Why do competitve online games make me so mad, Sup Forums?

why do competitve online games make me so mad, Sup Forums?

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because youre a casual that doesnt actually play them competitively

Because you still didn't understand that you have to be 18+ to post here

And because you have shit taste

Because you have deeper issues. You're also likely a teenager, and your brain hasn't figured out other ways of dealing with / expressing those issues.

You get so mad it drives you mad.

Easy. Anger issues.

what counts as competitive?

not a teenager anymore, but i probably do have deeper more psychological issues that fuels the anger.

>not a teenager anymore

Well, then it's just kinda sad.

ego too big

you think you should win more but don't, channel your disappointment outwards

if it's any consolation, I don't think it's got much to do with how good you actually are, even some pro players are embarassingly upset when something doesn't go their way and have excuses up the ass

As i said, shit taste, i bet you get angry in team based games right?

well, i AM the best player in the game, every game. and the only reason i ever lose is because my teammates are shit, or the other player is cheating by exploiting imbalance

That can't be right, I'M actually the best player.
You're just like my shitty teammates, fuck off my video game and stop getting in the way of the good players.


What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch

I am THE best player and I think you suck actually

Because you aren't strong. I can handle my anger because my muscles are so massive.

I can curl 25 pounders and bench 35s. Not only that but I can kick your ass in a fight.

anybody who doesn't have the self control to not smash a $70 piece of electronics every time they get mad has an anger problem

see a fucking therapist user, before you end up that guy who beats his wife for burning dinner.

1v1 me noob

Wooo. Easy there, massive faggot.


At least you're not this guy.

Why do you play games when they make you mad? If you're not having fun, stop doing it.

I never understood people getting angry at vidya games. If I'm not having fun, I go and do something else. How do people have trouble with this?

>I can curl 25 pounders and bench 35s
is this what manlets think? i am strong fat, with lots of natural muscle. i dont know what its like to not be naturally 5 times stronger than girls

Addiction, user.

Hey, fuck you, buddy, I'm as straight as they fucking come. Tell me where you live, I'll come to your fucking house and beat you to death.

What kind of retarded logic is that


You also seem to have some natural brain deficiency if you couldn't spot the joke in that post.

And by beat i mean fuck.

Yeah I don't think beating off another man to death is something a straight man would do dude.

>assuming its a joke
no, manlets are everywhere on Sup Forums

how the FUCK do people get mad at online games??? like, online poker 101 is never to get emotionally invested or you're fucked... yet, people rage over something that has absolutely 0 monetary value..? i get annoyed when teammates waste my time but i haven't wanted to break a monitor in a long long time, and that was usually because of latency issues

"fun" isn't the only thing you would want to get from videogames.
many emotions can be felt by playing vidya.
and you got to acknowledge that everytime someone feels rage inside, there is also the opposite happening, when you eventually beat whatever made you mad, wich gives you a feeling of joy.

Because it's not the fucking game's fault for being soo damn good, while you have to deal with the everyday retards you are just forced to play with, what makes the game entirely shit to play and gives you a grade of dissatisfaction to begin with?

Like, come on.

You fucking nerds think this is funny? My forearms are fucking huge, I'll smother you with them until you die and then push on your skull with the full force of my forearm and crush your head until it's a fucking pulp. I'm too strong for you to even try to fight back.

team based games are cancer, unless done in a way where they are still enjoyable, such as the way cs does it

>He can't recognize jokes
Brainlets everyone

Remember, it's better to be bad at video games than mad at video games. You appear to be both, however.

the only competetive games worth playing are fighting games and starcraft.
maybe Quake

>I'll smother you
Stopped reading right there, you coming onto me faggot? Sorry, I'm not a gay.

pic related

Because you are a loser


The only coming I'll be doing is to your house so I can fucking strangle you and destroy your windpipe and watch your eyes roll back as you gargle up blood. Fuck you, faggot.

i broke it playing for honor, which is a fighting game.

ive also broken shit over starcraft.

>im not gay
>turning down a cute femboy that wants to suck your cock

Lot of betas ITT

you are competitive OP, feeling frustrated when you lose is natural to people that aren't weak-hearted wimplings

channel it into energy toward improving. Control your anger and use it as a driver for practice, do not let it control you

I felt like throwing my controller through my TV today because of Splatoon.
I got disconnected three times thanks to my shit internet and lost 30 points in ranked solely because of that which put me back down to B+, then I got disconnected two more times because it said my USB unhooked while I was playing, which it didn't.

Because you were the only fair gamer in a game full of hackers. I suggest reporting the players for cheating.

Or if you're feel exotic, track their IPs, pay then a visit and see how great they are IRL when they don't have aimbots and infinite health hacks to back them up.

>For honor
>Fighting game
Pack it up boys, it's just another troll thread.

t. /fit/fag

judging by the filename you broke your controller over a game that doesn't even have rank mode in it. I understand people who rage over a rank game but you literally have no excuse for being angry.

maybe you have autism

once you stop caring about some rank number or some virtual reward you can start appreciating the game for the gameplay and tense moments and you can stop caring about winning or losing.

Because you are white and you prob wished you were never horned, lmao

>when a shitskin tries to string together a coherent thought


but sadly fighting games are pretty niche, have fairly small communities, especially outside of US, and are not particularly accessable (biggest issue here is fact that most fighters are console-only, when majority of people don't own console)

starcraft is good, and if sc2 was a better game it would still be really popular and thriving. maybe brood war remaster can do miracle work tho.

>for honor, which is a fighting game.

Starcraft honestly doesn't take much talent and it's horribly boring to watch. It's memorizing build orders and figuring out cheese strategies. There is very little player interaction most of the time, it's essentially who executes their strategy better.

Fighting games I can agree on but I find them boring as shit.

Rocket League is also a competitive game worth playing.

I've found that Sup Forums likes games where a player can completely break the game by abusing some broken mechanic rather than by being really talented. Morrowind and Deus Ex are two examples of this, whenever I ask Sup Forumsirgins why they love those games so much they tell me stories of their late game builds, potions of levitation and shit like that. This is stuff I did as a kid before I was good at video games. It's essentially compensating for being shit at them by only playing games where you can abuse a mechanic that takes no mechanical skill or intelligence.


>having fun with a game is compensating for being shit at the game

competitive play is all about doing the most "broken" stuff you can muster as well, just good competitive titles are tightly designed to reign the crazyness in

this is the dumbest thing i have ever read with regard to starcraft and reeks of someone that has never played an rts before in his life

I played like 200~ hours of SC and watched a bunch of the competitive scene back in the day. What I said is objectively correct lol

here's a nice article detailing why competitive RTSes are totally fucked


>duel in quake live
>used to get extremely pissed off because i couldn't realize what i was doing wrong
>now that i know i still get frustrated but i realize what i am doing wrong so never get mad

i have been playing starcraft since 1998 and i can say its objectively incorrect

this is the second dumbest thing i have ever read, right after that guy's first post. rts begins and ends with broodwar, i have no idea why he even bothers referencing other shit. he also has no idea what he's talking about, and sounds like someone that thinks poker is based only on luck

Sometimes I get so angry when playing video games that I stop playing the game that's making me angry and play something else instead.

bullshit, age of empires 2 is more popular than starcraft, even having thousands of players online right fucking now playing. total annihilation and red alert are both recognized as more competitive and balanced real time strategy series

the absolute madman

i don't get this with multiplayer games.
however singleplayer games can drive me nuts.
like randomly dying in Persona 5 after an hour of not saving.

Here's an idea, try working out before playing competitive games. If you don't half ass it you'll be too exhausted to lift the controller off your lap and you'll probably be in a better mood in general.

But I don't know how to work out

You never had exercises in PE class growing up?

post yfw you've never broken any gaming accessories in anger because you're not autistic.

>typical assfaggots player

you're not welcome here nigger

just dont play them
thats the only answer

there are plenty of good games that arent competitive

A WHITE BOY??????????!!!

>mfw I actually AM autistic (assburgers) but still haven't broken any controller or accessory in my 30 year long life

>bored one night
>decide to check out a random pokemon red speedrun
>guy throws his controller in rage because he cant catch a Caterpie within 5 balls

You try to compensate the fact that you have no interesting traits or personality with the illusion that you're good at video games.

You get mad when proven otherwise.

Are you saying you'd try to strangle me with your cock? That'd be kinda hard with only 5 inches