Notice how the difficulty icons confirm you're a faggot for not picking the hardest setting?
There's literally nothing wrong with being an homosexual OP
What game is that lad
I love dick but I'm not gay
You sound like you're 10. I'd advise you be at least 13 if you browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general as some content is inappropriate for kids. So be honest with me OP. How old are you?
Assuming your using a 4 tier list.
"easy". Only if you're doing glitches and exploring. No reason to challenge yourself if youre just trying to glitch something
"Normal". Only ok if youre too tired to care but dont want to sleep. Comfy levels. You will probably have it too easy but you're not really playing.
"Hard". Best one. Usually in the spot of challenging without being cheap or bullshit. This is prime tier. Youll need skill. Not luck.
"Hardest". For show offs or if you want to challenge yourself in not only hardship, but badluck too. Expect bullshit mechanics that make the game harder with no thought in it. Enemies land every shot. Bullet sponges. No ammo. Health packs gone or do nothing. This is for show offs. And probably autistic kids.
"Extreme". Like hardest but youre legit an autistic child. Nobody cares that you studied enemy layouts for a week. Maybe you could have studied a career in that time and effort. Faggggot
Holy shit autism alert lol
Be honest with me
I'll bite, almost 21 my dude.
I wasn't asking you. I was asking OP
>only difference is values for health and damage
Yeah, nah. I'm fine with Normal.
Shame this place isn't 25+ only.
Picture related.
Shitter excuses. Also, lmao@you for not being able to play Extreme while tired.
Notice how your life turns to shit around you and all the people close to you become more distant for believing that your gaming habits are achievements?
yeah i have so much fun saving and loading every 10 seconds because i get ohko by every enemy that appears on screen, and its even better when the enemies need like a billion hits to kill because its so hard im hardcore
The important thing about playing on the hardest difficulty is not about the challenge, it's about showing everyone online I did.
What changes so much between. Being 21 and 25
I thought I asked you to be honest with me.
>difficulty levels just increase the damage you take and decrease the damage you deal without changing gameplay
>making it take 3x as long to kill otherwise identical enemies is somehow "hard" and not just tedious bs
I've been here since 2007, ya cunt.
>being autistic
wew lad
Come on OP, you know that masochism is gay as fuck.
Select Difficulty Level:
> 1. "LMAO Nigga U Weak, Nigga Like"
> 2. "Babbies First Nipple Sucky"
> 3. "Basic Scrub Shit But Whatev"
> 4. "Now We Are Talking!"
> 5. "You're Fucking DEAD, kiddo."
i fap to traps and i'd buttfuck an effeminate inmate but im not gay
homeosexuals must be beheaded
>He doesn't cheat engine his weapon to 1 damage and enemy health to maximum value
Fucking casuals can't handle REAL difficulty
traps are ghey
delete this! ree
At 25 you'll realize that you're still a teenager.
>He doesn't cheat engine his weapon to negative damage, turning it into an enemy healing gun
total shitter
I'm glad they kept these.
>tfw no trophy for completing on easy
Yeah this is the worst. Say what you will about Fallout 4 but I did like that the max difficulty increased both incoming and outgoing damage.
I find that challenge to be far more fun than bullet sponges.
You don't deserve a trophy.
Wasn't there some Kotaku article or something bitching about games doing that because it hurt their feelings?
Is Witcher 3 the first RPG that didn't just jack up the health/damage of enemies for the highest difficulty setting?
>being a tryhard
>being a tryhard at singleplayer games
you probably think speedrunners are awesome and successful individuals don't you?
>Playing games that have difficulty levels
I recently beat Underrail on hard, it was a nice blend of git gud and being rewarding.
>game has an achievement for beating the game on easy
>beating it on normal or hard doesn't give you the achievement for easy
I like when a game's hard mode is actually difficult and then they bitch about getting their shit kicked in.
>being a casual
You don't even need to spend tons of time time to get good at a video game, you just don't need to be retarded
Only manchild retards would care about video game "accomplishments" though. If you don't seriously invest time and effort into getting good at very specific video games you might not as well bother at all since you will never gain any real concrete benefit from playing some shitty video games. You enjoy the dose of dopamine from your small brain for beating some shitty trial in a video game to the point of becoming an addict is honestly pathetic in hindsight and you will become almost completely desensitized to it eventually when you, hopefully, grow up.
Normal mode is for casual faggots, and your opinions aren't worth shit as a result.
>Pick Easy Mode (Ninja Dog) in Ninja Gaiden Black
>Game puts a pink ribbon on Ryu's arm
Fucking Itagaki.
>not wanting to improve as a player
In my teenage years I grew up on Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden Black, and God Hand. Games these days aren't fucking shit to me, which is why I like MP games alot now.
Or maybe some of us like the challenges that some video games bring and are able to be responsible adults at the same time.
I could care less about playing on the highest difficulty, but fun difficulty names are my jam. What are some of the best examples?
I don't have Dook, Shadow Warrior, or RotT on my comp right now. Can some user add them to pic related if they have 'em?
That's really only a problem if the game was balanced around lower difficulties
suck my dick user
People who are quick to label other as manchildren are often petulant little pricks themselves. You seem quite obsessed about growing up - like a child. Are you one such, user?
i bet the one in the blue shirt is WAY hotter than the one in the pink
OG Rise of the Triad had the best difficulty settings. It had the usual easy/normal/hard/crazy spread, but it actually had three sets of names with a unique picture to go with each one. Each new game gave you a fresh batch of randomly picked names.
And of course I picked the wrong pic, here's all of the possible settings.
I'm not gay but I love a good looking cock in porn. Sometimes when I jerk off and holding my veiny cock I wish I could taste it as I bet it feels good in my mouth.
I don't think I would ever suck a mans dick though, I would however 100% let a dude blow me and swallow my load.
I might fuck a cute tranny though, who knows.
>"They call me 'The Cleaner'" above "I'M A FREIGHT TRAIN O' DEATH"
Other than that, ROTT is pretty damn toptier when it comes to names.
A lot of times hard modes are just designed like shit. They're an afterthought.
There are a ton of games where it's the definitive way to play the game, but not all hard modes are alike and only tryhards will ignore that fact.
>not webm
>don't read the instruction manual
No wonder there are so many tards like DSP that go the whole game without knowing basic mechanics.
Given the small color palette, gif is a better choice both for image quality and filesize.
no webm or nothing
and gif is pronounced with a soft g
Yeah, it was the Wolfenstein TNO one I think
No it's not. It's pronounced gif.
>he doesn't like jifs
get out newfriend
its pronounced like the peanut butter
>Play the sequel and ignore the earlier titles
This is what people that don't actually like video games do.
jif a shit, gif all the way
The creator pronounces it that way, but everyone with half a brain says it with a hard G. No one used the soft g until it became hipster to use it a few years back and people who use it now are just doing it to go "ACCKKKTUAALLLY IT'S PRONOUNCED LIKE PEANUT BUTTER BECAUSE I'M SO FAT I CAN'T THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE BUT FOOD".
>It's pronounced gif.
pic related
So you do admit that jif is the correct pronunciation and the only reason you say it any other way is because you're stubborn?
>I am fat fuck
>I am so fat I eat computers
>Imagine being so fat you look at computers and all you see is food
it doesnt matter what you think or want the creator says it that way so thats its name period the end
fuck that inflatable blue bear asshole
I honestly cannot enjoy a game if it's too easy. I play most games at the hardest difficulty setting for this reason. I don't go and brag about it or anything, I just love a good challenge.
>creator pronounces it one way
>everyone with half a brain pronounces it another way
>both ways are accepted by the dictionary
Dude, I just made a new word.
It's spelled "fuck-you", but it's pronounced "you're a very nice user thank you for your wonderfully insightful comment". Good thing I created it so no one can ever question my pronunciation amirite? Also, to everyone who pronounces it how it's actually spelled instead of my memey-injoke way, YOU ARE WRONG!!!!
>creator is a fucktard
neck yourself faggot
Not that user, but it stands for Graphics Interchange Format. So as the first word isn't a soft g, the shortened version shouldn't be either.
The creator was just stupid friends.
stop being stubborn and pronounce it properly
stop being a retard and pronounce it properly
i do its pronounced jif
that's only for badly designed hard modes, yes if you have to study layouts and shit you're probably autistic, but for example STALKER's hardest mode is perfect
>I'm not gay
Oh, who gives a flying bag of shit. Go put a finger up your asses or something instead of this waste of time
Beat me to it, I immiediatley was like "well, now I gotta play it at max difficulty, no other choice."
you're at least bi bro
>both versions accepted by the dictionary and in common use
>b-but my one way is right because the creator said so!
That's not how language works.
Is the Latin alphabet wrong because we don't write the letters in ye olde proto-Sinaitic way? Language and writing evolves over time. Your pronunciation is dying since it's fucking retarded and no one other than dank memesters uses it. Gif is the future, just as it was the past.
>Go put a finger up your asses or something instead of this waste of time
lmao poorfag, i got dragon dildos for that.
>user walks into a grocery store
>goes down the peanut butter isle
>spots a jar labelled "Jif"
>becomes filled with searing autismal rage
>grabs the jar and brings it up to the register
>"I-i w-w-w-would l-like to buy this gif peanut butter p-please"
>cashier begins laughing uncontrollably
>people in line behind user start to become angry and impatient demanding he hurry up
>user flees the store with tears welling up in his eyes
don't use sakura card captors to fit your autist reactions.
>each difficulty has progressively more intense icons
>description of each difficulty paints a picture that you cannot possibly win
Goddamn, I love these. Babby mode here, but Halo is the first I really remember doing this impactfully.
>You face opponents who have never known defeat, who laugh in alien tongues at your efforts to survive. This is suicide.
Watch the show first instead of the censored dub you secondary. Only then might people take you seriously. If you had seen the japanese dub. You'd understand why I chose those two reaction images even. Such joy in not being a secondary!
Now if only Halo difficulty was actually half decent
>play Halo 1 Legendary
>have no fun because half the guns are useless popguns and the other half are so OP it's boring
>play Halo 1 Heroic after slogging through Legendary
>it's too easy
>enemies are practically braindead and are complete non-threats
a-at least I can actually use the assualt rifle, right?
>Playing in Nightmare difficulty
>Not playing in Revengeance difficulty, while trying to do a No-Hit S+ run
Get on my level fags
>literally describe the mechanism the game uses to make itself harder
>lol this isn't raeal hard tho
>Nobody cares that you studied enemy layouts for a week
Why should I care that anyone else cares? Why do you assume that the only reason to do it is dick waving? Games are for entertainment. I enjoy struggling through modes like those.
>when you, hopefully, grow up
You mean being peer pressured into caring what other people think and basing your achievements and successes in life on what impresses other people, instead of what makes you personally feel good?
Do you really think an achievement's worth can only be measured by how much other people care about it?
The problem is badly designed hard modes are the norm.
Very few devs can do them well nowadays since everything past easy is just an afterthought and a quick health/damage change. At this point I'd rather have no difficulty choices just so the one difficulty they do have won't be complete shit.
For every STALKER or God Handm games with legit good difficulty settings, we have a fucking Skyrim with "LOL ON LEGENDARY ENEMIES DEAL 300% DAMAGE WHILE YOU DEAL 25%" bullshit. The worst part is you difficulty literally changes nothing in that fucking game aside from the small amount of time until you break the game via alchemy, enchanting, and smithing and you weapons and armor become so good every threat in the game becomes meaningless.
>video games make me feel good!
lmao, rotf lolling at your life
You can fix the difficulty in Skyrim by *drumroll* ...Changing the damage values!
The assertion that "Just tweaking numbers" is the problem rather than the stupid levels developers set the harder difficulties at is retarded. A tweak to incoming damage while straight up changing nothing else about the game means there's less margin for error and that can be all a game needs sometimes.