It's not that bad
Sup Forums just blew that meme out of proportion
It's not that bad
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It's a ripoff of Madoka.
Fuck off.
Sup Forums memed the card and the lack of the utterance of the word nigger out of proportion.
Game still fucking sucks whether you were a fan of the series, relative newcomer, or anybody who has even a modicum of brainpower
Sup Forums lacks the diction to describe games as anything other than "based" or "shit." It was a decent game with a lot of wasted potential.
Its not even good as a shooter.
Removing the visible weapon upgrades made absolutely no sense, especially considering your surroundings.
I can't find anything to like about it besides the graphics and a handful of quiet deadend scenes.
Besides that it's just 12 hours of shit gameplay and shit story.
this tho
definitely a 9/10 game
Sup Forums just likes to meme the first 10 minutes of the game
The first 20 minutes is probably the best
wait a minute.....
It's not that good
Media just blew that meme out of proportion
Was a 8/10 when i first played it, after doing research, looking through the art book and previous builds, this game is a 5/10. Wasted potential, especially the sky rails. Every other build but the final one took advantage of the skyrails, and huge open spaces. If the game played like the 2011 demo, then fuck yeah, it would be a 9/10 easily.
The the fact is, there isn't any cool enemies. A lot of the enemy designs are fucking boring and the cool ones were left on paper. Fucking Sky rails are useless and there is almost never any verticality, like in the previous demo. Areas are too small, too compact.
Its a shitty game with shitty gameplay and shitty story that fails with its own themes. if you want a fun fps involving multiple universes / timelines play Singularity.
The game is only good until Elizabeth enters the picture.
Then it just falls apart.
Its a corridor shooter with an ok story line. Its not terrible bot it sure isent the second coming. Bioshocks in general are meh.
The setting is good but not enough to redeem the gameplay and the story. Bioshock 2 is the only Bioshock game worth playing.
Sup Forums shits on it because it was received like the second coming of Christ when it's a mediocre game
It's got really stunning visual design but that's where the pros end. Just about every aspect of the gameplay exists somewhere between mediocre and straight up bad.
It's not terrible, just horribly-overrated and nothing like the previous trailers' larger-scale gameplay that had me so amped up. As far as "long squandered dev-times" go, only FFXV and DNF can top it.
>'murikan devs
>caring about niche weebshit
>city in the sky that deifies the founding fathers of america
>time travel and multiverse bullshit that reveals the villain is also the protagonist
>grizzled guilt-ridden ex-pinkerton looking for redemption
>a messianic daughter figure who had been isolated and revered all her life tagging along
>heavy handed muh racism/revolution subplot that accidentally becomes actually racist
The writing could have been much better if it stuck to one or two plot elements and developed them instead of shoving a bunch of halfassed ideas in the same clusterfuck of a game.
>that accidentally becomes actually racist
It was depicting a "mutated" result of the flaws and horrors of both extreme ends of the political spectrum.
The Founders were nationalistic to the point of crusading against the world's different cultures and enslaving/flogging them for amusement, meanwhile the Vox were basically anarcho-communists who wanted everybody to bend over to them just the same (and happened to show black/irish people can be stereotypical thugs all the same.)
If anything it's sorta sad to know this will be the only AAA game for a while to actually try being unbiased on political-correctness (minus the SJW bone-throw in BaS Ep. II, apparently Levine was getting non-stop harassment over a black woman being evil).
I was so excited for this game and followed the development along the way, almost all of the things I was looking forward to the most got cut.
Infinite was my first real video game disappointment. I will never pre-order a game ever again, and you shouldn't either.
Also this "season pass" bullshit, when did $60 no longer get you a full game? Seriously, what was the first game to do this?
>Seriously, what was the first game to do this?
Legitimate expansions aside, it was Oblivion.
no, it's bad
But super-liberals become the bad guys half-way though.
It's okay shooter with nice world building that utterly shits the bed in the story department. Weapon and enemy variety aren't great.
Solid 7/10 or so.
Summed it up better than I would've.
I'll never not be saddened by it.
We talking horse armor?
The thing that bothers me the most is day one (or before game release) they tell you that there will be dlc. But I guess they could be planning it and not publicizing it anyway. Fuck the era of needing dlc to get a complete game.
Uh, I think it's extremism on both ends of the spectrum
I hate this game so much. I'm still mad I paid full price for it.
>Shit shooting and gun feedback
>Bullet sponge enemies
>Vigors are a decent concept that could've been awesome like Crysis nanosuit powers, instead they're weak and not ever really tactically useful outside of a couple really contrived situations
>Why are there fucking ghosts in this game?
>Inane plot
>The most callow and timid approach to portraying actual racism that I've ever seen in a game
>Completely wasted supporting characters
>Every potentially interesting situation is on rails
>Every major plot thread is dropped in the last 1/3rd of the game, when suddenly we're railroaded onto the HUEG TWIST ENDING
>The most pretentious opening sequence I have ever seen in a video game
>Every intriguing concept that could be brought up is explored with the depth of a fucking disney cartoon
>A complete bait and switch between marketing and release
>It retroactively makes the previous games in the series worse from how bad its story is
Fuck Bioshock Infinite.
I'm honestly surprised more people didn't get pissy about this, the only one I saw was the salty spic
Horse Armor might've not been the exact same as today's cancers, but it most certainly started the snowball once devs saw it was successful, despite all the negative feedback regarding micro-payments at the time (it was considered "unthinkable" that it'd become acceptable, poor souls).
Makes me happy to see the massive negative response to Bethesda's second manipulation attempt of normalizing paid-mods with Valve just a week in even though they're clear that they won't stop trying.
>I'm honestly surprised more people didn't get pissy about this
Oh there were some pissed-off journalists from each end of the spectrum, I'm just guessing SJW's were either less-rampant or only cared about the anti-racism half of the game.
It was the only time I had ever pre-ordered a game.
Boy what a disappointment.
Every normie in the world praising it only made it worse.
it's a below average shooter, not worth a tenth of how hard it was pushed by reviewers. also it's nothing like it was shown in previews and they either completely gutted it before launch or those things never even existed and it was all bullshit.
Here you go newfag
It's a shitty Call of Duty clone with rudimentaries from System Shock. Its Columbia setting doesn't even serve any purpose to the story or gameplay. Could be set in the future or some fantasy shit. Doesn't matter. Truly the monument to what a game designer ego can do.
Somewhere in-between, the old builds existed in snippets (the biggest being the trailers we saw) but Levine couldn't fully decide how the final game should put it all together, so there were constant rewrites plus scope-downgrades so consoles could handle it.
And of course he had to settle for a simpler game once the deadline was near.
it's not bad, it's just mediocre
I just the other week played and finished all 3 Bioshock games for the first time, and honestly i don't see all the hate for Infinite at all, it definitely took a step backwards in some areas but in most i think it was better. The first two Bioshocks were pretty fun but quite tedious.
As a fresh perspective, these would be my pros and cons of Infinite.
A lot less tedious.
No arbitrary cap on money.
Hacking minigame is gone.
Guns power and feeling is improved.
Gear being a more limited but stronger version of tonics feels good, with infusions being for health/mana upgrades.
Story felt more fluid.
Only using 2 weapons at a time is retarded.
Plasmids are more unique and cooler but a lot weaker.
Guns are less unique.
Story isn't exactly good.
No physical gun upgrades.
A lot of shit doesn't make sense like why plasmids are so readily available yet nobody really drinks them.
Big daddys felt a lot more threatening than handymen.
Although gear is a better system, most gear is really shit so you end up using the same pieces all game.
Overall like i said, i think Infinite is more enjoyable than Bioshock 1 and 2. Rapture is a lot more aesthetic though.
Splicers in the first two games are based on burn victims and early plastic surgeries.
I also forgot to mention the camera system is gone, which i think is good.
Did anyone ever like that camera system in 1 and 2? Having to swap to a camera and take pictures of every enemy before you shoot them?
I always forget about this mechanic. I guess it didn't bother me that much, but didn't add any value to the games.
>and honestly i don't see all the hate for Infinite at all
There was an absolutely massive amount of hype around it and it was pushed as the greatest game of all time by pretty much all vidya media.
>shit gameplay
>shit story trying to be lol edgy complex smart
>shit voice acting
>sjw bullshit
The only good things in it were the graphics and Elizabeth's porn.
They never captured this aesthetic. Enemies just look like masked freaks.
...this card...
I shot that nigger singing fortunate son desu
>Every normie in the world praising it
When I was working at GameStop, some shitbird actually started yelling at me when I said it wasn't that great.
>Yeah, but I can't think of a single thing it does particularly well
When I said that I thought Blood Dragon was a better experience he looked like he was about to have an anuerysm
Personally, I liked it. It was a nice little risk/reward system
Never played it
Was turned off by waifufags
Bioshock as a franchise is overrated. No one cares about what Sup Forums thinks outside of Sup Forums. Having said that, Infinite really wasn't that bad. I replayed Bioshock 1 recently and I wouldn't call that a superior game.