. Avoid at all costs.
SupCom best com
>Why you shouldnt build too tall
>Why you shouldnt be passive
>No missile defense
Fucking why, that cost red the game. Its so cheap and efficient
I love it for the reconstruction beam alone.
>Do co-op as Raynor and Karax on a defense heavy mission
>Turns out his beam heals Terran shit too.
>Between bunkers, seige tanks, phonton cannons and the beam, nothing gets in. Heavy assaults drag the defensive structure to 1 hp at most and it cans healed back to full in moments.
did yellow just rush carriers or something? dude fucking wrecked shop
any thread on /mlp/
>"CLICK'' on the research
opinion invalidated
i dont think there were even t2 boats and carriers are at t3, he just built submarines and frigates
Fuck off
In the modern world, great leaders resolve their conflicts with words. Words like:
>Why is the /vg/ thread so unbelievably bad?
what is there left to discuss about the game? tournament results? silver shitters asking what the "best" strat is over and over again?
why are you still making a thread then? I mean, why create a thread with the name "sc2", and not talk about SC2?
SC2 is easily one of the worst video games I've played, not just the worst RTS.
The structure is fucking atrocious and the story is so poorly-written that it outright taints anything you could possibly perceive as "good" about the game. Multiplayer is a clusterfuck as well because everyone got tired of this pile of shit so matchmaking is a complete and utter coin-flip.
>Gold player
>Queue up
>Either put against the unranked player who wanted to see what the game was about
>Or a diamond who's done nothing else since the last expac came out a year ago
shut the hell up
>Real time "strategy"
>In a game where micro and macro decide the winner
>In a game where strategies are literally rock,paper and siccor
>Oh did I already say your mouse movements matter more than the thought behind you gameplan?
SC2 has lost its popularity for mobas for a reason. Its not a RTS but a pseudo moba with RTS elements
never talk again
So many esports & nostalgiafags thinking BW > SC2 in this thread, astounding.
>sc2 was made to be the next esport
>you could still prefer BW for non-esports since blizzard fucked up custom maps in 2
>Have to memorize a 5 minute build order to be competitive
Don't play terran?
How about you play zerg, you don't have a build order there.
You just scout and make the right units when an attack is coming and build drones when you know you're safe.
And that's what you do until you max out all your bases.
>SC2 is easily one of the worst video games I've played, not just the worst RTS.
You're fucking retarded or you only every played three games if you're serious, kys.
No. StarCraft II is not good. Nu Blizzard is shit. Fuck off.
>bw ended up just being stronger than ever
where's proleague now? blizzard killed both bw and sc2
No RTS actually involves strategy.
Every RTS is just Micro-Macro Mechanics Masturbation.
>game so "good" that blizzard had to replace it with BW HD
What units hard counter Hydralisks? I'm a casual Terran player and my friend who's much better at the game that I just do co-op with loves Hydralisk spam when he's not playing serious and I'd like to catch him off guard once if I ever 1v1 him.
how about Marines?
Marines slaughter every single Zerg unit except banelings (unless you split and kite well), Infestors and Ultralisks.
>Is this the best RTS since Company of Heroes?
Considering that Supreme Commander came out in that period of time, probably not.
Hydras trade ridiculously cost inefficient by literally anything that can do damage to them. If they are up against aou they simply get deleted from the game, so tank+bio is your best bet. Hydras are only scary when they get to shoot for free.
>Hydras are only scary when they get to shoot for free.
Pretty much.
Hydras can't even trade against roaches, it's actually kinda stupid.
Considering that the purpose of StarCraft II was to replace professional Brood War (and strong-arm KeSPA) with an online platform that would make Blizzard lord and dictator of the scene, "building the same game, but with shinier graphics" isn't really surprising, I suppose.
they do outrange mareen
but if you stim under them they explode
Dude just stop. You just make it worse
>waah why do i have to press buttons in order to play a videogame
If you don't like playing Micro Macro Mechanics Masturbation, don't play it.
I love MMMM, it's my favorite genre.
>one specific build for a race wasn't viable until recently
Protoss can't go pure robo and they're not complaining
The game was very balanced, and is very balanced. It's silly to claim otherwise. It's not perfect and it could be better, but even during most of the super unbalanced periods, winrates have been within 5% of eachother. A game like sc2 can never be perfectly balanced, there will be eras of dominance. Builds that are very strong will creep up, eventually be countered, and so forth. It was the same in BW.
Remember when Bisu invented the forge fast expand into corsair DT and the entire PvZ matchup across all progaming went in Ps favor for a long time? Many such examples.
>very balanced
That term extremely incompatible with Warp Gates
No, not really. Is P smashing the other two races because they have warp gates? No, they're not. It's a tool in their arsenal which the race is balanced around, much like mules and the larvae system are tools in the T and Z arsenal.
>Its not a RTS but a pseudo moba with RTS elements
>build orders, timings, positional play and game plan are crucial to success in high leagues
>not strategy
>the purpose of StarCraft II was to replace professional Brood War (and strong-arm KeSPA) with an online platform that would make Blizzard lord and dictator of the scene, "building the same game, but with shinier graphics" isn't really surprising, I suppose
Well, is pretty retarded if they do the same with BNet 2.0 and trying to control the scene. They'll fail again for the same reason.
>i hear so many people complain about it and the campaign in general
From what I've seen people generally enjoy playing the campaign and its missions.
They're just bothered by the story.
>They're just bothered by the story
Yeah, it wont be bad if it weren't a sequel. The retcons, personally changes, and new aesthetics are terrible.
Yeah. The story would've been fine if it was a new game all on its own.
But when this is done with the same setting and the same characters that we remember from a very different kind of story, it makes a poor impression.