Your MC's name

>Your MC's name
>Your team name

Hououin Kyouma.
Taka no dan.

Makoto Hosodo


There was supposed to be a star betwee the team name but I guess it didnt show up

>Joe Mann

Kurusu Akira(lol canon name fag)


team name - insidejob

I'm not revealing mine just so you could steal them. Come up with something original yourself, faget.

>not Harry Potter
>Not Dumbledores Army

Potter-kun is best kun. I didn't do that though because I'm dumb I put my real name and ASS MASTERS.

Arsene Lupin

John Shaft
The Shafters

>Entai Kurokami (which means black haired delinquent according to google translate
>Avalanche (because I'm not original)


I don't play weaboo games

Team name is a strange name for a lad WEW

>Clerks 2, BLU-RAY


Because that's my name
Because it means heartstealer in Italian and it's stylish enough.

Josuke Hiroshida
BOYNEXTDOOR(male symbol)

Rusbro here, just letting you know I think Italian is one of the best sounding languages.

Weaboo Jones
The Gaijins

Jamal Washington
Gay Agenda

Wojak Trump
Le Pepes

Tohru Adachi.

Murder Force.

Thanks Rusbro, I wish I could speak russian so I could see some of your best books adaptations.


dumb Sup Forums poster

You better not be playing with the English dub.

>my name
>khans of con

>tfw used my RL name

just don't laugh at me senpaitachi

Setsuna, and some random Japanese name I can't remember without booting the game.
Team name is : Les Brigands, because it's short enough to fit in and I'm french.

I used a stupid fucking meme name, and now I'm too far in to restart and I already regret it

Akira Kurusu
Perf Populus
(Perf = Perfide but shortened cause character limit)


>play role playing game
>role play as yourself

for what purpose

Akira Kurusu
Pussy Patrol

William Birkin


Phil Hamplanet
The Sharts

Akira Kurusu

Kaito Yoshida

The Guild

Yeah my teamname is bland as fuck but I couldn't think of anything cool.

PC looks like me when I was his age 2bh.

There's nothing wrong with using your name when the game asks for it. Nothing wrong with made up ones either, it's only bad if you're pretentious about not using your real name for whatever reason.

Like that autistic friend who would sperg out of your Zelda file wasn't called "Link"

I'm usually an autist about using the canon name, but 'Akira Kurusu' just sucks so hard

The first name is fine. Kurusu on the other hand does indeed suck ass.

Ein Kino

Tokyo Bullyz

Yes, I'm chuuni.

Takeshi Sanders

The asterisk is an actual star tho

anonymous XD

Akira Kurusu
The Phantoms

Van Darkholm

This. Only autists try to be unique by going off the canon.

Manga names aren't canon though.

Well, until the game gets an animated series and a canon name directly from Atlus, like Door-kun and Narukami, the manga name will do.

>Spike Spiegel

Kotaro Fuuma
Chaos Brigade

I like this. Stealing it for my next play through.
As for me,
>Kinomoto Touya
Nah, went with a more autistic L'Etrangers

Akira Kurusu
The Memers

team name: WE WUZ FEEVS

Took the manga name like a lot of people here.
Named the team Apparitions for reasons I can't remember

Dane Manchor
Great Danes

Jamal Kun
Funky Students

>Sho Minazuki

Wataru Mitani
Saint Tails

Jack Napier
The Jokerz

Winter 2014

>give him gaijin name

Hell be potter-kun forever in my heart
Team name is Marauders. Its in universe and seemed fitting and stylish.

Was worried it would be pretty unoriginal online but i guess all the fags are taking stupid manga name. What fags XD

>It is in japan
>everyone is named with japanese names
>Ryuji: Hey Bob! Let's go.

>Main Cuckholder
>Cuckholder's Cucks

Cornelio Saavedra
The Federals

Im getting less creative with names lately.

It's just a weird name. Literally Akira Cruz.

>use my regular username for my first name in the game
>...and your family name?
>start to fucking panic because I've never had to use a last name in a video game before so I never came up with one to go with my regular username
>just use real last name
>whole game is kind of weird

Eiji Akiyama
New Order

For every persona game I've played so far I've used ones from the MST3K episode with Space Mutiny

>Innocent Sin:Fridge Largemeat
>Persona 3:Butch Deadlift
>Persona 3, femMC: Splint Chesthair
>Persona 4:Flint Ironstag
>Persona 5:Thick McRunfast

I just kept it as the default teamname because I heard that it doesnt really matter since they just keep calling you phantom thieves

Don Pagliacci
The Troupe

It's cool name
any reference?

Great book taste my man

They are just the generic Japanese names that came to my mind, but Akiyama is also the name of the moneylender from Yakuza 4 so there's that I guess

Akira Mitsuna (I had forgotten the canon last name and was too lazy to search)

Actually no P5 protag was just Runfast, no Mc. It wouldnt fit and I was sad.

Harry Potter

Tux Edo
Senpai Force

I'm not sure if you understand how these self-insertion high school drama / dating sim games are supposed to work

nand chan
Sup Forumsirgins

Come at me with all you got

Shit, I should have named him Kiryu or Majima

>No Hamburglars yet

>not Griffindor

>using latin without knowing it
It should be either Perfidus Populus for the standard nominative or Perfide Popule for the vocative.

Wew San
The phantoms

In p3 and p4 you got better results as the honorifics were used more. I liked people calling me kun-kun

uninspired and frankly boring

Noriaki KEKyoin
>picking actual names for your characters post MT1 &MT2
>Not being Crewman V. Machine in Strange Journey
C'mon now.

>Not reading what I wrote
It's Perf as shortage either way, user.

Group name is Mains Rouges. Nothing else I wanted could fit.

Paul Blart
Mall Cops

Akira Kurusu
Thug Life

Kenpachi Ramasama
Heart Attack

Except the fact you said it was short for "perfide" proves you know nothing about Latin.

Keiichi Yamano
Day Breakers

MC's name: コウ 主人
Team name: 財布を持つ者

Jamal Biggums
Alpha Omega

Akio Akutou

Got something ready for ng+ though.

Always name the MC in these Raidou Kuzunoha
As for team name,i still not get the chance to do it