>still no trailer for Skyrim 6

Sup Forums will defend this

>Skyrim 6
>Being this literally retarded

Make it happen mods.

>Make it happen mods.
>Being this susceptible to bad bait

I told you Sup Forums would defend this.

talking about how it's been way too long since this series has gotten another proper entry and this faggot brings up irrelevant shit

>irrelevent shit
>Skyrim 6

What the fuck happened to Skyrim 2,3,4 and 5 nigger?


series has been around way before skyrim 5 fucking normie

I get that, I bought Arena the day it came out friendo. What I meant was; Skyrim is the 5th Elder Scrolls entry. He called it Skyim 6. In the same vein, it could be treated as a Final Fantasy 13-2 type of deal, and somehow I missed all of them, or he's just fucking retarded.

>skyrim 6
hahaha great


You wont see another elder scrills game for at least another year or two.

We might, MIGHT get a generic tease at E3 with no game footage, just a title screen set to dramatic music.


>These idiots actually falling for skyrim 6
This isn't even a matter of being new fag this is just retardation or same fagging.

What the fuck is Arena? Are you talking about shitty ancient games like Skyrim 1?

I wonder if GoT Season 7 will be any good, Season 6 was only good in the last two episodes.

Leaks are pretty underwhelming.


Oh, what leaks? Haven't heard anything about leaks.

Bethesda haven't made a single game that deserves more than 4/10. They're the prime example of why open world games are hot garbage. How can you be in any way excited?

Why do you even bother replying to shit that obvious?

Skyrim 2 will just be exactly the same shit user. Just put a texture mod on Morrowind and you've got the new game.

I know, right? These people are so unbelievably retarded but yet think they are smarter than everyone else and because of that they can't aknowledge that someone else made a joke. You can't even make a joke anymore, beacuse you'll immediatly face dozens of drooling imbeciles saying something obvious like "uhg ACTUALLY if u didnt know skyrim is a fifth game in elder scrolls series. i you are baiting or retarded!".

There are a lot of spoilers from the leaks, a lot of it is more of less confirmed when compared to leaked set pictures.
Dany lands on Westeros in the first episode, tells all the houses of Westeros to come and bend the knee
Jon goes to Dragonstone, not to bend the knee, but to ask for her help against the white walkers. She is impressed with Jon and agrees to help him, but she also wants to deal with Cersei
Euron pledges allegiance to Cersei and fucks up the Sand sneks and Theon's sister, brings them to Cersei
Jaime goes to the reach and destroys whatever is left of the Tyrells
They bring a live white walker zombie to king's landing to show Cersei, she agrees to put a hold on the war, in reality she is not helping and is just hoping that Dany's forces are weakened by the white walkers
One of the dragons gets killed and resurrected by the white walkers
Jon and Dany fuck

Dmmm was golden

They are waiting for the scorpio so they can remake skyrim again. Wait until a gap in consoles so they can't remake it for another console

>but yet
>i you are
user are you drunk

Uh, that does sound interesting but I expected a full blown war, guess we're in for another boring season until the last couple episodes.

>using u in place of you
>Not capatilizing "I"
>He's not drunk, just doesn't type correctly

He's a fucking normie. Shun him.

>Shun the anonymous man

Might be tricky user

Figure it out.

Why the fuck has normie actually caught on as being what people say instead of normal fag now? When you type out and say normie you sound like an asspie. If you do it ironically or whatever be my guest. Seeing anons go full on normie reee autism mode is funny, but this kinda actual casual use of it makes you look like a fag.

How are they gonna explain away the army of the reach the largest army of them all completely untouched by be the war?

Oblivion is the greatest game ever made, Todd is a god and there's nothing you can do about it. I bet you think MGS3 is good.

oh damn dude this picture is so random xd where did you find it ifunny??

>implying anyone ever using normie unironically

That's the humor in it user.

No fuck off I just like pictures of random political figures showing their nipples.


Memes aside. After fallout 4 I'm not even looking forward to TES 6.
This coming from a faggot who actually enjoyed Skyrim

You gotta go back

>what is Morrowind

The Reach is weak in the books, they were one of the weaker houses according to that one crippled guy the sand snakes killed in the show.

If you ask the average normalfag they would tell you that they are waiting for Skyrim 2.

Not TES VI or Skyrim 6

I doubt there isn't at least a large group of people using normie unironically. A lot of the dumber, younger, and newer people here latch onto it and take it too far probably because that's what you do when you're new. You copy what you see everyone else doing and miss the point.

>open world games are hot garbage.

Fuck I miss 2006. I'm getting to old for this shit.

Who at this point even cares for Bethesda's "rpgs"?
Only new kids.
But since you ask,$kyrim 2 is not into making.
Bethesda at this moment works on SkyrimSE VR & Fallout 4 VR.

pretty average

Absolute bullshit. The reach is the breadchamber of Westeros untouched by war.

This is why Sup Forums is now unironically racist

dude it's fucking elder scrolls 6, the franchise isn't called "skyrim" lol fucking educate yourself op. you need to go back

Wait, fuck I was thinking about Dorne. Yeah the Reach is 2stronk.

>Skyrim 6
how old are you ?

Well the show is shit anyway so it'll probalby be lel euron Raided the reach now we can conquer them

I want to be excited, but I just can't be.

What's gonna happen is they'll make it like Fallout 4, talking PC, use the same style settlement building, and generic weapon modifications (put this premade blade on this premade hilt etc). The previous bethesda game is always an indicator of what to expect next, they always recycle ideas from the previous game, like skyrim had the dlc where you can build your own home, then FO4 took that idea and expanded it a bit for settlement building, next ES theyll go a bit further with it.


>Not realising it's a double bait
You gotta go back


No one cares about your shit game

>i dont care therefore nobody does even though i know its not true

i was baiting the baiters baiters idiot, get baited

>Skyrim 6

It's a weak bait but I enjoyed quite much

Could you atleast of the children?

But he just baited you by merely pretending not to realize you where baiting the baiters baiters

Reddit yourself you fucking newfags.

fuck off baiters

>Baiting redditor screaming bait at non-double reverse troll
Fucking execute yourself back to your subreddit