Why don't we get more Hispanic/Mexican characters in videogames instead of your typical black token character or white character?
Why don't we get more Hispanic/Mexican characters in videogames instead of your typical black token character or white...
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Nobody wants to play as that.
Latin America doesn't make that many games.
Nobody wants to be a shitskin
I'm hispanic and i couldn't give a single fuck.
because the typical black token character will keep barking orders at you
Then why do white people try so hard to not look white?
A quien le importa?
I'd rather play as an everyday american guy on a good game than some latinamerican character with an intricate backstory on a shit game.
Cause they wouldnt be caught in those situations.
This. Histpanics/Latinos don't really give a fuck about representation, it doesn't matter. And as one, the more stereotypical the shit is the better it is, I fucking love sombreros and ponchos.
if there are no stories about your race/culture, you get a pen and fucking write one
if there are no screenplays about your race/culture, you get a pen and fucking write one, and either get a camera and film it or pay someone else to
if there are no videogame "experiences" about your race/culture, you form an sjw army and bitch about it until someone else develops it for you
see not even hispanics want to play as hispanics
Taste my big boner
Hispanic and Mexican are not races.
Stop being ignorant
Rollin pollin
that fad was like four years ago
Neither are white people, but that doesn't seem to stop anybody.
I'm latin american and the best characterization american/european game devs could give a person from here is someone with a really thick accent who is always chasing skirts and acts suave and always wears good clothing and obsesses about their looks. Also mixes Mexican-accented Spanish into his speech.
So no thank you, I'd rather remain unrepresented.
>hispanic/mexican is a race
I can't wait for putin to nuke you fucking retards already
So what's the proper term? Mestizo? What the fuck do you even call a "race" with such varied people? Some of them even look white.
This. I don't like remembering that spics exist much less want to play as one in vidya.
Then why so many games have american protagonists?
I'm hispanic, I'm also white .
I guess I should have a game with a 1.50 brown guy screaming CABRON GIMME THAT BURRITO while wearing a sombrero because some fat fuckface in the US thinks it has something to do with me.
Its "a Mexican insists it is white" thread
>also white
Never happened
Race autism shouldn't exist to begin with. Ethnicity and culture are more important than vague shit like skin color I mean look at ''white'' people and how many shades that ''white'' actually has.
Irish are even considered white now despite clearly not being human.
i had great time with shadow of the damned its a shame that we 'll never see another one
"Diversity" according to most SJW means black people + a token asian or a token muslim.
>costa rica
>puerto rico
>latin american character in a vidya
but not just hispanics, white people = native europeans
new worlders are all mongrels, either in genes or behavior, but usually both
pollie ollie rollie
it's a shame we'll never see another lot of them except NMHhopefully
because sjw would still call them white
they only want blacks or womyns
double points for black womyns
>Not liking this cabron.
rollin and scratchin
Scandinavians (the whitest whites) try hard as fuck to be as dark and hip as african-americans.
anybody remember the book things fall apart? think about the autenticity of that kind of fiction vs the shit that american divsersity squads can write.
5'4", fat, brown, smelly, lazy, poor and already have a whole entire game franchise dedicated to them which is Gears of War.
what the fuck are you talking about
You need to remember that Anglos are kind of like really fucking stupid.
To them only english speakers can be white
>implying this wasnt one of the best characters of all time
Suda51 has more diversity than most of these other "progressive" devs
>white appropriating asian culture
>moon person
Friendly reminder there's no white country in the Americas except for Canada.
People like Anthony Weiner and Ronaldo Nazario are considered white in brown countries like USA and Brazil, respectively.
Because they have to go back
No one will ever convince me Elvis isn't one of Clover's best characters. And holy fuck that theme.
>not white
>no one wants to play............durrrr
Two of my favorite porn artists are in south america, and a few people I talk to regularly are from there. I hope nothing bad happens.
I hated what they did to Dom in 3. In the books he was warming up to the idea of moving on and settling down with Sam. Then 3 happens and goes full "muh maria" again.
>but but no one wants to play mexicans!!!!!
I find funny that most Hispanic vidya characters are from Mexico
>I hope nothing bad happens.
what do you mean?
This does kind of irritate the shit out of me, and the reason for it is pretty obvious.
Mestizo people aren't seen as an oppressed minority unless they're literally illegal immigrants. Since it's hard to shoehorn someone literally being an illegal immigrant into a video game, they pretty much don't.
Adding on to that, I'm from Texas and pretty much consider Mestizo people (I understand that the race autism isn't something that should really be applied to them, but we all pretty much know this is what people are talking about when they refer to someone as Hispanic/Mexican on sight.) to be chill as fuck and would have no problem playing as someone who looked like that or had a Hispanic ethnicity.
As long as it wasn't some fucking weird mechanism to push a modern day narrative about open borders, I wouldn't give a fuck.
You're the one getting nuked Tyrone, south america will be fine.
>thinking there is anything below mexico
>guys no one wants to play hispanics
Porque no es importante o relevante.
It's like the story of Goldilocks and the three little bears. "Whites" (Too Cold) and "Blacks" (Too Hot) somewhat fear the inevitable fate of their races since eventually they will both resemble "shit skins" (Just Right) which is the ideal skin color providing all of the advantages of each race without any of their drawbacks. The end result is that hispanics are often downplayed misrepresented and poorly written, or just flat out ignored.
Personally I don't care for forced representation because it's almost always done in bad taste, opinions among Hispanics often vary wildly about almost any given subject too, so it's difficult to pigeon hole millions of people into some half assed caricature of its people without looking like it's just focusing on race for just the sake of it. Captivating Hispanic personalities often blend in with other races on purpose because they often times don't want to draw even more attention to their people, as for Hispanic devs making Hispanic centric games, there are other more basic problems to solve in South America than mere videogame entertainment.
For the Record Just Cause has a South American male lead, and Abyss Odyssey is made by South Americans as far as I know.
T. pedro
Fuck mestizos and indios.
That's what I meant. I don't want to lose my buddies because of el Presidente. I'll miss some of my favorite porn, and some neato friends. I better commission them when I can.
>literally never
>doing anything with South America
The US has literally no reason to invade/bring demoggrasi SA
Post more Mexican vidya characters
Why don't we get Norwegians?
Why don't we get Portuguese?
Why don't we get Armenians?
If we're going to get people because they speak another language then we might as well choose every single country that speaks a different tongue.
What's even the point. What's so different about playing some below 5'4 brown guy with a dumb accent?
No one not once
But there are Norweiian and Portuguese characters
Name some
sooo many characters no one wants to play
Ni tu madre te lo cree, puñetas
And there are spanish speakers too.
But if we're going to force characters because they speak anything other than english then we need to put everyone there.
As much as everyone doesn't care for spics, when they're done tongue and cheek, it genuinely makes for a fun time.
Like that Devil may Cry mod that turns Donte into Senior Donte with a mustache and sombrero.
Investigating numbers
you ignorant niggers had enough?
if you're going for the token minority character you might as well go all about, meaning a nig
HURR No one wants to play as a Mexican
I don't care what race or gender as long as it's a good game.
People don't understand that and instead make a shitty game filled with trannies to meet their gay little quota.
whiteboys are easily triggered
Cause the majority doesnt want to play as a minority.
>that guy
oh god now that i know abuot this i feel angry about bATTLEBORN
Because of MUH SJW, numales killing the industry, jewish conspiracies and blah blah blah
Aren't you all tired of the same shit? Aren't you all tired of being such brainwashed retards?
Nobody wants to play as a subhuman.
They might work as a fun sidekick/comic relief or villain but not MC.
I'd play a GTA set in Vice City with a Latina as the protagonist