Games that failed to activate your almonds

Whats the most mediocre game you've ever bought. The kind of game you played and thought to yourself "at least I didn't totally get ripped off, I give it a C-". For me its either this or New Super Mario Bros. U.

Hard Mode:If you're gonna post any recent platform exclusive game just for the (you)'s you'd better post a timestamped picture of the game you double nigger

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Darksiders 2, it makes me sad because I loved the first one, but I think the open world + constantly navigating menus to make sure I'm wearing my Sunday best really kills it for me.

What's even sadder is I've purchased it on sale for 3 different platforms, and never made it past the second hub area in any of them.

I really do want to like it

This one, definitely. It's not a Bad Game by any stretch, it's just so underwhelming

Also while the god-tier art design was what got me through it, the second hub easily drags the most. The game does pick up the pace much more once you finish that one problem is that the pacing skyrockets so much that you just kind of stumble into the final fight & it's over in two minutes. You also start to get a bit more direction so you have more of a reference point than 'I'm collecting three of these things so that I can get one of the other three things I need so that I can get one of the OTHER three things I need so that this important guy who I've only met once will be able to tell me that he can't actually answer my question'


I still don't understand why so many considered this GOTY. Must have been an awful year.


how the fuck you felt let down by AA?
that shit sneaked on everybody because everybody thought it was going to be shovelware

Well there were actual paid reviews

one of the worst endings to a game ever. the base game was alright though,but they fucked us over with the ending.

This game made me want to play as an orc with big dreams instead cause of Nemesis system, it turned into pokemon halfway.

I played it last year & can see how OP might have been underwhelmed seeing as its combat mechanics have become the standard formula now. At the time though I imagine it felt rather unique (much like CoD4)

>Warner bros.
Makes sense.

>BamHam AA
Fucking how?

>The most repetitive game since Assassin's Creed 1
>Underwhelming as fuck nemesis system
>Story that ends after what feels like a 15 hour long tutorial
>That ending
I paid $5 for the GotY, so I didn't feel ripped off, but boy, this game was overrated.

AA was a really nice surprise when it came out.

Yeah it felt amazing when it came out now its just the same autopilot counter combat as everyone else

My first telltale game since I like capeshit, and I'm Sup Forums, but it seemed like the writers didn't give a shit about the source material and I really tried to look past that, but I pretty much just powered through it after the twist. Very mediocre imp.

I wanted to try it out since so many people bashed on it since release, but I was surprised by how not-terrible it was. I have no drive to touch it ever again, though.

The land of the dead is way too long. They should have kept the first hub world, then made you travel to multiple smaller worlds like the plays after the dead plains.

>You will never play as an Uruk, killing Talion over and over again, until he either kills you or brands you
>You will never introduce yourself with a poem, a song, or incoherent screaming to the other captains/wraith

Well, atleast the orcs looks and behave way better in the sequel

Of course, the story will probably look like dog-shit, but I'm hoping this ''procedually generated nemesis'' shit will pay for everything else

After playing City and Knight, a lot of Asylum's gameplay mechanics feel pretty shallow in comparison, especially the combat. I still prefer Asylum's setting, though.

Asylum has the best structure and atmosphere, but the gameplay gets better throughout the series.

To me, this was basically a "if you like the Arkham games, you'll like this" game. I enjoyed it for what it was. I'd give it a low B, not a low C.

>combat was just ok and got boring after a while
>exploration and level design was competent but nothing outstanding
>story was pretty forgettable

It was just overall a pretty ok package, didn't feel ripped off for $40 but I didn't see anything special about it

Alan Wake. Shit wasn't funny, scary, or good. It had nothing of value in it.

What are you on about? Knight is the most shallow game in the series. You even spend a good portion of the game literally above a sea of fear gas.

It was alright. I mean, it was pretty easy, but the setting, nemesis system and fairly decent upgrade system gave it some worth. The combat was fun for a while, and assassinating uruks with different weaknesses and strengths kept it interesting. That, and I liked the personality they gave to the uruks.

Stealth was hilariously overpowered though. You could sprint-crouch up to a guy facing you thirty feet away and stealth kill him before his detection meter filled up. The orcs were so short sighted that it ruined any sort of immersion.

I wasn't talking about the general structure of the game, I was talking about individual gameplay mechanics like combat or the predator segments, which were obviously a lot more polished and featured general improvements in City and Knight compared to their presence in Asylum.

I don't know why you're defending the game. Nobody said it was bad, just that we found it underwhelming in contrast to its general reception.

On the fucking contrary
City and Knight are boring open world drivel
Asylum is light years ahead of these games

This and Farcry 3

Andromeda. I haven't sold something to gamestop in 7 years, I beat it, looked at the case for a moment, then walked down the street and got $22 for it.

This is the first time I've actually thought about the whole situation since.

Just Cause 3. I just ended listening to music or podcasts while playing it, something I never do with vidya

Arkham Asylum was actually pretty decent with its metroidvania level design and atmosphere. It felt compact. Don't touch the other ones though.