

Other urls found in this thread:

dude what if mario was like really rude and violent lmao





Dude what if he was racist though lmfao desu 100






Loli tics?


Scott Adams is pretty based.
Watching him smoke weed while shooting the shit with Joe Rogan was hilarious.



Dude mushrooms = drugs

Also peach is a slut

tanned blonde tomboys are so lewd


Dude what if peach ate a mushroom but it made her boobs bigger

Im going to marry Steve!

the fuck?



you must be new

/r/ing the pic where futa peach eats a mushroom and her dick gets bigger

Post the edi-


I got ya

No i thought p.ingas was bannable here.



Dude what if Peach ate a poison shroom and her boobs got smaller

Now that I can get behind.


Nothing is bannable in lol threads


>comic with a girl getting harassed and she reacts
>draws underboobs and pantsu
>that butt

How many layers of irony are we on?

Storytime boys

Which one was the original?

Or did the author make two versions just for this gif?

Dude, what if peach gets a fire flower and becomes a horny anal slut




I scrolled all the way down to see if it was the edit.
Then I scrolled again


Remember reading this ages ago. Isn't Mobius immune to the zombification and shit?


Good guy Colonel America.

That's his name in the zombieverse for some reason



Is that Slur?


this isn't the usual type of comic posted in these threads





This is basically my life. Minus the gf part, of course :(

o shit


Why can't I like both

From what i remember, no. Zombie Morbius infiltrates the main universe and traps the real one in the SHIELD Facility he was working or some shit.

Zombie!Morbius was ripping bits of Regular!Morbius to eat without turning him into a zombie, while his healing factor would restore the lost pieces of flesh and keep him alive.

I think the only character thus far that was directly shown to be able to nullify the infection was Wundarr, though he had to go into suspension animation for a shit ton of time to purge it.


It's so terrible on every level, yet I smiled.


How is zombie Thor still worthy?

If I remember correctly, it's just a makeshift hammer

This shit is fucking gruesome, fuck.










I love how they acknowledge Feminists have dried up useless cunts.







I love these. post them all pls

I wanna fug gwendolyn

Hank is an even bigger asshole as a zombie holy shit.







That shit's why I don't go to the beach anymore.

I'm pretty sure its written/drawn by a male spic

