THIS is the fucking garbage they port over to PC?! Fuck off, Ghostfart. I was expecting something good...

THIS is the fucking garbage they port over to PC?! Fuck off, Ghostfart. I was expecting something good, not this awful vomit inducing moe garbage.
Seriously fuck you, Ghostlight. What kind of micropenis fucks play this kind of weeb shovelware?

>What kind of micropenis fucks play this kind of weeb shovelware?
Dumb ironic Steamweebs.

>expecting something from ghostlight

The only good thing they ported to PC was Way of the Samurai 4

Sick, bought!

Ehh, it's not bad. About average I'd say. PC Beggars can't be choosers.

Truly the master race.

Don't worry. Persona 5 is next. Atlus can't resist weeb bucks

I'd screencap this, but I probably wouldn't be able to post it again for another 5 years or so.

Keep being delusional. Atlus are the only ones who refuse to port their games, but Sega will make them do it. Since they've seen how well Jap games have been doing on PC.



Just don't start crying in the next few months when there's announcement, sonyfag.

It's okay. I played it on PS4 and got it for a few dollars on sale.

I'll be too busy with the next exclusive to care! Enjoy my scraps!

You'll be beta-testing the next game so we can get the definitive version? Got it.

Bought it for $3 during a sale. Probably the best battle system to come out of Compile Shit. Too bad that's the only good thing about it. Fuck Takt.

>implying you aren't getting a port

Don't worry, at least you'll be able to mod all the dragon dildos you want into it!


A simple port or not it'll still be a better version than what you're playing on your shitstation.


Sleep well kid!

Pretty ironic considering that Tekken 7 is releasing on PC.


Did you play it on PS4 and find it bad OP?



>but Sega will make them do it
Sega has no control of Atlus and Atlus is consider independent from Sega.

>Sega will do it
I'm still waiting for SoA HD you fucks

Not him but it's one of Complie Fart's worse titles. MegaNep is far, far better in terms of gameplay and story. And MegaNep isn't great.

So that'd explain why they just skipped the game?
Anyway no loli no buy.

>the only shovelware compile heart games ghostlight has left now are those ecchi Vita games

Even if there was loli Ghostlight would censor it.

Truly epic posts.

What do you expect from shits who port censored games?

>le reddit boogeyman

They're just lazy. They making that other game english dub only. Basically LAZY FUCKS.

They never translate their own games. They leech off IFI/Atlus/NISA translations for European publishing or quick Steam cashgrabs. Keeping the censorship is done out of laziness

>I-Its just a boogeyman! Redditors are totally not shitting up our boards!

Actually they did translate Elminage Gothic but decided to be lazy cucks by going PSP=>Steam over 3DS=>Steam which had more content and a new loli/shota race.

At least we're getting one good game from Ghostlight

Yeh but dubs only. Which proves that they're just lazy with their ports.

you're pissing in a sea of piss, retarded newfriend, it's not going to be blue ever again

They said they're looking into the possibility of Japanese audio though.

and what game would that be?

Was the original release dubs only?

They said exactly the same thing about uncensoring Mugen Souls on Steam user...

>s-shut up

Lost Dimension

Yes. It was Atlus after all.

Oh hell no, i bought that shit for like 7 bucks on a sale and i still want my 7 bucks back.

You sure? Could have sworn they went out of their way to censor one of the Agarest games.


>console "lords" playing 1 (one) game for 2 years


They censored it for the EU release and used that lame EU version for Steam.

Then they aren't putting in the Japanese audio. You are never going to get anything extra from ghostlight

>I was expecting something good, not this awful vomit inducing moe garbage.
Why the fuck would you expect something good from a Compile Heart game? Haven't you been paying attention to the last dozen PC games they put out?

Are you brain damaged?

>having any games
Weebshit, indieshit, pixelshit, survivalshit and early access shit doesn't count as games.

It's okay user, there's still time to sell your playstation and that 1 (one) game and buy the real machine.

So I can play thousands of non-games? I'm sold!

>PCMR having any games of their own
>bragging and begging for console scraps


Sega? HA HA HA still waiting for Phantasy Star Online 2.


here's another (You), desperate reddit child

you better keep this shit logged manually since there is no karma on this site

Yes, that's true. But the same laziness principle can apply, since it was 3 years between PS3 and PC release

I'm confused, weren't you the one defending reddit?

This thread is awful

>Are you brain damaged?
I'm not sure. Are you claiming that Compile Heart is not the developer of Omega Quintet? Are you claiming that any of the Compile Heart games ported to PC have been any good?

Just because Ghostlight is the NA publisher for PC does not mean they will be able to change the game completely into something better.

nobody's defending reddit, you retarded and irrelevant newfag

now go fuck your stupid self already

Nobody's claiming anything like that. Ghostlight could have ported a better and/or more interesting jrpg than some moe weeb shitfest.

Detected the Redditor

Why the hell does anyone care about the company porting the game to another platform? Unless they are notoriously bad or considerably good, it shouldn't be that much of a concern. Really, was anybody seriously anticipating Ghostlight's next PC port and got disappointed by it being Omega Quintet?

Just let them make some autismbucks so they can get Way of the Samurai 1 onto Steam.

>Ghostlight caring about quality

Did mugen souls x2 not teach you anything? They get a great deal for these games from compile heart, and they are clearly making their money back off the ports

Ghostlight can go fuck itself and go bankrupt if it won't port anything good again.