Are there any hard games that I can actually beat...

Are there any hard games that I can actually beat? My reaction time is like 4x slower than the average so games like pic related are literally impossible for me. The only difficult game I've ever been able to actually get anywhere with was super meat boy. Recommend me a game Sup Forums.

nope, you just suck at games
Try Kirby

Try turn based games.

at least give us the game genre you want

Turn-based seem to be your ground then.
Try SMT, I'd recommend starting at SMT IV if you're new to the series as it does a good job at introducing everything you need in a safer enviroment than the others.
Some grand strategy games would also do the trick, but I don't really know anything to recommend on that.

Overwatch would suit you then.

Smoke weed and then play DDP

just use a shield my man, you can still beat it. action games don't get much slower than DS anyways.

Pick up a modern nintendo console.


>reaction time is like 4x slower than the average
How old are you?

So you basically want a game with the illusion of difficulty?

I just wanna say that you can beat dark souls without relying on reactions by building a tank-like character.

Dark Souls is probably the slowest and most lenient """action""" game to exist

Dark Souls. Get a shield and you'll be fine.

Turn based or puzzle/logic games

>durr hurr the only difficulty possible is games that judge your ability to flail at things quickly

How old are you and what race are you?

This. I suck at games too and found Dark Souls impossible until I got a longer-range halberd as well leveled up stamina with a good shield, and by the end it was pretty much a joke. If you just manage your stamina use a bit you can block almost everything in the game.

My wife and I are swingers and the term 'cuckolding' is a misnomer used by people who do not understand that cuckolding is never a good thing for the person being cheated on without their knowledge or permission. If the spouse knows about it, it is swinging. There is some perception that these 'bulls' are bad asses. They aren't.

Bulls are selected primarily by the wife with the husband having 'veto power'. The bulls are almost always single or in shitty marriages. For us the bulls are used for the sexual satisfaction of fantasies my wife and I have. They mean nothing emotionally and are literally used and thrown away, never to be seen or heard from again. Often, they fall in love and sometimes try to reconnect but they have to live with that hurt because he was just there to satisfy a fantasy... a sexual urge. My wife and I will relive the experience over and over again during our sexual time together. The bull sits at home, jerks off remembering everything and wishes he could have her but he never can. Beta as fuck.

Me personally, I always feel bad for the 'bull'. He never had a chance and was used and thrown away just like the condom we make him use.

>>flail at things quickly

If you attempted ANY souls game with that strategy no wonder you're here complaining about these games being too hard.

>where do you lower the difficulty in dark souls?

Yeah, rolling is a meme, 100% dmg reduction shielld and ability to manage your stamina is the easiest way to beat DS

I'm complaining about them being "too hard" brainlet, the problem is the type of difficulty. Dark souls isn't even that bad about it, most difficult games rely less on reaction time and more on strategy than other games of their genre.

Not complaining*

Try chess then.

Shin Megami Tensei
Final Fantasy (Up until like VIII are all turn-based)
Dragon Quest
Fire Emblem
Advanced Wars
Steamworld Heist
Darkest Dungeon
Disgaea (1 and 2 are on PC)
Cities: Skylines

he said hard games not easy

Are you seriously such a brainlet that you think that's the only game that doesn't rely on reaction time?

play wizardy then

osu is a rhythm game that works with your pace
which will allow you to develop your reaction time

dungeon crawl stone soup

It was a joke, if you want my honest opinion about it you should try XCOM or Total War, maybe CIV.

DA:O Provides great challenge with higher difficulties, not reaction based since you can pause time and strategize using the entire party. Also a great RPG.

Anyway, go to /r/ next time

Is your reaction time inherently slow or does it just take time to train? I got gud at Dark Souls with extensive practice, so it's not impossible if you can train yourself to look for the earliest warning signs of an enemy's attack. The Greatshield of Artorias is a game-breaker, too.

If you can't manage that, try FTL. You can pause the battles at any time so you won't be forced to think out your actions more quickly than you're able. Crysis 2 and 3 are also rather forgiving in that regard if you make proper use of the cloak.