ITT: Games better than Persona 3
ITT: Games better than Persona 3
>games better than Persona 3 and 4
>better than 4
Let's not do that today.
>only P4fags are shitposting about P5
Really makes you think.
>go to dungeon
>can't do shit for the rest of the day
P4 did this as well.
Hell, P4 skipped a bunch of fucking days too.
Who cares? P5 basically made every other game in the series obsolete by a wide margin. Hell it even made SMT obsolete albeit by a slightly smaller margin.
The only thing Persona 3 did right was how the game opened really quickly.
Persona is as comparable to SMT like an apple and an orange. Sure, they're both fruit, but they have two completely different flavours.
Apples are objectively better than oranges though you faggot.
Apples are way more portable than oranges, the skin is way thinner so its not horrible to eat through unlike an oranges skin. Apples also contain much less juice so they are not nearly as messy as oranges. In this comparison Persona would be the apple and SMT would be the still good but ultimately inferior orange.
Sure but 5 brings it a lot closer, what with the negotiations and all.
ITT: shit games
Negotiations is the only improvement over SMT
>Apples are objectively better than oranges though you faggot.
Shit taste
That wasn't the argument I was going for, but still you happen to be wrong.
Oranges are better than apples.
Persona 3 didn't even open quickly compared to other JRPG's.
Name two reasons why oranges are better than apples. You literally can't besides, "m-muh taste!"
>another food analogy
>game about characters bonding together
>fes comes out with the answer
>all the characters say "fuck it" and fight each other like selfish assholes
What did atlus mean by this?
>The only thing Persona 3 did right was how the game opened really quickly.
But... it didn't...
Oranges taste like shit. Nothing beats a good apple.
>P5 comes out
>it's the new one, so people are playing it and talking about it
>not to mention it's actually pretty good
>P4 fags are completely irrelevant now, since P4 is the worst modern Persona game
>try to shit on P3
>there are no arguments for why P4 > P3
>have to resort to weak bait
Fucking laughable.
adding all of these to that list
Also a reason why they are worse. They are messier to eat and pretty much cannot be eaten on the go.
Dude the last hours of P5 were pretty damn SMT.
>no arguments
The gameplay in 4 is better.
>there are no arguments for why P4 > P3
Other than EVERYTHING?
I thought we all understood that food analogies aren't allowed, user.
>oranges provides more vitamins, minerals and fiber
>orange peel keeps the fruit fresh for a longer duration whilst providing additional vitamins
>homemade orange juice is incredible easy to make
>oranges don't need pesticides whereas apples do
I've only reached mid-August in game so far. So does it get better or worse?
Being able to control the whole party is the only thing 4 has over 3 (and even then P3P has that).
The other nigga started it
It gets better. Shit gets nuts once you catch up to the 'Present' in the interrogation room.
The core gameplay between P3 and P4 is exactly the same, except 4's dungeons are infinitely worse, badly paced with the enemy levels, more gimmicky, less manageable when paired with social linking, have a jewish fucking fox that you have to pay fucktons of money to if you want healing, etc.
Not to mention that the plot in P3 is less cringeworthy since its characters act like somewhat intelligent people, its antagonists are more interesting, and the game is about more mature subjects than just "lmao friendship" or "I'm worried I'm gay because I like knitting".
What sort of a socially awkward fuck do you have to be to not find most of P4's story interactions extremely cringy is beyond me.
What date/month is the "present"? Is it before school starts again or in December? I really don't mind spoilers, it's just something to look forward to in my eyes.
I don't know that I'd include SMT1. Not that it's bad, but it's rough around the edges. I still haven't played IV or IVF though.
Better, the last few dungeons shit just gets better and better, the sixth palace is basically the dramatic climax of the game and shit doesn't slow down or de-escalate from there, it ended really strongly imo
What was the bullshit blocking you off from climbing up higher in Tartarus again?
Late November
wtf i hate persona 3 now
Perfect, thanks.
Full Moons. New levels can only be opened after each full moon.
>Persona 3
>no social links with any of your bros (unlsss playing superior FemC)
Hell you can even save Shinji as a grill (but you can't use him anyways but still, no death)
I always got the impression that the P3 cast are tolerant of each other more than actually being friends, they fight together for the sake of their mission and not because they love each other's company, they're all damaged people that are at odds with half of the party, except for like Fuuka and Koromaru
It contributed to the general oppressive atmosphere P3 had, although I ultimately still like the party dynamic 5 has better
>Apples also contain much less juice so they are not nearly as messy as oranges.
How the fuck does one make a juicy mess when eating oranges? The juice is pretty well sealed into all of those tiny little pockets and the membrane is sturdy enough that it's not gonna bust open from you peeling the skin off and pulling the segments apart. What, do you beat your oranges on the table first before you peel them?
hey look, it's the first good persona game
You guys got some really strange ideas.
They're not that close at first, but it's not as if they hate each other. Yukari and Junpei get along well despite what autists on Sup Forums seem to believe. Yukari had a ton of baggage so she had a hard time trusting Mitsuru at first, but she eventually got over that. Junpei and Akihiko are frequently seen hanging out on the second floor. Same with Yukari and Junpei, and later Fuuka and Aigis. The most distant one is Mitsuru, but even she eventually learns to open up. Akihiko's always looking out for Ken and Ken looks up to Akihiko.
People tend to act like the P3 characters hate each others' guts, but this clearly isn't the case at all. It's just a little more subtle than P4 and P5 because they live together so they don't see any need to be hanging out together literally all the fucking time. Furthermore, when you go outside on holidays and certain characters aren't at the dorm, you occasionally see them hanging out together. There are actually a surprisingly large number of optional encounters across the cities during holidays where certain characters are seen hanging out.
The only real issue is that P3 leaves a little too much to the imagination, so unless you actually go looking for it, you're probably gonna get the impression that the characters are unusually distant from one another. But in actuality, if you actually try to look for it you'll find that's not the case at all. Even the protagonist, who seems less close to his friends than the other protagonists, is clearly on good terms with them. Whenever you talk to them at the dorm, you'll find that they often have different things to say, moreso than the Investigation Team or the Phantom Thieves did. P4 and P5 didn't have much dialogue outside of cutscenes and Social Links because there wasn't much need for it, so whenever you talked to them, they didn't really have anything to say beyond asking if you want to hang out for the S.Link. In P3, most characters have a lot of different things to say depending on the day you talk to them. Also, in a lot of cutscenes, you often see the protagonist chatting with the others or everyone hanging out as a group, so you're basically meant to assume that a lot of hanging out is done off-screen.
FES did attempt to rectify some things by giving you more optional events, like going to the movies together and the walking Koromaru events. It also showed you further interactions between the team through the control panel in the meeting room. But again, you actually have to go out of your way to find these things.
If you think the characters in P3 are too distant from one another, or that the protagonist wasn't really on friendly terms with anyone, then it says more about you than it does about the characters.
>P5 is totally SMT now bros!
>Because of negotiations, a feature that already existed in the first 2 installments
Negotiation was ass in P1 and P2, though.
>Hey, let's take this cool thing from the main series and make it totally SHIT!
>, except 4's dungeons are infinitely worse, badly paced with the enemy levels
P4 dungeons are short and the enemies are the same
P3 is fucking trash same fucking exact floors as the 200 you've seen
It's funny how Senseiposting and shitposting go hand-in-hand now
>I ultimately still like the party dynamic 5 has better
But they don't have one, the only thing keeping that group together is the phantom thief business, and that's also the only thing that they ever talk about over the course of this entire game
There's always that sweetspot on Sup Forums when a new game comes out, it's only a few weeks free of retardation when the faggots here finally get out of the honeymoon period but haven't yet entered the calling everything shit stage
I hope we'll reach that soon
And in 5 it's way to fucking easy to negotiate
I've never played 1, but I like what 2 tried to do with its negotiation system. Different negotiation options based upon choices in the story and party composition is something I'd like to see refined.
It's easy in P1 and P2 as well. The problem was honestly less the negotiation and more the Spell Cards. P1's Spell Cards and P2's Tarot Cards are retarded.
I mean, to be honest, I guess it was always kind of a chore until the Demonic Compendium was introduced in SMT3.
This is definitely true at first. Don't some party members like Yukari even say that they don't feel very close to each other?
I love how it changes as you play through the game. When everybody is cheering about how they're fighting alongside you during the final battle, it really shows how far you've all come.
The problem is you can't really stop doing it. You have to do it constantly. In P2 it's someone better thanks to the Free Cards, but you're generally gonna reach a point where you don't really wanna do it anymore. Spell Cards and Tarot Cards are generally less worthwhile than recruiting demons too.
The Compendium makes it a lot more bearable since it lessens the need to constantly negotiate so it doesn't overstay its welcome as quickly.
P5 is better than P4, sure, but P4 is definitely better than P3.
P4 gave you control of your party back which was already a major improvement since party AI is downright idiotic and has no idea how to prioritize. Sure, P3P solved that issue but then it also had to cut back on presentation by relegating exploration to menu navigation and cutting cutscenes down to visual novels. P4 also changed things up with different dungeons, each of which brought in new gimmicks and distinct visuals to at least try to keep things fresh, whereas P3 just had slogging through the Tartarus for the entire game with the visuals never changing in any distinct way. P3 was also far too melodramatic in tone, with most of the characters being straight up moody. I can appreciate an attempt at a serious plot but the game was never able to carry any emotional weight to back it up. P4 may have gone more the way of "Scooby Doo murder mysteries" but the tone functions a lot better with characters who are capable of transitioning from serious to silly. Not to mention, you can't really use P4's tone against it anymore because P5 uses the same exact tone and everyone is loving it this time. P4 also had objectively more interesting characters and a better twist (talking about Adachi, not the part about the gas station attendant. The game basically ended after Adachi and as far as I'm concerned, why they got their powers was just an unsolved mystery). P3's characters were just bland and the plot twists were all predictable as fuck.
P4 also just made several quality of life improvements over P4, though P5 in turn made more significant QoL improvements over P4.
P5 may have made P4 obsolete but P4 did the same to P3.
>give me another one you little prick
>Aight now give me your balm of rising
>Aight thanks senpai,but you have to be a cuck to give out shit like that so,yeah,fuck you.
Why are we defending negotiation? It's awful wether it's hard or piss easy.
>party AI is downright idiotic and has no idea how to prioritize
That's why you set their priorities for them in battle.
at least in P1 it was standard SMT with how you get personas, P2 went full retard with the cards