ITT: MMO's with sub prices that are/were worth it

ITT: MMO's with sub prices that are/were worth it

no MMO is worth the sub price
prove me wrong

Its worth it if you get the playtime out of it, plus keeps BRs out

The way I see it, double the hours of what you pay and if you do that, its worth it


yeah you really shouldn't have to pay a monthly sub to play these games. especially considering how terrible they are from a gameplay perspective.

>plus keeps BRs out
A B2P model could do the same thing without the dumb 15 dollars a month scheme. All the sub does is keep potential players away from the game.
Plus it encourages the devs to fill the game with padding and filler to make you waste your time before you actually get to the meat of the game.

you first OP

Only people it keeps away are poor NEET scum and poor foreigners

>MMO forces you to cooperate with strangers to do dungeons
>"Alright this might be good"
>start up new dungeon
>get wrecked in first boss because no idea about his mechanics
>no party member told me about them
>"omg user you noob"
>people quit or I get kicked
>forced to read about the boss' mechanics before going into the new dungeon and spoiling the fun
>do okay, make no friends because people don't talk in parties unless it's to bitch

Yeah no thanks. I'd rather get 13 dollars richer every month.

I hate having to look up strats for each boss/dungeon/mechanic beforehand. it kind of does spoil the fun of learning it yourself, but in MMOS you have to use cheat sheets and faqs like that in order to be a competent player.

At the very least those are still people who could populate the world, even if you personally don't like interacting with them.

Just join a guild and play with them :^)

>"Hey first time, let me know any mechanics"

All you have to say. If they dont tell you, you just say "your fault"

That's exactly why no MMO is worth a sub fee. Fuck that.

>Join a Guild
>be 1 out of 10000

I've never played WoW so I wouldn't know if it has something similar to XIV's party finder, but you could just join a learning party instead of queuing up in DF.

>no one says jack
>get killed
>"your fault"
>get kicked anyways

I had no problem asking for tips when I was a tank in World of Warcraft. Just let them know its your first run. Yeah, some people bitch out and kick you - but people will bitch out and kick anyone for any reason.

Granted I quit WoW shortly afterwards. Running the same handfull of dungeons just isn't as fun as the leveling content was for me.

>Buy FF14

>Pay sub fee for 1 year

>Buy expansion

>Be cosmetic fag
Drop $20 in cosmetic shop

Kek I could buy way better games with this money.

Fucking this.
The game does not deserve so much money. It's good, but not good enough.

A subscription based mmo is mainly for bigots, who want to spend money as a wall to keep people they see as inferior out.

The sad part is that it doesn't even work because they are infested with chinese bots and rmt. In the end they pay hundreds of dollars a year for a stale game with little content for no reason.

Pretty much these games are filled with friendless grind addicts, nobody else is stupid enough to pay that much money to play the same fucking game for years.

It's worth it.



ITT: People who can't forego 1 of their daily large bicmac meals to pay for a subscription.