Bare Minimum: All characters from Wii U game included already. (This probably means smash will be 60 bucks though) All stages, modes, and music from 3DS should be included. Past controller compatibility (Without this, you can kiss almost 30% or more playerbase goodbye)
Hopes: New characters added and game still getting updates. Story mode nearly as ambitious as Brawls. More alternate costumes.
Jeremiah Perry
I'd like them to add Snake and Ice Climbers, and rework Omega stages so most of them are simple arenas with a few platforms not just reskins of final destination.
Jordan Cox
Random crits
Alexander Lewis
An adventure mode like melee and ice climbers is all i want. Snake would be nice too
Alexander Collins
Travis Touchdown
Jackson Phillips
Elijah Robinson
>smash fags still this delusional
Alexander Gonzalez
Take the series away from Ballsackurai and give it back to HAL so we can actually get a game that moves forwards from Melee's gameplay instead of backwards from 64's gameplay.
Aaron Watson
Alexander Miller
Tyler Turner
That it's not just a port of Sm4sh and actually a new game.
That's it.
I'm fine with them cutting characters from the Sm4sh roster, especially the clones.
Isaac White
>Past controller compatibility
No. They're going to make you buy new controllers.
Jose Sanders
Honestly getting rid of Sakurai would be for the best. He's pretty lazy
Isaiah Long
Fucking Isaac
If it wasn't for the obvious rigged character picks to get more game sales he would have most likely won a spot. You think people would have voted for another fucking Fire Emblem character who's game wasn't even out yet?
Joshua Murphy
So.. Pay full retail again for the same game PLUS I get to pay for all the DLC I already bought just so I can play this on the Switch? With the hopes I might get $10 worth of new content?
Wouldn't be the first time Nintendo fucked me in the ass so sign me up.
Andrew Sanders
Wave dashing
Dominic Clark
>Past controller compatibility
I'm sure they could make the Gamecube controller adaptator for Wii U work on the switch, though I personally don't mind.
K.rool and Ridley would be awesome too and a huge acknoledgement to the community
Caleb Gomez
I very much doubt it'll be a port of Smash 4, they'd have announced it by now, and it's not Sakurai's sort of thing. Probably a new game.
My hope is that they don't just make the same game with slight tweaks. No more Falcondorf, have the characters actually properly represent their games.
Lucas Ward
I saw skin mod for Travis on Ike's character.
Evan Green
This time for sure!
Dominic Sanders
How about Ganon being another sword character.
Cameron Hall
>implying Sakurai would ever acknowledge Smash fans with anything but spite
He's the Annoying of videogames, but not as humble or talented
Jackson Gonzalez
As much as I want Isaac, Corrin wasn't the voted character, Bayonetta was.
Levi Taylor
>Sakurai >lazy
Liam Perez
Corrin didn't get in because of the ballot, he got in to shill the new FE. Which makes it worse in a way, imo.
Caleb Parker
>A fucking discount if we own the previous two games (won't happen) >Both 3DS and Wii U stages (won't happen although they might port every Wii U stage and a few 3DS ones) >A new character (won't happen)
Nathaniel Watson
The newcomers I think are the most likely are Waluigi, Captain Toad, Incineroar, Spring Man, Inkling and Bomberman.
Aiden Taylor
Offline modes that are worth playing Tournament mode that lets you create bracket type tournaments
Carson Roberts
stupid, not lazy
Oliver Thompson
Logan Campbell
How is Golden Sun, btw?
Thomas Cox
Solid GBA RPG with clever puzzles. Fairly standard in many ways though.
Sebastian Flores
>Simon Belmont >Ryu Hayabusa >Toad >Bandana Dee >Meowth >Tingle
All characters that will never ever be included. Why care, bros?
Kayden White
>Toad What would he even use to attack people?
Joshua Jackson
If only he was playable in Mario games. That'd give us an idea.
Parker Mitchell
It won't happen, but I'd still use it.
Joseph Hernandez
>Captain Toad >character that can't jump but can dig (teleport) to other locations
let's a fucking go
Owen Nelson
Fuck that noise. Ever since that Mario 2 event in Melee, I wanted regular Toad. Fuck Captain Toad. He's not our guy.
Robert Lewis
Is this a thread about a Smash 4 port or a potential sequel?
Easton Edwards
>Meowth >wanting ANOTHER Gen 1 Pokémon instead of a new Pokémon like Incineroar or Mimikyu
Mason Robinson
I want somebody from Castlevania in the game. Probably either Simon, Alucard or Soma.
Christian Reyes
Literally who? Fuck your new Pokemon, famalam. Meowth is still in the anime, right? There's no reason not to include him. Why include a flavor of the month Pokemon instead of a Pokemon with proven popularity?
Nathan Ortiz
I originally made it for a port. I never realized so many people expected a sequel.
Nathaniel Foster
Because we already have plenty of Pokemon from Kanto. We need variety. Besides, I don't think the anime has any real weight on Smash.
Jose Sanders
shut the fuck up nerd lmao
Wyatt Morgan
>proven popularity What can Meowth do that any of the newer mons can't? I was ecstatic when Misty, Brock and Gary were confirmed to be absent in the upcoming new Pokémon movie. I want to see more nostalgiatard Genwunners keep getting spited like they deserve.
Kayden Diaz
I would finaly buy a Switch if they added Goku
Kayden Gray
What would Goku have as a moveset anyway?
Grayson Parker
Why variety? Flavor of the month Pokemon were added and have never come back. Namely Pichu, but I don't think Greninja is coming back either. Why include them when they won't return? There's no reason Meowth shouldn't be included.
Nathan Roberts
remember when lucario was the flavor of the month mon
Daniel Cook
How about instead of another boring fucking bipedal humanoid Pokemon we choose one of the EIGHT-HUNDRED AND TWO Pokemon that would actually take some creativity to model and implement and might provide a unique playstyle?
I literally don't care if they just put all 802 Pokemon on a dartboard and chuck darts to pick one, just don't give use another boring ass character that might as well not be a Pokemon.
Thomas King
Doesn't cater to niche "serious" autists and makes millions, not stupid.
Sebastian Jackson
>thinking Greninja won't return with Ash-Greninja as his FS Nice delusion. I bet you think Geno and Takamaru are relevant characters as well.
Chase Kelly
Greninja has a unique playstyle though
It's also a frog
Samuel Lee
I never said that. Meowth is still relevant, so he should be included.
Jordan Walker
They never said at any point that Corrin was a vote in character, Sakurai was pretty open about the fact that Nintendo told him to put Corrin in as a Fates advertisement.
Nicholas Perry
Kind of unrelated, but was Cloud actually voted for?
Jeremiah Jenkins
The Ashnime has never been relevant.
Brandon Evans
There is nothing unique about Greninja's modeling, animations, or playstyle.
It is a humanoid frog. The reason they use bipedal and humanoid figures for as many characters as possible is because it is easiest to intuitively animate and create moves and playstyles for. It's pure laziness. The Pokemon should be an opportunity to put in off-the-wall characters and playstyles but instead from the nearly 1000 Pokemon to choose from we get what's easiest.
Bentley Powell
People voted for Cloud, but that's not the reason he was put in. Square probably agreed due to the FF7 remake and Cloud being free, constant advertising.
Carson Cruz
I think a port is far more likely right now but since Smash hasn't ever really been ported anywhere and the rule is that every console gets a new Smash, a lot of people are itching for a new sequel as well.
My wants for a port and a sequel are two different things.
Dominic Robinson
No, he got in because "PUT CLOUD IN SMASH" was a thing for so long that Sakurai figured he should do it
Wyatt Price
Ice Climbers Dork Motter
Connor Johnson
Characters I want to see
Yu Narukami Klonoa Bomberman Inklings Geno Wolf
I also want to see an HD version of Smash Run, offline tournament mode, Amiibo battles online, original Classic mode, Melee Adventure Mode and Alpha stages. (Sort of like Omega stages, but with more variety)
Chase King
>Because we need to arbitrarily include digimon based on what gen they come from
Are you actually this autistic?
Landon Jones
port isn't that unlikely since nintendo pulled this lazy ass shit with mario kart for the first time for some reason here's hoping they'll have some decency, even if only because smash 3ds exists
Ryder Williams
>Greninja has a unique playstyle though
Daniel Nguyen
Andrew Gomez
if you think its going to be a port your going to be sadly mistaken, its going to be smash 5. they already have mario odyssey as there holiday game, they will most definitely announce a smash game is in development though
Julian Lee
Shy Guy
a character who is a bunch of characters, for lack of better word
as in you play as one and a lot of the moveset consists of summoning other shy guy types (Fat Guy, Pyro Guy, Petal Guy, the Fly Guys dropping bombs), etc
think Servbot from MvC 2
i just want more weird shit in these kinds of games
David Taylor
Keep Sakurai away from the director's chair and we might have something. He'll still be a producer though.
Adrian Garcia
>Hopes and Expectations It'll just be a port. It'll most likely not even with with the gamecube controller which is why they barely made any of that peripheral to begin with.
Brandon Sanchez
Having played the first one I'd say it's in my top 3 or 5. You wouldn't think it's good but it's really fucking good.
Connor Hall
>port isn't that unlikely since nintendo pulled this lazy ass shit with mario kart for the first time for some reason It makes a lot of sense. MK8 sold well but they probably want to maximize their profits by making an easy port over to the Switch. Plus it was a really easy opportunity to make a GotY edition, which is the big elephant in the room regarding Nintendo's games that actually have a lot of DLC.
What's really odd is that they haven't announced Hyrule Warriors or Pokken ports yet, if they ever will. Especially with Pokken. How do you leave your competitive scene hanging like that?
Anyway, my wants for a port (keeping shit realistic):
>Inklings >Ice Climbers >Wolf >Snake (not actually expecting this but I really hope they actually bring him back) >all stages, modes, and music from the 3DS version, with improvements like an online Smash Run mode where you can customize the final battle/whatever) >Gamecube controller compatibility >all stages and almost all DLC
Blake Miller
Jose Gonzalez
>It makes a lot of sense. MK8 sold well but they probably want to maximize their profits by making an easy port over to the Switch. sure, people will fall for this shit, lap it up and beg for more after nintendo has been giving us a brand new damn mario kart game for literally every platform since snes and gba for big and handheld consoles respectively it makes sense, it will fill someone's pocket with shekels, but it's a terrible, terrible sign of cashgrabs to come
Owen Kelly
HAL's simply not big enough for Smash anymore. That's why they gave it to Namco.
Elijah Bell
I'd kill to see Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton or these two in Smash.
Jordan Wood
more dlc fighters
Gavin Perez
>YFW they make Jigglypuff great again.
Charles Garcia
Reminder that he has an actual chance
Connor Reyes
>season 4 never
Gabriel Howard
>Season 1: Hypnotism and cults >Season 2: Demonism and time travel >Season 3: Elder gods and psychic powers What would a Season 4 even be about? I want it too.
Owen Bailey
Lorne detected
Charles White
I just see it as being done because of the special circumstances of the Wii U, what with being a console that had a relatively short lifespan and a small userbase. They need to recuperate their losses somehow. In concept, a GotY edition for Mario Kart and other franchises sits well with me. The only thing that really rubs me the wrong way is that this really shouldn't be full price but I can kinda forgive it for being a launch window game for the Switch.
If they continue giving us GotY editions later on, but they're at full price, then that's a cause for complaint.
Brody Jenkins
smash bros is not a fighting game
Henry Robinson
Monster Hunter Character
Juan Ward
Add Superman. I'm serious.
Jack White
>Telltale spent all that time and money to get the Sam and Max IP >Drop it all once all the big TV networks want you to make games for them
I still have hope for a eventual S4 though
Hudson Carter
I want my Ashley please!
Hudson Green
They'll probably make a new game, sm4sh is already on 3DS which still counts as current gen and the developers admitted that developing for 1080p/60fps and 3D/60fps limited their design options. Also they wouldn't give you 100$ of dlc out of the box like nothing.
Zachary Allen
it's fucking shit and only people who only played it when they were 12 think it's good. Plot and characterization are non-existent (seriously, characters aren't even standard bidimensional anime tropes), gameplay is incredibly easy. If you like repeating the same two kinds of rolling puzzles over and over again while spamming A and listening to a great OST it's okay I guess
Landon Miller
Do you REALLY want TT to make another one?
>Shall we castrate and pummel these perpetrators, Sam? >You crack me up, little buddy >*Max will remember that*
Justin Gutierrez
melee hd i bet they wont
Caleb Allen
Jace Harris
>>Simon Belmont there will never bee another Konami character on smash >>Ryu Hayabusa ok >>Toad >>Bandana Dee >>Meowth >>Tingle literally scraping the bottom of the barrel
Kevin Williams
>bandana dee >bottom barrel
Jayden Morales
David Mitchell
Carson Myers
>Toad >Meowth >Tingle (in Japan) >bottom of the barrel Are you retarded? I don't want to see any of those characters in Smash, but you're stupid if you think any of those are bottom of the barrel. True bottom of the barrel is shit like Boxboy and Pink Gold Peach