ITT: Every game ruined by furries

>TF2: Community servers are largely furry
>Second Life: Pure furry
>Ring Runner: Approximately one person likes this game and they're a furry

Other urls found in this thread:

Furries are weird mang.

Furries are terrible human beings who I greatly abhor playing video games with.

>TF2 circa 2-3 years ago
>Join a random server
>It's a furry server
>They're actually super chill and fun to play with
>End up going back to the server on the regular

Just gotta find the right people

I wouldn't say "ruined." More like "made me realize how much I dislike 'game.'"

>Letting other people ruin your own gaming experience

Best husband

Second Life was basically saved because of furfags.

I know right?
They fap to super weird and fetishy deviantart-tier stuff like this.

I agree.

>playing Second Life



It's multiplayer tho

A shit anyway, is the ranking system still broken ?
>Second life
What are you doing
>Ring Runner
Who ?

it's just bad aesthetics. Doesn't help that the easiest to find art is straight trash.



Every multiplayer game they partake in, just play on a server that doesn't allow furries or ruthlessly mock/grief them until they go away

So then you get to out-compete them? Not seeing the downside there, unless you're that paranoid about the possibility of getting beaten by a furfag

Okami is best.

Ring Runner is the shit mayne
It's the only game I know where skill alone is probably enough to win a 1v10 close-combat fight.
A 1v10 fight isn't possible in that game though, sadly.

That's why the board for it is called /trash/
Like look at this shitty garbage

>That pic
>That guys face
Jesus tap dancing Christ

looks very nice user


This kind of metallic shading makes me physically ill

Furry or not if one of these humanoid figure things showed up in reality I'd be emptying my balls inside it.



Yeah, Ring Runner is a cool game
Also it's almost always stupidly cheap

I'm just hoping it can get popular again by some famous YouTube stumbling upon it

Unless you're talking about that furry in which case yiff in hell furfag, I hope you get tortured in ways like pic related

>Second life

You think it's bad?

>it's a furry thread



The writing is awful, Bane's a fucking hack

Only good thing to come of it is Echo spawned from it

now you've fucking done it

That's just full on bestiality

Done what?

>it's a furfag thread


>this thread


>Japanese """""cat""""" girls

I actually think the writing is ok in the Blackgate.
It is much better than in let's Extracurricular Activities.
What's Echo?


>The car roof caving in
Do regular car roofs do that when you stand on em or just shitty ones?

Sup Forums is full of furfags. Remember when we used to raid them and kept the internet free of them.

>posts get deleted
>but the thread stays

What the fuck mods?

>Be me, a furry
>Fully aware how autistic the fandom is
>Take any chance I get to piss them off

Basically just become the stereotype. Either they'll think you're serious and leave or they'll know it's ironic and you're making fun of them so they get pissed.
I just spam the most known RP things like *wags tail* *licks paw* *nuzzles you* and soon as OwO What's this? got popular I started using it. It works like 85% of the time.

I'm trying to figure this out also

Look it up. It's on You Dash One Eight Chan's (fuck off spam detection) gfur board.

It's actually pretty nice. Has a nice Steven King novel vibe to it. Friends visit old hometown. Ghosts happen. Each route has a different focus on spooky shit.

Only problem is the art direction for the CGs is 11/10, but the character portraits are awful (kinda like blackgate desu)

I think janitors can't delete threads.

>Only problem is the art direction for the CGs is 11/10, but the character portraits are awful (kinda like blackgate desu)

I wonder too why did they hire Darkgem for CG but some other artist draws sprites that are not even good and bland looking.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag